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Course Registration Grades 9-11

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1 Course Registration 2018-19 Grades 9-11
Feb March 9, 2018

2 Friday, March 9th is the deadline for you to choose classes!

3 Watch & listen carefully - how to choose classes:
*Repeat the video if needed


5 Link to the Course Catalog - (descriptions of classes):
Course descriptions start on page 16 of the iBook version. Make sure to read about the courses you’re interested in before coming to meet with us.

6 Many of our elective options can be found here:

7 Do Not List the same Course 3 or more Times. It won’t help you
Do Not List the same Course 3 or more Times! It won’t help you. Choose 3 different alternates. You can rank your choices, though. Put #1 by your top choice, #2 by your second choice, etc.


9 Don’t Click “Post” Until You’re Sure
Once you click “post” you can’t get back into Aspen to change your course selections.

10 Course Progression Charts
English Science Math Social Studies Fine Art CTE

11 L&N STEM Academy English Progression for 2018-19
9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade English 1 CP English 2 CP English 3 CP English 4 CP Dual Enrollment English 1010* AP English Literature *Dual Enrollment is available at Pellissippi Community College, other community colleges, or UT. AP Language Combined (with AP US History) English 1 Honors English 2 Honors All students will start in CP. Those wishing to receive Honors credit will do the assignments required in the fall semester. Dotted lines indicate that students are not stuck in one track or another. Grades and grit can determine if a student moves from CP to Honors or from Honors to CP each year.

12 L&N STEM Academy Science Progression for 2018-19
9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Atmospheric, Earth, and Planetary Science (AEPS) CP Chemistry 1 CP Biology 1 CP L&N STEM Academy requires a 4th year of science. Science electives for senior year include choices of: Geology Astronomy Anatomy & Physiology Organic Biochemistry Honors Microbiology Physics Honors AP Environmental Science (APES) AP Physics 1 AP Computer Science AP Chemistry & Chemistry 2 H AP Biology & Biology 2 H * Chemistry 1 Honors Biology 1 Honors Atmospheric, Earth, and Planetary Science (AEPS) Honors Physics Honors OR AP Computer Principles Typically AP Chem 2 & H Chem 2 Chemistry 1 Honors Biology 1 Honors OR AP Bio & H Bio 2 Biology and 2 additional lab sciences are required for graduation. AEPS, Chemistry or Physics are classes that would meet those requirements. OR A class from the 12th grade list

13 L&N STEM Academy Math Progression for 2018-19
9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Integrated Math 1 CP Integrated Math 2 CP Algebra 2 CP The state of Tennessee requires a 4th year of math, even if you have doubled up in previous years. Math electives for senior year include choices of: Statistics AP Statistics Calculus AP Calculus A/B AP Calculus B/C Applied Mathematical Concepts AP Physics Physics AP Computer Science AP Computer Science Principles Integrated Math 2 Honors Algebra 2 Honors Integrated Math Honors AP Computer Science (Double math option) Pre Calculus OR Pre Calculus Honors Integrated Math 2 Honors Statistics CP OR AP Statistics Algebra 2 Honors Students who did not take Algebra 1, or did not pass the EOC, in 8th grade will be placed in Integrated Math CP. Honors selections will be made in class. Students who passed the Algebra 1 EOC in 8th Grade may take Geometry Honors AP Computer Science OR AP Computer Science Principles

14 L&N STEM Academy Social Studies Progression for 2018-19
9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade World History and Geography CP US Government and Civics & Contemporary Issues CP US History and Geography CP Economics and Personal Finance OR Economics and Personal Finance Blended World History and Geography Honors AP Government and Politics AP US History Combined (with AP Language) AP Human Geography AP Human Geography can take the place of World History and Geography in the 9th grade ONLY.

15 L&N STEM Academy Visual Arts Progression for 2018-19
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Visual Art 1 Advanced Art (Must have A/B or in Art 1) Honors Art (Must have A/B in Advanced Art) AP Studio Art AP Studio Art: 2D Design AP Studio Art: 3D Design AP Studio Art: Drawing Students may repeat Advanced Art as long as space is available and maintain an A/B average. No other art classes may be repeated. Students may also take Honors Art AND an AP Art in the same year with teacher approval. Digital Arts and Design 1 Digital Arts and Design 2 Digital Arts and Design 3 Advanced Animation and Simulation Honors Introduction to Animation and Simulation Honors Advanced Animation and Simulation Honors

16 L&N STEM Academy CTE Progression for 2018-19
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Digital Arts and Design 1 Digital Arts and Design 2 Digital Arts and Design 3 Advanced Animation and Simulation Honors Introduction to Animation and Simulation Honors Advanced Animation and Simulation Honors Web Design 1: Foundations Web Design 2: Site Designer Information Technology Foundations Computer Systems (Offered 2018) Networking There are three CTE Elective Area of Focus Pathways available at the L&N STEM Academy. Courses must be taken in the order listed. Some prerequisites apply. See course descriptions for details.

17 Quest is the name of Knox County Schools Distance Learning Program
Quest is the name of Knox County Schools Distance Learning Program. It stands for Quality Education for Students using Technology. It is synchronous (real time; face-to-face) or asynchronous (online classes with teacher recorded materials), or a blend of both. Students who elect to take a QUest course will have an open period in their schedule and assigned to a room in order to work on class assignments. Quest Online Courses

18 Quest Online Course Offerings
Synchronous Course Offerings: Honors Math Computer Applications (Fall)- 7 AM, Monday-Friday AP Computer Science (Spring)-7AM, Monday- Friday Students take both courses which is taught by Farragut High School’s AP Computer Science teacher. Asynchronous Course Offerings: AP European History (FY) AP Psychology (FY) Psychology/Sociology (Fall and Spring Semesters) Americans at War (Fall Semester) Genre Literature- Southern Literature (FY) Genre Literature- Science Fiction (FY)

19 If you would like to take a Quest course, write a message to your counselor in the Notes section of Aspen when you are choosing courses. Taking Quest Courses

20 Dual Enrollment - current 10th graders and 11th graders
You must have your own transportation to travel to Pellissippi or UT. Your ACT scores and GPA must be high enough. You can schedule courses during 1st or 4th blocks - or you could take an early morning class before school or a later class after school. You must fill out the application and turn it in to Guidance (app will be on webpage) You must apply for the TSAC grant to pay for the class. You must apply to Pellissippi or UT and be accepted as a dual enrollment student.

21 Lori Morrell A-J Paul Sudderth K-Z
Know Your Counselors Lori Morrell A-J Paul Sudderth K-Z

22 Open Office Hours Next Week
If you have questions about your schedule, come to Guidance: next week Freshmen: Monday 9:30-12:30 and 1:30-3:30 Sophomores: Tuesday 9:30-12:30 and 1:30-3:30 Juniors: Wednesday 9:30-12:30 and 1:30-3:30 Makeup Day: Thursday 9:30-12:30

23 Communicate with Your Parents!
Your parent(s) can join you for this appointment. We’ll allow 20 minutes per student. Make sure to share with them what you learned today. Look at the course catalog together.

24 Good Luck as you choose your courses!
We believe in you! Guidance Staff: Lyn Johnson, Registrar/transcripts Sarah Salerno, Testing Coordinator, Counselors: Lori Morrell and Paul Sudderth

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