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19th World Meeting of 2 CV Friends 26 – 31 July 2011 Salbris France.

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Presentation on theme: "19th World Meeting of 2 CV Friends 26 – 31 July 2011 Salbris France."— Presentation transcript:


2 19th World Meeting of 2 CV Friends 26 – 31 July 2011 Salbris France

3 2CV World Meeting 2011 Some background data on 2 CV world meetings Our forecasts for the 2011 2 CV world meeting Planning ahead The organizing team Recent news The key points of our presentation

4 Data on past 2 CV worldmeetings

5 2CV World Meeting 2011 4 000 to 5 000 cars 8 000 to 11 000 participants Visitors stays extended over 6 weeks Several thousand visitors A wide media coverage A 450 000 budget Some forecasts

6 Welcome at French borders from 23 to 26 July 2011 Meeting in Salbris from 26 to 31 July 2011 Raids throughout France from 1 st to 7 August 2011

7 The main dates to the meeting July 2009 : first pre-registrations 31 December 2010 : end of pre-registrations a reduced rate Mid May 2011 : Rehearsal on site for the 300 volunteers Early July 2011 : start of build-up on the site 23 to 26 July 2011 : Welcome at French borders by local clubs 26 to 31 July 2011 : 19 th World Meeting of 2 CV Friends in Salbris 1 st to 7 August 2011 : Several raids throughout France for participants 1 st au 7 August 2011 : Clean-up of the site

8 Program from 26 to August 1 st 2011 26 July a.m. : opening of the site for pre- registered participants 26 July late afternoon : opening of the site for all participants 27 July : Opening Ceremony 30 July (late evening) closure of the 19 th 2 CV World Meeting, announcement of the 2015 organizing country and handover to the organizers of the 20th World Meeting in Spain August 1 st : closure of the meeting site

9 Program from 26 to July 31 st 2011 Every morning : spare parts flea market (for participants only). Every afternoon : regional animation and activities, live shows, spectacles. Every evening : live music shows, DJs and dance floor. Every day : professional booths, regional food and drink stalls, catering and restaurants, bars etc.…

10 An organizing association has been created : 2 CV France 2011 19th Worldmeeting of 2 CV friends 2011

11 President : Christian Courte (2 CV Club de lOrléanais) Vice-President : Frédéric Ozog (2 CV de Sologne) Secretary : Bruno Raffaelli (2 CV de Sologne) Deputy Secretary : Vincent Vaurillon (Deuche Auboise) Treasurer : Guillaume Carpentier (Nordeuche Club) Deputy Treasurer : Daniel De Bray (2 CV Club 92) 2 CV France 2011 : Board of Directors : 19th Worldmeeting of 2 CV friends 2011

12 Security Technical support and infrastructures Communication Reception of participants France 2011 : 9 action committees : Activities and recreation Reception of volunteers Food and professional dealers Borders reception and post-meeting raids Judicial and legal 19th Worldmeeting of 2 CV friends 2011

13 350 pre-registrations recorded to date (+100% over previous world meetings) The City of Salbris is increasing the size of the site lent for the meeting A working group with the City of Salbris has been set for all the actions with local and regional authorities Contacts have been made with South American and African 2 CV Clubs Some recent news

14 A new design for the website

15 19th Worldmeeting of 2 CV friends 2011

16 2CV World Meeting 2011 ACI Event of the year 2011 We thank the ACI for their excellent support.

17 2CV World Meeting 2011

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