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Welcome to the Barrie Central Scholarship and Bursary Show!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Barrie Central Scholarship and Bursary Show!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Barrie Central Scholarship and Bursary Show!

2 Who doesn't want some free money?
Did you know that over $ is given to Central students annually? Apply! Apply! You can apply to as many as you want! Many awards go unclaimed because no one applied!

3 With a bit of planning and effort, the payout could be huge!
So what do you need to know? 1. Most scholarships and bursaries are not granted automatically.

4 Selection of recipients is based on a number of criteria...
Most are merit based. This means your academics, athletics, artistic or other abilities, community and school involvement, and/or extra-curricular activities are considered.

5 Others are based primarily on
the financial need of you and your family. These are "bursaries" and all financial factors are considered when being evaluated.

6 There are still others where applicants can qualify by race, gender, religion, family or medical history, obstacles and barriers such as disabilities, and other personal circumstances. For example, students of Aboriginal descent may qualify for certain scholarships from the government of Canada. Or students of Caribbean descent may qualify from cultural organizations who promote further education of students of their community.

7 Ask the right questions.
Other scholarships are awarded to students pursuing a specific field of study. Check associations related to that field, like the Nursing Association of Ontario or the Teachers Federation for example. Some scholarships are based on your connections. Do you have a grandparent who belongs to a legion? Do your parents' places of employment provide support to the children if their employees? Ask the right questions.

8 2. Where and when do I start looking?
When? Now! Where? Guidance.... Where else? Non-profit organizations you've been involved with (where you or someone in your family did community service; an agency that you or your family used for service) Community foundations (Barrie Community Foundation, Barrie Public Library, Chamber of Commerce, Children's Aid Society, The Lion's Club) The schools you're applying to also have lists of funds available to participants of their specific programs - check e-info and their websites under "awards", "financial aid", etc. Your current employers (Wendy's, Burger King, Tim Horton's...)

9 3. Start doing your research!

10 4. Start preparing! Keep track of your achievements
-awards -extra-curriculars -work experience and co-op -cultural exchanges -Volunteer experiences

11 -jobs -scholastic achievements (honour roll, awards...) -clubs -school involvement (arts council, band, announcement team...)

12 5. Start gathering the materials you'll need....
Transcripts (entrance scholarships are based on your gr. 12 average) Letters of reference (someone who knows you well, and will say great things. Give them 2 Weeks notice and something to work with!) Nominations (sometimes one per school!) Application packages (website or scholarship board) A calendar of deadlines (post-marked or delivered?) Essays/personal statements addressing criteria in application (save and reuse) Portfolio of accomplishments Descriptions of your leadership experiences Resume Certifications

13 A final thought... Think of these applications like a lucrative part-time job...even if you only received $100 for an hour's work, where else would you make that kind of money at this stage of you life? Please see Guidance for help or to review your applications.

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