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Structure, Polarity & Physical Properties

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Presentation on theme: "Structure, Polarity & Physical Properties"— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure, Polarity & Physical Properties
Supplemental packet handouts

2 The order of stability often parallels the bond order; 3, 2, 1.
Supplemental packet page 92 triple bond ~80% inert double bond ~20% supports combustion single bond trace explosive The order of stability often parallels the bond order; 3, 2, 1. Stability is directly related to bond energy. Bond energy is defined as the amount of energy required to break a bond holding two atom together. triple bond > double bond > single bond Bond order Strength strongest weakest

3 Supplemental packet page 92

4 Supplemental packet page 93
bond dipole

5 NONpolar molecules DON’T have a NET DIPOLE Polar molecules have a
Supplemental packet page 93 B. Molecular Polarity - A molecule is polar if 1. its centers of positive and negative charge do not coincide a molecule behaves as a dipole a 3. possesses a dipole moment. NONpolar molecules DON’T have a NET DIPOLE Polar molecules have a NET DIPOLE

6 Balloon Bending Water Demostration

7 really sticking around solids at 25°C
Supplemental packet page 93 really sticking around strong physical attractions solids at 25°C sticking around moderate physical attractions liquid at 25°C when tempers flare weak physical attractions gases at 25°C The strength of a physical attraction between molecules will determine how tolerant a molecule is of temperature

8 Changes in Physical State
The addition of thermal energy (when tempers flare) • causes changes in physical state • physical attractions change NOT chemical bonds as (temperature) thermal energy is added to a substance

9 polar molecules are high boiling than nonpolar molecules
Supplemental packet page 94 polar molecules are high boiling than nonpolar molecules hydrogen bonding > dipole-dipole Water (l) is higher boiling than HCl(g)

10 Supplemental packet page 99

11 Study this graph and view the physical properties powerpoint
Supplemental packet page 96 Study this graph and view the physical properties powerpoint Also work the problems on supplemental packet page 97.

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