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13.20 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) Spectroscopy

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1 13.20 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) Spectroscopy
Gives information about conjugated p electron systems 1

2 Transitions between electron energy states
gaps between electron energy levels are greater than those between vibrational levels gap corresponds to wavelengths between 200 and 800 nm DE = hn 2

3 X-axis is wavelength in nm (high energy at left, low energy at right)
Conventions in UV-VIS X-axis is wavelength in nm (high energy at left, low energy at right) lmax is the wavelength of maximum absorption and is related to electronic makeup of molecule— especially p electron system Y axis is a measure of absorption of electromagnetic radiation expressed as molar absorptivity (e) 3

4 UV Spectrum of cis,trans-1,3-cyclooctadiene
2000 Molar absorptivity (e) lmax 230 nm emax 2630 1000 Wavelength, nm 4

5 pÆp* Transition in cis,trans-1,3-cyclooctadiene
LUMO y3* DE = hn y2 HOMO y1 Most stable p-electron configuration p-Electron configuration of excited state 5

6 pÆp* Transition in Alkenes
HOMO-LUMO energy gap is affected by substituents on double bond as HOMO-LUMO energy difference decreases (smaller DE), lmax shifts to longer wavelengths 5

7 Methyl groups on double bond cause lmax to shift to longer wavelengths
Table (p 525) Methyl groups on double bond cause lmax to shift to longer wavelengths H H H CH3 C C H CH3 H H lmax 170 nm lmax 188 nm 5

8 Table (p 525) Extending conjugation has a larger effect on lmax; shift is again to longer wavelengths H H H H C C H C H H H H H lmax 170 nm lmax 217 nm 5

9 lmax 217 nm (conjugated diene)
Table (p 525) H C lmax 217 nm (conjugated diene) C H CH3 H3C lmax 263 nm conjugated triene plus two methyl groups 5

10 orange-red pigment in tomatoes
Lycopene orange-red pigment in tomatoes lmax 505 nm 5

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