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Community Supports Scheme 2018

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1 Community Supports Scheme 2018
Galway County Council

2 Introduction Support Scheme for Community Based Economic Development 2018 (Bernie Donnellan ) Support Scheme for Community Based Activities Amenities and Services 2018 (Kieran Coyne ) All Arts Supports 2018 (Sharon O’Grady ) Heritage Grants 2018 (Marie Mannion ) Irish Language Promotion Grants 2018 (Úna Ní Eidhin )

3 Support Scheme for Community Based Economic Development 2018
Support for Community Enterprise or Economic Development Projects Support of Tourism activities/events/facilities by community organisations Regional Festivals and Participative Events in Conjunction with Fáilte Ireland Initiatives and projects that support the 2018 designation Galway, West of Ireland has as a European Region of Gastronomy

4 Some Priorities in 2018 Jobs created – self sustaining
Jobs sustained in an area Events that attract/retain tourists in the area Activities that improve the attractiveness of an area as a location of employment Funding of €18,000 Received from Failte Ireland for Festival’s and Participative Events will now be administered  through Galway County Council’s Community Support Grant Scheme. All applications will be assessed on a case by case basis. Agricultural Shows which qualify and receive funding as allocated by the Minister for Rural & Community Development, Michael Ring TD for 2018,  will not be eligible for funding under the Community Support Grant Scheme.

5 Support Scheme for Community Based Amenities and Services 2018
Improving accessibility, fire safety, or energy efficiency of Community Facilities Fire/Accessibility/Energy Efficiency Support for Community Tidy Towns Initiatives and Community Amenity Initiatives. Small scale funding supports will be provided to community groups implementing Tidy Towns activities 3. Social Inclusion activities, services or equipment This funding provides support for community & voluntary groups to carry out activities or services to assist disadvantaged or excluded groups i.e. Young Persons, Older Persons, Travellers, Unemployed, Lone Parents, People with a Disability, LGBT people, Ethnic Minorities to name but a few. Purchase of equipment will be considered if it is demonstrated that it will benefit one or more of these disadvantaged groups. Funding for refreshments will not be considered in any application. Social outings such as day trips or lunches will not be considered.

6 Support Scheme for Community Based Amenities and Services 2018
4. Arts Supports (Further slides on this category to follow) Support for Heritage activities of Schools, Heritage, Cultural Heritage and Community Organisation Projects which demonstrate heritage best practice can be replicated elsewhere in the county, have significant community involvement and show innovation will be considered for funding Support for initiatives or activities of Schools, Community & Voluntary Organisations promoting or increasing the use of the Irish Language Innovative projects specific to the promotion of the Irish Language or increasing the use of the Irish Language will be considered for funding

7 Support for Arts and Cultural Activities of Community, Voluntary and Professional Arts Organisations under the Arts Act 2003 This grant scheme is intended to provide financial assistance to community, voluntary and professional organisations engaged in the practice or promotion of the arts in Galway County. Grant assistance may be awarded where applications meet the artistic and financial requirements set down by Galway County Council. The principles governing the operation of the Arts Grant Scheme under the Community Support Scheme are set out in the 2003 Arts Act which enables a Local Authority to make financial or other assistance available for the purposes of (a) stimulating public interest in the arts, (b) promoting the knowledge, experience and practice of the arts or (c) improving standards in the arts in the county.

8 Tyrone Guthrie Centre Residency Scheme
This award is designed to support the creative and professional development of practicing artists living in County Galway through a two week working period spent at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre A maximum of two bursaries may be awarded in 2018 The application must be accompanied by a professional resume and a reasonable sample of the artist's work Applicants must clearly outline what they wish to accomplish through this award

9 Individual Artists Bursaries Awards 2018
Funding will be allocated towards: Development of new work (recording, exhibitions, residency, publication)

10 General Comments on Community Support Schemes 2018
Financial support is small scale – Total Indicative budget for Community Supports 2018 is €230,000 in addition to Heritage and Irish Language funding Groups have to match financial supports of Community Support Scheme In some cases funds will have to be drawndown 12 weeks from the letter of offer issued to successful applicants Assessment is based on content of your application

11 Some Deadlines Closing date for applications
4pm on Thursday March 1st 2018

12 Advice on completing application form
Purpose of programme is to assist economic, social and cultural Development Fill in all relevant sections Provide additional information where relevant Photographs/existing publications/existing activity Indicate the capacity of your group Don’t presume we know your group or your group’s activity Indicate clear deliverables – what will be the outcome Be realistic - match grant request to our funding amounts Provide evidence to justify your costs Contact us in advance – we can assist you Sign the application and it is advised that your application is in type form for clarity If ing max size that can be received is 3MB

13 Assessment If relevant does your project create/sustain employment?
How does the project contribute to greater social inclusion in your area? Does this project increase the range of community services in your area? Have you provided evidence of your group having, or being able to provide, matching funding? Have you shown that your group has the ability to deliver the project you are proposing? Have you included supporting documentation where it is relevant (community plans, evidence of insurance, quotations to justify the costs you have included in your application)? What groups in your area will be addressed by this project? (i.e. young people, children, older people etc and why are these groups a priority for your community group) In the case of the proposal you should indicate how it will achieve the purpose of the funding scheme Credit is given for the overall quality of your application including presentation

14 Our commitment Efficient processing of your application. Target is to present to March Council meeting – Notice to groups early April In some cases groups will have 12 weeks to drawdown their grant from the letter of offer date. This will be specified in the letter of offer Efficient processing of your drawdown (if given a drawdown deadline and you meet this) On-going communication

15 Contact details Community, Enterprise and Economic Development Unit,
Galway County Council, County Buildings Prospect Hill Galway /509575 Deadline: 4pm Thursday March 1st 2018

16 Other Community Supports
Bealtaine in Galway Festival Takes place in May. It celebrates creativity in older age Events such as music and dance sessions, poetry and craft days, art and photography exhibitions, storytelling and theatric performances happen throughout the month all over County Galway Galway County Council are now inviting groups to hold an event and have it included in the Bealtaine brochure Events usually have little or no cost involved, however, funding is available through the Community Support Scheme if needed.   Information leaflets available here this evening or from

17 Other Community Supports
Town & Village Renewal Scheme The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is an initiative under the Government’s Action Plan for Rural Development, Realising our Rural Potential, and is part of a package of national and local support measures to rejuvenate rural towns and villages throughout Ireland. The Town and Village Renewal Scheme for County Galway will be funded by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and will be administered through Galway County Council. There has been no announcement regarding the 2018 Programme as of yet CLÁR The CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) programme is a targeted investment programme which provides funding for small scale infrastructural projects in rural areas that have suffered the greatest levels of population decline. The aim of CLÁR is to support the sustainable development of identified CLÁR areas by attracting people to live and work there.  The funding works in conjunction with local funding and on the basis of locally identified priorities.

18 Other Initiatives Galway, West of Ireland has been designated a European Region of Gastronomy in The European Region of Gastronomy award aims to contribute to better quality of life in European regions, by highlighting distinctive food cultures, educating for better health and sustainability and stimulating gastronomic innovation. For further information please visit , or follow our updates on Galway’s is a designated European Capital of Culture 2020 with further information on Galway has received the designated as a European Capital of Culture in The bid represents an opportunity for us to come together as a community, to reflect On the uniqueness of our Galway culture and the richness, vitality and diversity Of our shared European culture. More excitingly, this bid represents an Opportunity for us to collectively re-imagine and work together to create a better, more vibrant and creative Galway of the future. or Phone contact is

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