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Learning objectives Students will explain the relationship between core beliefs of US citizens and attitudes about the role of government. Student will.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning objectives Students will explain the relationship between core beliefs of US citizens and attitudes about the role of government. Student will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning objectives Students will explain the relationship between core beliefs of US citizens and attitudes about the role of government. Student will explain how cultural factors influence political attitudes and socialization.

2 What do these terms mean
Lib-er-al: Open minded or tolerant, especially free and not bound by traditional or conventional values. Con-serv-a-tive: Disposed to preserve existing conditions, and institutions, or to restore traditional ones and to limit change

3 New Democrats: Centrist who take liberal positions on social
issues and conservative positions on economic issues. Blue Dog Democrats: Choked “blue” by the party’s more liberal leadership, push social conservatism and fiscal responsibility Boll Weevils: 1980s term for social conservative southern democrats Dixiecrats: 1950s term for socially conservative southern democrats DINOs: Democrats in name only

4 Rockefeller Republicans: 1970s term for those who were social liberal,
pro-business, and conservative on foreign policy, willing to raise taxes instead of running deficits The Mod Squad: Moderate, social liberal US Senators Gypsy Moths: 1980s Republican moderates from the northeast and Midwest Log Cabin Republicans; Gay, lesbian, bisexual supporters of the Republican party Neo-Cons: Big government conservatives, foreign policy hawks Pro-Cons: Progressive Conservatives, fiscal conservatives, social moderates RINOs; Republicans by name only (John McCain)



7 Summarize this political cartoon
Summarize this political cartoon. Write everything you notice in the cartoon and try to explain why the cartoonist portrays the cartoon this way.

8 Summarize this political cartoon
Summarize this political cartoon. Write everything you notice in the cartoon and try to explain why the cartoonist portrays the cartoon this way.

9 Where do the two major political ideologies stand on these issues?
Taxes Social Programs (Welfare) Immigration Abortion Religion & Government Crime Same Sex Marriage Environment Education Healthcare Death Penalty Gun Control Where do the two major political ideologies stand on these issues?

10 Where Do the Political Beliefs Come From?
Socializing agents Family School Peer groups and associations Media Focusing events

11 Conservatism Believes in a minimal role of government
Both in terms of social and economic issues Believes in individual freedom and the protection of these freedoms at all costs Believes in equal opportunity for all Smaller national government & stronger state government Liberty over equality? Conservatism

12 Liberalism Believes in a government with a large role
Both in terms of social and economic issues This typically includes, but is not bound to, support of: income redistribution,  social legislation Results should be equal for all Equality over liberty? Liberalism

13 Government involvement in social and economic aspects of life should be minimal
Economic and social self-governance As long as actions do not harm others, they should be legal Laws restricting behavior of individuals should be eliminated Libertarianism

14 Belief that everyone should own and control the means of production.
Production to satisfy human needs, not, as under capitalism, for sale and profit Socialism in America? Expanded role of national government Nationalization of certain industries Nationalized welfare, health care, and redistribution of wealth Socialism

15 A social and economic system in which all (or nearly all) property is public, not private
Resources are shared by everyone Complete government involvement and regulation of the economy Redistribution of wealth is a key. The government owns, runs, and controls all business Communism

16 Liberal vs. Conservative
Government Regulation in Economy Deregulation in the Economy Expanded Social Welfare Decrease Social Welfare programs National Healthcare Reduction Government influence in Healthcare Pro Choice Pro Life Lower Taxes on Middle Class, raise taxes on the Wealthiest Lower taxes across the Board

17 Political Socialization
Political attitudes are grounded in values. We learn these values by a process known as political socialization. Many factors influence opinion formation What are the factors that influence opinion?

18 Geographic Region East and West Coasts – more liberal
Mid-West – more conservative Urban - liberal South – s - Democrat “Solid South” but today they are primarily social conservatives White Southerner always less liberal


20 Jewish People are more Liberal while Protestants are more Conservative
Whites are more Conservative while African Americans are more Liberal Women are more likely to be democrats while men are more likely to be Republicans Southern Citizens are more likely to be conservative while Northern Citizens are more likely to be democratic

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