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2019 Unit Elections 101/401 Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge
Elections after the 2018 Membership Update After the BSA made it official on October 11, 2017 that all levels of the Scouting movement in the US would become co-ed by 2019, Brothers everywhere wondered what it would mean to the OA. All the speculation came to an end on May 23, 2018 when National issued the 2018 Membership Update. Today, I’m going to talk about how we are going to conduct unit elections in Egwa Tawa Dee from this point forward.
Introduction This presentation was made at the 2018 Fall Fellowship of Egwa Tawa Dee on September 15, 2018 at Woodruff Scout Camp. It is designed to explain how Unit Elections will be conducted by Chapters in 2019. The information in this presentation is based on the latest information available. In the event that anything in this presentation differs from guidance issued after 9/15/18 by the National Council of the Order of the Arrow or Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge, follow the latter.
After the Boy Scouts of America made it official on October 11, 2017 that all levels of the Scouting movement in the US would become co-ed by 2019, Arrowmen everywhere wondered what it would mean to the OA. All the speculation came to an end on May 23, 2018 when National issued the 2018 Membership Update.
New Order of the Arrow Membership Requirements
Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America. Have experienced 15 nights of camping while registered with a troop, crew, or ship within the two years immediately prior to the election. The 15 nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of at least five consecutive nights of overnight camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. Only five nights of the long-term camp may be credited toward the 15-night camping requirement; the balance of the camping (10 nights) must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps of, at most, three nights each. Ship nights may be counted as camping for Sea Scouts. At the time of their election, youth must be under the age of 21, hold the Scouts BSA First Class rank, the Venturing Discovery Award, or the Sea Scout Ordinary rank or higher, and following approval by the Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor or Sea Scout Skipper, be elected by the youth members of their unit. Adults (age 21 or older) who meet the camping requirements may be selected following nomination to and approval by the lodge adult selection committee. 2018 Membership Update, May 23, 2018 ( For 2019 election cycle, it is highly unlikely that any female Scouts in Troop programs will be eligible for OA because of First Class Requirement #1a “Since joining Boy Scouts, participate in 10 separate troop/patrol activities, at least six of which must be held outdoors. Of the outdoor activities, at least three must include overnight camping.” Some female Scouts in Venture and Sea Scouts likely will be eligible for election.
Participation Across Programs
“Goal is to give equal opportunity to all scouts Any scout, in any program (except Cub Scouts) will have the opportunity to be elected into an Order of the Arrow lodge Scouting is now serving its most diverse group ever, all members should be able to be a part of the Honor Society of Scouting” Anthony Peluso, National Chief Michael Kipp, National Vice Chief NOAC 2018
2019 Unit Election Cycle Nov. 2018 – Jan. 2019
Present new eligibility rules at District Roundtables Contact adult leader in all Troops, Crews, Ships Schedule elections December - Lodge Unit Election Letter sent to Unit Leaders Jan. 1, 2019 – Elections in Troops begin Feb. 1, 2019 – Elections in Crews & Ships begin March 31, 2019 – Last day for unit elections April 14, 2019 LEC* Unit election reports due to Unit Relations Committee Completed Adult nomination forms must be submitted to Lodge Adviser by Chapters on or before the deadline!
Eligibility requirements apply uniformly at the Unit & District level!
Reminder! Eligibility requirements apply uniformly at the Unit & District level!
Youth Members Effective February 1, 2019
Youth Member In the OA, a Scout is considered to be a youth until their 21st birthday Not an issue for Crews and Ships Membership ages are identical to OA Can be an issue for Troops Youth members “age out” for advancement purposes on 18th birthday Over 18 can be registered as an Assistant Scoutmaster, Unit College Scouter Reserve, or Unit Scouter Reserve and remain active For the older Scout program, we are reinstating policy that was followed until the 1970’s. For several decades, members of Explorer posts were eligible to be elected into the OA provided they met the rank and camping requirements.
Unit leader decides what constitutes an active member in the unit
A youth who moves away or drops out of the unit because of other interests would not be counted as an active member Examples Unit College Scouter Reserve Away at college? Regularly attending meetings and events? Assist. Scoutmaster who is 18, 19 or 20 Unit leader decides what constitutes an active member in the unit
Cannot apply rank in one unit to another unit
Rank Requirements Must meet rank requirement in unit holding election to be eligible for election Troop – First Class or higher First Class, Star, Life, Eagle Venture – Discovery or higher Discovery, Pathfinder, Summit Sea Scout – Ordinary or higher Ordinary, Able, Quartermaster For 2019 election cycle, it is highly unlikely that any female Scouts in Troop programs will be eligible for OA because of First Class Requirement #1a “Since joining Boy Scouts, participate in 10 separate troop/patrol activities, at least six of which must be held outdoors. Of the outdoor activities, at least three must include overnight camping.” Some female Scouts in Venture and Sea Scouts likely will be eligible for election. Cannot apply rank in one unit to another unit
Camping Requirement “Have experienced 15 nights of camping while registered with a troop, crew, or ship within the two years immediately prior to the election. The 15 nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of at least five consecutive nights of overnight camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. Only five nights of the long-term camp may be credited toward the 15-night camping requirement; the balance of the camping (10 nights) must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps of, at most, three nights each. Ship nights may be counted as camping for Sea Scouts.” 2018 Membership Update, May 23, 2018
“Long Term Camping” = 6 days and 5 nights
“15 nights of camping within the two years immediately prior to the election” “Long Term Camping” = 6 days and 5 nights Not more than 5 nights is counted regardless of length At an accredited BSA camp or a similar Scout activity that is “approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America” Must be Scout camping, not just family/friends Unit leader determines what meets criteria (i.e., summer camp staff).
Short Term Camping = “overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps”
Must be Scout camping, not just family/friends Minimum of 10 nights Even if event is over 3 nights long, only 3 nights count toward election eligibility The event cannot exceed 4 nights or it is long term Example: Winter Camp at Bert Adams qualifies as short-term camping NYLT is long term camp
If Scout is registered in more than one program area, i. e
If Scout is registered in more than one program area, i.e., Troop and Crew, Troop & Ship, Crew & Ship, camping nights count across program areas.
If Scout is registered in more than one program area, i. e
If Scout is registered in more than one program area, i.e., Troop and Crew, Troop & Ship, Crew & Ship, the Scout may stand for election in each unit in which he or she is eligible. Not being elected in one unit does not prevent the Scout being elected in the other unit
FAQ – Will camping be counted retroactively for those currently in Venturing and Sea Scouts?
“Camping that has taken place within the two years immediately prior to the election will be counted beginning February 1, This camping must have taken place while an individual was registered with the BSA as a program participant and must be while participating with a BSA Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Ship.” OA FAQ accompanying the Membership Requirements announcement
Who is Eligible in a Scout Troop
Under 21 years old* Earned 1st Class Scout or higher 15 nights of camping within 2 years of date of election with no more than 5 nights of long term camping; the remainder being short term camping. Be approved by the Scoutmaster Be approved as a candidate by a vote of the troop. 50% of active members must be present Scout must receive at least 50% of the votes cast This includes Assistant Scoutmembers
Who is Eligible in a Venture Crew
Under 21 years of age Earned the Venturing Discovery Award 15 nights of camping within 2 years of date of election with no more than 5 nights of long term camping; the remainder being short term camping Be approved by Crew Advisor Be approved as a candidate by a vote of the crew. 50% of active members must be present Scout must receive at least 50% of the votes cast
Who is Eligible in a Sea Scout Ship
Under 21 years of age Earned the Sea Scout Ordinary rank or higher 15 nights of camping within 2 years of date of election with no more than 5 nights of long term camping; the remainder being short term camping. “Ship nights” may be counted as camping for Sea Scouts Be approved by Skipper Be approved as a candidate by a vote of the ship. 50% of active members must be present Scout must receive at least 50% of the votes cast
FAQ – What is a “Ship Night”
A “ship night means one overnight stay on a ship, while involved in the traditional activities of Sea Scouting.” Michael Hoffman, National Chairman, Order of the Arrow Traditional camping nights also count for Sea Scouts Long term Sea Scout events such as a "long cruise" and "superactivity“ may meet the long term camping requirement if they involve more than 6 days and 5 nights. Unit leader (Skipper) determines
Unit Leader Approval The unit leader (Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor or Sea Scout Skipper) must approve all qualified Scouts for election but May not discriminate against a qualified Scout on the basis of sex Any alleged discrimination must be reported immediately to the Lodge Adviser!
Yes the Scout is eligible but . . . Does the Scout want to be in OA?
Encourage eligible Scouts to consider: Commitment Unit is still the Scout’s first responsibility To get the most out of the OA, you have to participate “If you're not actively involved in getting what you want, you don't really want it.” - Peter McWilliams Interest No shame if a Scout asks not to be on ballot Lodge Journey to Excellence Standards for 2018 Induct at least 98% of Ordeal candidates = Gold Induct at least 76% of Ordeal candidates or increase 5% over 64% = Silver Induct at least 64% of Ordeal candidates or increase 5% over prior year = Bronze
Adults Effective February 1, 2019
Eligible Adults – Unit Level ========================================================================================================= Over 21 years old Primary (i.e., paid) registered member of unit 15 nights of camping within 2 years of date of election with no more than 5 nights of long term camping; the remainder being short term camping. Ship nights may be counted as camping for Sea Scout Adults Must be willing and able “to perform the necessary functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose” Be nominated by unit committee Reviewed by Chapter Adviser Be approved as a candidate by the: Lodge Adviser Lodge Adult Selection Committee Council Executive
Eligible Adults – Unit Level ==================================================================================================== Unit must elect at least one Scout as a candidate before ANY adults can be nominated The number of adults nominated cannot exceed one‐third of the number of youth candidates elected, rounded up where the number of youth candidates is not a multiple of three.
Eligible Adults – Unit Level ===================================================================================================
Eligible Adults – Unit Level ===================================================================================================== Unit Leader “Exception” Scoutmaster, Crew Adviser, Skipper ONLY! 1/3 rule does not apply but At least one Scout must be elected, and The unit leader must have been primarily registered and served in the position for at least the previous 12 months if unit uses the exception to exceed the one-third rule
If Professional Staff is being nominated – contact Lodge Adviser
Eligible Adults – District Level ========================================================================================================= Over 21 years old Primary registered position (i.e., paid) must be with District If unit is primary position, unit must nominate 15 nights of camping within 2 years of date of election with no more than 5 nights of long term camping; the remainder being short term camping. “Ship nights” may be counted as camping for Sea Scout Adults Must be willing and able “to perform the necessary functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose” Be nominated by District Chairman Reviewed & signed by Chapter Adviser Be approved as a candidate by the: Lodge Adviser Lodge Adult Selection Committee Council Executive If Professional Staff is being nominated – contact Lodge Adviser
Adult Nomination Form USE THE LODGE FORM! Must be complete - BUT
2018 Revision 3 pages long Must be complete - BUT Unit level nomination Endorsed by unit leader and Committee Chair District level nomination Endorsed by district chair Chapter Adviser must: Review Endorse on page 3
Adult nominations cannot be submitted until after the unit election has been completed!
Before the Election
Preparing for Elections
“Constant Contact” Don’t wait till January to start Identify units and leaders now DE can provide contact information Re-Verify Unit Leaders in January (after Recharter) Communicate with them – “Adults talk to adults” Have someone new contact the difficult unit Provide roster of their OA members LodgeMaster can produce unit rosters
Preparing for Elections
Most Troops use Troopmaster or Scoutbook Software. Ask the unit leader to send the “OA Eligibility Report” and prepare ballots with Scouts names. Crews and Ships do not use either. Have a tracking system for your chapter to keep up with candidates
Preparing for Elections
Crews & Ships: Identify units in District Sea Scouts have their own structure and may not interact with the Districts they physically are in Communicate with unit leaders Explain what OA is all about Explain requirements Rank Camping records Many have not kept them There are 2 Sea Scout Ships in Atlanta Area Council – S100 in Canton, S22 in Flowery Branch
Preparing for Elections
Select & Train Chapter Election Teams An election team consists of at least two youth and one adult Get Chapter Chief/Officers involved Recruit team members Identify OA members in units Invite them to be on team “The more unit election teams you have, the better the unit elections will be Elections should be run by Teams made of members from other units. But unit OA members can be a part Recognize team members
Consider using a fillable .pdf packet
Organize Paperwork OA Unit Election Report Ballots Pre-Printed or fill-in? Team/Unit cannot add names to a pre-printed ballot Blank ballots are required Talley sheet for counting votes OA Unit Election Evaluation Report Candidate Information Form Consider using a fillable .pdf packet
Candidate Information Form (New for 2019)
Replaces “List names, mail and addresses, and phone and BSA ID numbers of those elected on the back of” the Unit Election Report
Standards for Election Teams
Your visit is often the first time potential Arrowmen are introduced to the Order “A good first impression can work wonders.” J. K. Rowling Confirm date/time/place with each unit leader during the week before election Have the “eligible list” and current OA membership information before you arrive
Standards for Election Teams
Election team members are in full field uniform (Class A) with sash Arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled election time “If you are early you are on time; if you are on time, you’re late; if you are late, you are disrespectful” Assign duties Include the OA Representative and unit OA members and decide who will do which job.
Standards for Election Teams
What to bring: Supplies Paper Extra pencils (for the unit members). Extension cord Equipment for PowerPoint or video Make sure it works before you arrive Bring cables to hook up to any kind of system Unit Election packet Without the proper forms, you will be unable to complete the election. Ballots (pre-printed & blank) Unit Election Report Youth Candidate Information form Unit Election Evaluation Talley sheets A Copy of the Guide to Unit Elections (National & Lodge) Camping Promotions packet Election ceremony script
When You Arrive Arrival Confirm who is eligible
Adviser talks to unit leader Team leader talks to youth leader. Confirm who is eligible Determine active membership and current attendance It is up to the unit leader to determine who is active. The unit leader verifies that at least 50% of the registered active unit membership is present. The number of registered active youth (under 21) is entered onto the Youth Candidate Election Report. No proxy voting is allowed.
When You Arrive Determine if results are to be announced
Confirm with the unit leader if the results will be announced immediately after the election.
Promote the OA, Elections and Camping
Have Chapter officers develop Video or Powerpoint to use at the Election “What do people do in OA?” Keep it simple, show OA is fun
Election Rules At least 50% of the active members of the Troop, who are under age 21, must be present. Names cannot be added to a pre-printed ballot Switch to a blank ballot Encourage Scouts to vote for those candidates who they believe best exemplify the ideals of the Boy Scouts of America Scouts can vote for as many or as few eligible candidates as they want Scouts do not have to turn in a ballot *Calculate the number needed for election by taking the number of voting youth, divide by 2, round down if necessary, and add 1.
Election Rules Candidates must receive 50% of votes cast to be elected
Only ballots turned in count as a vote cast Ask them not to leave after the election A second round of election is needed if no one is elected Quorum must be maintained
After the Election
After the Election Collect all ballots Count ballots
Verify results! Enter results on Unit Election Report Inform unit leader of the results Accept any Adult Nominations
No one received 50% of votes
Inform the unit Answer any additional questions, and Conduct one more vote. If no one is elected on the second vote, the result is final.
CALL OUTS When do you do a Call Out? Immediately After Election?
Is election team prepared to conduct a call out? Later Unit Meeting? Call out should occur prior to 1st Induction Weekend Special Ceremony? No District Campouts in 2019 Holding a call out in unit does not preclude special ceremony later
CALL OUTS What does the Candidate get? Recognition? Welcome packet?
Ordeal information? Spirit of the Arrow booklet # 1
After the Election Election Thank unit leaders, then leave
Submit Reports to Lodge Unit Relations Committee Unit Elections Report Youth Candidate Information Form Unit Election Evaluation Form
After the Election Communicate with your Candidates
Get the Chapter Chief & officers involved , text, SnapChat, Phone, snail mail Let them know: About any Chapter events When, where, what of Induction Weekends Make them feel welcome
Miscellaneous Issues
“Lapsed” Youth/Adults
Check rosters before you visit unit, look for adults/youth who haven’t paid in past 2-3 years Give anyone wearing a flap “Mac’s Card” and the welcome back letter/transfer form “The SASH is yours for LIFE. The Lodge Flap is a LEASE”
OA Leadership Positions in Units ============================================================================================================= OA Troop Representative Youth member Promotes communication between your unit and OA Chapter and Lodge . To receive credit for the Position of Responsibility of OA Representative for your troop, you must attend Chapter meetings or send another person in your place to the meeting. OA Representative Adviser Adult OA member who assists the youth representative succeed in his role as the communication and programmatic link between the unit and the lodge or chapter. Does not have to be an assistant scoutmaster. Get the name and contact information for anyone wearing these patches and submit it to the Lodge
Acknowledgements Slide 5 is from “Membership Policy Changes,” a presentation delivered by Anthony Peluso, National Chief & Michael Kipp, National Vice Chief at NOAC 2018, used by permission. Graphics and pictures, provided by Echota Chapter, Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge Thank you to Mac, Sharman, John, Matt and Michael for their help in putting this presentation together Thank you Chuck Brooks and Jeff Wise for the technical set up
Thank you! Chuck Olson Adviser Unit Relations Committee
Associate Chapter Adviser Echota Chapter
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