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P17082 Biomechanical Elbow Model

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1 P17082 Biomechanical Elbow Model
Maria Romero-Creel, Shannon Keenan, Chris Harley, Amanda Cook

2 Agenda Project Background Team Vision Project Summary Use Cases
Customer Requirements Engineering Requirements HOQ Constraints Benchmarking Risk Assessment Plans and Schedule Concerns and Issues

3 Team Members Maria F. Romero-Creel Member Role Communicator
Amanda Cook Project Lead Christopher Harley Engineering Lead Shannon Keenan Facilitator

4 Project Background BIME 391, PASCO structure sets are used to model a single arm muscle (bicep) for static and dynamic biomechanics testing. Through electromyography (EMG) experiments in class, it was found that the effort measured on the bicep muscle is dependent on the position of the hand during flexion (pronated, supinated, and neutral). A new model in which the relationship between three arm muscles and the position of the hand during flexion is desired to allow BIME 391 students to compare to these EMG experiments.

5 Team Vision Team goal - to create an accurate and physically relevant arm model capable of measuring forces and muscle attachment angles of three arm muscles during elbow flexion and wrist movement (pronation, supination, and neutral). Our MSD team will work together to - Research potential solutions - Generate new ideas - Obtain relevant human test results - Create new design revisions - Communicate with customer to create a final product that will be placed in a classroom setting for use by RIT students.

6 Project Summary Current State Desired State Deliverables
PASCO setup that models the bicep as a string Only focuses on the movement done by the bicep Desired State Model of the elbow with the 3 primary muscles that work as a system for elbow, wrist movement Easy to work with (store, operate, assemble, maintain, etc.) Allows students to understand the function of the muscles, impact of joint position in biomechanics Deliverables Complete a functional prototype 12 models for a full class of students as a final goal Final proofs, data on the appropriateness of the model Appropriate documentation Run through test of lab course procedure Technical paper, poster

7 Use Cases

8 Customer Requirements
Category Customer Requirement # Importance Description Comments Functional CR1 9 Accurately measure applied force by each of the three muscles CR2 Measure relevant angles that change during arm movement CR3 Able to safetly handle loads up to 500g CR4 Muscle attachments must be anatomically accurate CR5 Model is able to hold positions without direct human interaction CR6 6 Able to physically model all positions for an average human adult CR7 Should be easily assembled / dissasembled (<15min) or no dissasembly required Assembled by students or TA CR8 3 User friendly software interface Portable CR9 1 Should fit into a 2ft x 2ft space CR10 Easily stored and transportable Will be stored in classroom

9 Engineering Requirements
Rqmt. # Importance Source Function Engineering Requirement (Metric) Unit of Measure Ideal Value Marginal Value Direction of Improvement Comments/ Status Test (Verifying Satisfaction) ER 1 9 CR1 Mechanical Force of Muscle a Kg ±3% of avg adult ±5% of avg adult Minimize difference need more research for exact values scale/ force meter ER 2 Force of Muscle b ER 3 Force of Muscle c ER 4 CR2 Angles at each position Degrees ±5% of target angles Protractor/ angle finder and a ruler/ calipers ER 5 CR3 Max Load 500 50 Maximize Force guage ER 6 CR4 Biomechanical Muscle attachment position on structure cm/ deg Ruler/Caliper ER 7 CR5 Deviation from desired position 0cm from desired position ±1cm of desired position Ruler/Protractor ER 8 CR6 Number of positions possible position 3 Three wrist positions Number ER 9 CR7 Usability Time required for assembly min 15 5 Minimize >15 min or no dissasembly stopwatch ER 10 CR8 Number of data points easily accesible on software interface kg/deg 7 ±3 At least three forces easily accesible ER 11 CR9 Final size of model ft 2ftx2ft ± 0.5ft Should fit on lab tables Ruler ER 12 CR 10 Number of parts on final model parts/model 2 N/A Should be easiy transported

10 House of Quality

11 Constraints Constraints Description Size
Must fit in a 2ft X2 ft. space Software Use software that is available in lab space (Capstone, Matlab, or LabVIEW) Budget 500 dollars with some wiggle room if a strong case can be made Assembly Easy to assemble in about 15 minutes

12 Benchmark Analysis Product Parameters Simulates 3 muscles of the bicep
Simulates 3 muscles of the bicep Simulates Different Wrist Positions Amount of Weight that can be Lifted Ability to Measure the Effort of Each Muscle Footprint Anatomically Accurate Repeatable Results Difficulty Concerns Price Our Elbow Model Yes 1.1lbs 2ft x 2ft Anatomically correct set up of all 3 bicep muscles Angles and attachment points accuracy Unknown Current Pasco Arm Model Only 1 muscle No Not difficult/ straightforward Only includes one muscles and does not agree with EMG data N/A Pasco Model ME-6807A Level of learning the equipment is high $589 EMG Data Unlimited Attaching electrodes to isolate each muscle in the bicep Prone to error is not performed on proper muscle Minimal (disposable electrodes)

13 Risk Assessment ID Risk Item Effect Cause Likelihood Severity
Importance Action to Minimize Risk Owner 1 Getting the model to be anatomically correct If it is not close it would invalidate the results Difficulty in getting the measurments for the proper geometry. String muscles not accurate representation 3 9 27 Do extensive testing and modeling as well as research to verify design geometry Amanda  2 Weak or imbalanced structure Could make the lab unsafe for students light weight building materials or improper structure Keep in mind the leverage force in the system, consider wighting the bottom Chris  Method of changing the muscle focus may fail/ be challenging to design Could throw off all the results Poor design or sensative material Design it to be robust and do research 4 Budget risk Would cause issues getting parts More expensive than expected Keep close eye on how much we buy. If we need more we can ask for more.  Amanda 5 Time to build units Could mean that we fall short of our goal of 9 units Too much work not enough time Keep a close eye on how long it takes to make all the units Shannon  6 Mechanical failure from adding weight Could cause minor unjuries if weight falls on toes or muscle snaps and hits eyes Fatigue or parts that are not strong enough Over design components to handle more than the 500 grams  Chris

14 Plans & Schedule Key MSD 1 Module Tasks Weeks 4-7 & Beyond
WBS Task Name Duration Week % Complete September 7-13 September 14-20 September 21-27 Sep/October 28-4 Key MSD 1 Module Tasks Weeks 4-7 & Beyond Black = Review Problem definition review 1 day 3 Green = Class Topic Functional Decomposition 2 days 4 Red = Research Review procedure of current lab (do a run through if possible) Orange = Communication, Contacts Benchmarking 7 days Blue = Biolab work Discuss access to lab space and material w/ Dr. Bailey Yellow = Mechanical work Get computer model from contact Purple = Budgeting, Purchasing Determine placement for electrodes on human subject Collect human EMG data Engineering Analysis Collect data on human dimensions, range of motion, etc. Concept Generation 5 Research literature, other universities' solutions Research biomechanical principals of the arm 3 days Research other elbow/wrist modeling systems 1 days Consult RIT athletic trainers for lesson on bicep biomechanics Consult individuals w/ biomechanics experience (Professors, TA's, tutors, etc.) Consult PA students 3 day Concept Selection Obtain air muscle to use and test Interview previous students & TA's about their experience Systems Architecture Reverse engineer current model Risk assesment 6 days 6 Research possible alt. to PASCO Test strength limits, material properties of PASCO parts Analyze budget, plan costs and expenses Research and test PASCO sensors & software Test Plan 7 Systems Design Review Hold periodic meetings for updates and review prep On Going Update EDGE page Send updates to team guide before design reviews Moving Forward Draw first technical draft Design gear system to tighten or loosen tension on strings work on tentative lab procedure Finalize CAD models Calculate angles & string tensions to match EMG data Create first model in solidworks

15 Project Plan Highlights
Research Review current lab procedure Consult experts, students, trainers, etc Search other modeling solutions Bio Benchmarking EMG on human Angles, range of motion for human Mechanical Benchmarking Materials testing Air muscle testing

16 Concerns and Issues Model Data and EMG data matching Conduct our own EMG experiment and compare to our data Average data from previous experiments Will not be able to finish all models due to time or budget constrains.

17 Questions?

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