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Cyber Security Automation

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Security Automation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Security Automation
Jonathan Borgesen 6/28/2018 Cyber Security Automation And where it’s taking us

2 Where we are today

3 Today’s Threat Landscape

4 Skills gap

5 Impact of workforce shortage

6 Challenges


8 Outcome of the challenges

9 2017 data breach statistics
Globally, 2017 was the first year publicly disclosed breaches surpassed more than two billion compromised data records since the Breach Level Index began tracking data breaches in 2013 2017, 3.24 million records were stolen, lost or exposed which stands 783% increase from 2016.

10 What does the future hold?

11 Evolving threats “Elon Musk recently made headlines for suggesting we should be more worried about AI than North Korea. Musk’s comment speaks to the risk of robots playing games and beating humans. It also reinforces fears that the human brain can’t outperform or keep pace with certain kinds of automation.”


13 What Can be done?

14 The need for automation

15 Where security is going

16 Where to start off Start with a simple approach where automation can be easily implemented and where organizations will realize immediate ROI – including reduced mean time to detect (MTTD) and mean time to resolution (MTTR). Focus on automating tasks and orchestrate incident response. Leverage external threat intelligence to improve the efficacy of security technologies and incident response processes.

17 How do we aling

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