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Emile Durkheim Perspective Functionalist He wrote

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1 Emile Durkheim Perspective Functionalist 1858-1917 He wrote
Moral Education (1961) Functionalist Perspective A structuralist, macro approach to the role of education in society. KEY CONCEPT: Social solidarity SUMMARY OF THEORY: A major function of education is transmission of society’s norms and values * Without similar attitudes in people, social life would be impossible Education, particularly the teaching of history, provides links between the individual and society. Children will come to see that they are part of something larger than themselves they will develop a sense of commitment to the social group. * School makes children learn to co-operate with other members of society besides friends and family, it is like a mini society. * Education also teaches children skills for their future roles. RESEARCH METHOD: this was what we call ‘Armchair theorising’ because Durkheim didn’t actually carry out empirical research…he was simply expressing his opinion based on his functionalist beliefs. WEAKNESSES: Durkheim assumes the norms and values transmitted by the education system are those of society as a whole, rather than those of a ruling elite or ruling class.

2 A structuralist, macro approach to the role of education in society.
Talcott Parsons He wrote The school as a social system (1961) Functionalist A structuralist, macro approach to the role of education in society. KEY CONCEPTS: Focal socializing agency; particularistic and universalistic standards; ascribed/achieved status; meritocracy; role allocation. SUMMARY OF THEORY: [ School acts as a bridge between the family and society, preparing children for their adult roles [ School prepares children for the transition between their particularistic standards and ascribed status of the family to the universalistic standards and achieved status of society [ Status is achieved on the basis of merit (or worth) [ Advanced, industrial society requires a highly motivated, achievement-orientated workforce. By using the principle of differential reward for differential achievement, this value is instilled in a society [ Schools match children to occupations based on aptitude and achievement. RESEARCH METHOD: this was what we call ‘Armchair theorising’ because Parsons didn’t actually carry out empirical research, he was simply expressing his opinion based on his functionalist beliefs. WEAKNESSES: The idea of meritocracy is undermined by the statistical patterns which show that not all children have equal chances of success. Like Durkheim, Parsons fail to recognise that the value consensus may be that of the ruling elite.

3 Louis Althusser Marxist He wrote for marx. 1969.
A structuralist, macro approach to the role of education in a capitalist society. KEY CONCEPTS: ideological state apparatus. SUMMARY OF THEORY: In modern society the education system has largely replaced the church as the main agency for ideological control. The ruling class cannot hold power for long simply by the use of force. Ideological control through influencing the way people think, is the most effective way for the ruling class to maintain power over the subject class. Schools transmit an ideology which states that capitalism is just and reasonable Schools prepare pupils to accept their future exploitation. Pupils who become managers and decision makers through their qualifications which legitimates their power over others. RESEARCH METHOD: this was what we call ‘Armchair theorising’ because Althusser didn’t actually carry out empirical research, he was simply expressing his opinion based on his Marxist beliefs. WEAKNESSES: his work lacks empirical support.

4 Bowles & Gintis Marxist They wrote
Schooling in capitalist america Marxist A structuralist, macro approach to the role of education in a capitalist society. KEY CONCEPTS: Correspondence principle; hidden curriculum; subservient workforce; acceptance of hierarchy; ‘jug and mug’ principle; fragmentation; myth of meritocracy; motivation by external rewards. SUMMARY OF THEORY: There is close correspondence between the ways in which people and children are treated in the workplace and the school. This is to get children used to their future exploitation. It achieves this through the hidden curriculum. By maintaining power over children, teachers are training children to become a subservient and docile workforce who will not challenge the power of capitalism. The fragmentation of the school day and subjects corresponds to the fragmentation of the workforce. By keeping workers unaware of the overall running of a business, they cannot use this knowledge to set up in competition. RESEARCH METHOD: they conducted a study based on 237 members of the senior year in a New York high school. WEAKNESSES: Truancy rates and behavioural issues show children are not docile and unquestioning. Also, can we apply findings of the American education system to the British one?

5 Sue Sharpe She wrote Just Like a Girl. 1994 Feminism A structuralist, macro approach to the role of education in a patriarchal society. KEY CONCEPTS: Girls’ aspirations. SUMMARY OF THEORY: * The sample of girls interviewed in the 1970s expressed a preference for feminised jobs such as nursing and shop assistants and their roles as wives and mothers while the sample from the 1990s stated they were more career focused in traditionally male sectors * Girls from the 1990s were also more focused on their financial independence from men and were more likely to see education as a means to this financial independence because it gives them greater opportunities to secure a career. RESEARCH METHOD: this was a longitudinal, comparative study which used an interview technique to elicit qualitative data. By using two samples from two different time periods, Sharpe was able to show how there had been changes in girls’ aspirations. WEAKNESSES: was her sample representative of the British population of young females? 27

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