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Welcome to Back to School Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night!
Mrs. Lundstrom’s Class 3rdGrade-Room 31 Chester W. Morrison Elementary School 2015/2016 School Year

2 Communication Website ( CWM, Teachers/Staff
(personal classroom website) Class Dojo (see handout for instructions) Remind


4 M, Tu., Th., F Schedule P.E. Monday & Thursday 7:50-8:20
7:40-8:00 Morning Assignments 8:00-9:00 Math 9:00-9:45 Language Arts 9:45-10:03 Recess 10:03-11:30 Language Arts 11:30-12: Lunch 12:15-12:45 ELD/ Silent Reading 12:45-1:45 Social Studies/Science 1:45-2:04 Homework/Pack Up 2:04 Dismissal (M, Tu., Th., F) P.E Monday & Thursday 7:50-8:20 Friday 1:20-2:00  Music 8:00

5 Wednesday’s Schedule 7:40-8:30 Math 8:30-9:00 Library
7:40-8:30 Math 8:30-9:00 Library 9:00-9:30 Computer Lab 9:95-9:45 Recess 9:45-11: Language Arts 11:15-12: Lunch 12:00-12: Language Arts 12: Dismissal

6 Library/Computer Lab Wednesdays Library Computer Lab 2 AR books
At their level Computer Lab Typing Club Chrome books-in class Letter coming soon!

7 Students are tested at the beginning of each semester to determine their AR level.
Students choose two books at their level at the library and take tests on these books each week. Students will have AR goals each semester with incentives for those who meet their goal. Please check student progress using Home Connect found on the CWM website.

8 The username and password are the same as your student’s AR log in in the classroom.


10 Classroom Management School Rules CWM Citizenship Consequences Rewards
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe CWM Citizenship Consequences Note/ /call home, miss recess, lunch detention, write a reflection Rewards Gold nuggets, table points, class points, Students of the Week

11 Character Program Inch and Miles The Journey to Success
By Coach John Wooden Each month students will be taught a character trait. Students will be doing writing assignments and other activities throughout the month based on this character. August - Hard Work September - Skill October - Cooperation November Self-Control December - Friendship January - Enthusiasm February - Determination March - Confidence April - Action May - Poise

12 Common Core Integrated learning-social studies and science concepts will be taught through reading and writing. Non-fiction texts will be an emphasis in reading and writing. All genres will be addressed-non fiction, fiction, poetry, biography, folktales, and fables Math will be heavily concentrated in multiplication and fraction concept development. We are using Number Talks , Context for Learning Units, and Eureka Math for curriculum. Tests will be different-student will demonstrate understanding through short answers, multiple choice, explaining, and performance tasks. (real life scenarios)

13 Pathway: MUSD Units of Study for English Language Arts and Math
Goal: MUSD teachers endeavor to ensure that our students are college and career ready. Key standards, concepts, skills, and strategies build on each other year after year for our students, ultimately leading to our district goal… Assessments within the units prepare students for the end of the year SBAC exam. Built on the Common Core Standards by Menifee Teachers Pathway: MUSD Units of Study for English Language Arts and Math

14 More information

15 Tested Weekly (unless a short week)
Students will be sorting words to practice spelling patterns (Words Their Way) Students will be sorting words in class and for homework. Words will be in a bag, and you can also find these on my website. Sorts include: peeking, no peeking, speed, rule


17 Attendance & Assignments
Students are responsible for making up missing assignments. When absent- students will be expected to turn in missed work upon the next day after returning to school-unless excused absences for multiple days then students will be given more days to complete Make up work will not be given for unexcused absences. Please notify me if you know your child is going to be absent so assigned work can be given to complete while gone.

18 Supplies In addition to personal students supplies, we can always use and greatly appreciate donations of: copy paper or colored paper hand sanitizer baby wipes or antibacterial wipes dry erase markers pencils post-it Notes sandwich bags glue sticks and white glue

19 Homework 20 minutes of Reading (daily) Other assignments may include:
Spelling Activities/Sorts Math Review Studying for skill development & assessments Projects Please remember to check & sign the agenda every school night!

20 Homework Policy Should promote timely practice of skills mastered in class as well as reading practice Practice could consist of web-based activities, word sorts for spelling, short math assignments where students explain how they solve problems, and research for writing assignments. Homework should not be expected every night in every subject Recognizing that quality of homework is more important than quantity, the following guidelines for homework are suggested and are inclusive of reading practice and studying for tests: Grades K-3: approx minutes a night Grades 4-8: approx minutes a night


22 Other Information PTA - $8 College Bound Friday (CBF)- Questions?
First Friday of every month-Go Irish! Questions?

23 Thank you so much for coming!
I look forward to a successful year with your children!

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