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Advance Internet search Techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Advance Internet search Techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advance Internet search Techniques

2 Search techniques intitle: Description Search command
The text must be in the web page title. Intitle:“social Studies”

3 Title Search Try a title search! Title Search- Retrieves the specified word or phrase in the webpage title which appears in the title bar on the browser. 3 3 3 3

4 Title Search Results NOTE
Social studies is in the title of all results’ descriptions; one refers to social studies and the Web. 4 4 4 4

5 intitle:”special education” AND (“legal terms” AND glossary)
Finding a Glossary intitle:”special education” AND (“legal terms” AND glossary) Glossary - An alphabetical list of terms, limited to a special area of knowledge, with accompanying definitions. The terminology of a profession Recommendation - Use the terms in search queries 5

6 Search techniques intitle: site: Description Search command
The text must be in the web page title. Intitle:“social Studies” site: Only shows web site with this address. Site:com site:edu

7 Top Level Domains (TLDs)
Purpose .com Commercial .edu Educational .gov Government .mil Military .net Network .org Organization .us United States 7 7 7 7

8 What's a Domain Name worth?
Tuvalu sold the rights to the .tv TLD to dotTV, a Canadian company which has sold over 50,000 .tv domain names for prices ranging from $100 to $1 million Tuvalu received $4million per year for ten years For rights to .TV

9 Why limit the search to a TLD?
A result that might not be returned high in the rankings for a search of all TLDs may be in the top results for a domain-limited search. 9 9

10 Top Level Domains TLD Purpose .aero Air-transport Industry .biz
Businesses .jobs Employment-related .cat Catalan Language and Culture .museum Museums .coop Cooperatives .name Individuals .info Informational .pro Accountants, Lawyers, and Physicians .int International Treaty Organizations .travel Travel Industry 10 10 10 10

11 .edu Domain-limited Search
REMEMBER Search queries can be limited to any top level domain or country code top level domain. Top Level Domain-limited Search - Restricts the results to the Top Level Domain stated in the query; for example, .edu, .gov, .info, .net, .org, or .us. 11 11 11 11

12 .edu Domain-limited Search Results
NOTE All results are .edu sites. Course syllabi are often returned with .edu limited searches. 12 12 12 12

13 Site-limited Search Site-limited Search - Restrict the results to a Virginia school division website. The .us makes the query a site-limited search. 13 13 13 13

14 Site-limited Search Results
RECOMMENDATION If a website description has the word resources, view the site. 14 14 14 14

15 Search techniques intitle: site: inurl: Description Search command
The text must be in the web page title. Intitle:“social Studies” site: Only shows web site with this address. Site:com site:edu inurl: The text must appear in the web address Inurl:k12 inurl:advancedplacement

16 inurl: Web Address (the URL)
URL – Uniform Resource Locator The standard addressing scheme for the Web. The Web language to transfer files Domain Server Name Name of the Resource (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Type of Internet Server Top Level Domain Path and File Name www. teachersrcool .org /research /K12.html 16 16 16 16

17 URL-limited Search I admit this search is verging on the geekie! inurl:advancedplacement AND “social studies" URL - A string of characters that describes the type and location of an Internet resource. 17 17 17 17

18 URL-limited Search Results
NOTE advanced placement is in the URL of all the results. 18 18 18 18

19 Search techniques intitle: site: inurl: link: inanchor: Description
Search command Description intitle: The text must be in the web page title. Intitle:“social Studies” site: Only shows web site with this address. Site:com site:edu inurl: The text must appear in the web address Inurl:k12 inurl:advancedplacement link: Show other web pages that use this link. inanchor: Terms must appear in the anchor text of links to the page

20 Link Checking: Why do it?
Quality sites link to other quality sites Link popularity search engines Effective search technique Indication of web site credibility (Sometimes!) Wanna see my link to Harvard? 20 20 20 20

21 Verifying Site Credibility
21 21 21 21

22 Verifying Site Credibility
What domain-limited check will verify the real World Trade Organization site? 22 22 22 22

23 Verifying Site Credibility
23 23 23 23

24 Verifying Site Credibility
24 24 24 24

25 Link Checking Conclusions
Tell me again why I am doing link checks! Quality sites link to other quality sites. Sites link to amplify the content of the source page. Link checking is analogous to citation searching. Link checking may be an indication of website credibility. Citations! 25 25 25 25

26 Other search parameters
“” Double quotes searches for a phrase “Mustang convertible” + AND Only display websites that have this Keyword Mustang +Car _ Don’t display websites that have this Keyword Mustang -horse OR Displays websites that have either Keyword Mustang and horse or car

27 Don’t forget to enclose me in double “quotation marks.”
Phrase Search Don’t forget to enclose me in double “quotation marks.” Phrase Search (“double quotes”) – A phrase is more than one keyword. Google searches for the exact phrase; the search engine must return documents with the terms in the exact order. 27 27 27 27

28 Phrase Search Results 28 28 28 28

29 How Search Engines Determine Relevance
Factor Rank Keyword Use in Title of the Webpage (Placing the targeted search term or phrase in the title tag of the web page's HTML header) 1 Global Link Popularity of Site (The overall link weight/authority as measured by link quality and quantity from sites across the Web) 2 Anchor Text of Inbound Links (Text description of a link) 3 Link Popularity within the Site's Internal Link Structure (The number and importance of internal links pointing to the target page) 4 Age of Site (The launch of indexable content seen by the search engines) 5 29 29

30 How Search Engines Determine Relevance
Factor Rank Topical Relevance of Inbound Links To Site (The subject-specific relationship between the sites/pages linking to the target page and the target keyword) 6 Link Popularity of Site in Topical Community (The link weight/authority of the target website amongst its topical peers in the online world) 7 Keyword Use in Body Text (Using the targeted search term in the visible, HTML text of the page) 8 Global Link Popularity of Linking Site (The reputation of the linking site) 9 Rate of New Inbound Links to Site (The frequency and timing of external sites linking to a site) 10 30 30

31 Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLD)
Countries with the Highest Number of Internet Users 1. USA 6. United Kingdom (.uk) 2. China (.cn) 7. Korea (.kr) 3. Japan (.jp) 8. Brazil (.br) 4. Germany (.de) 9. France (.fr) 5. India (.in) 10. Italy (.it) 31 31 31 31

32 FYI Not all nations use the .edu (educational) top level domain.
Some use the second level domain .ac. (academic) to designate any academic organization, including museums and research institutions. Germany uses .uni- France and Switzerland do not maintain a second level domain specifically for academic institutions. 32 32

33 Web Searching Summary Select your topic
Search for a glossary if you are unfamiliar with the subject area Begin with a title field search using the vocabulary of the profession Refine the search with a: Boolean AND/ +; NOT/ - Boolean OR expression 33 33 33 33

34 Web Searching Summary Further refine the search to a top level domain or a country code Don’t forget to limit to the .info and .net TDLs Do a k12 inurl search to and a site-limited search Also try specialized searches URL-limited search - Search terms in the Web address Anchor text search – Descriptive text of a link 34 34

35 I am the term used by educators.
Summation Use more than one search tool. Ask Google MSN Yahoo! Look at more than the first ten results Review any result that has these words in the description. links resources web sites webliography I am the term used by educators. 35 35 35 35

36 Summation To Find Print Sources To Find Web Sites
AND “annotated bibliography” AND “case studies” AND guides AND “literature review” AND “reading lists” AND references AND sources AND “white papers” To Find Web Sites AND links AND resources” AND sites OR “web sites” OR websites AND sources AND webliography 36 36 36 36

37 Summation Do link checks to relevant sites to find other useful sites.
Yahoo – not Google! Evaluate, evaluate, and evaluate. Bookmark, bookmark, and bookmark. FURL ( Portaportal ( Collaborate, share, collaborate. 37 37 37 37

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