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Databases & Analytics Julie Wilson.

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1 Databases & Analytics Julie Wilson

2 What the heck is an Integral?
Integral is an independent analytical consulting firm specializing in servicing the non-profit community. By leveraging data to combine deep analysis with strategic thinking, we deliver insight to help organizations make better business decisions for sustained growth. Ultimately…we make information make sense!

3 Who We Help

4 Typical Client Questions
What is the overlap among our various constituent groups? How can we double our Net Revenue in 3-5 Years? Who are our most valuable supporters? How do we find more? What is the value of my digital presence? Are all of our business models healthy? Are my integrated activities generating more revenue, or are we just moving money around? Where are my major donors being acquired and how can I get more of them? Is there a more productive approach to segmentation? Where will we end this fiscal year? The next 3-5 years? If we invest in our upgrade activity, where should we focus? How is our file positioned for increasing planned giving revenue?

5 What We Want to Cover Databases Analytics “Data-driven” Big or Smart?
What to Measure Watch Out! Databases Fundamentals – What should a marketing database do for you? Utilization – How will your organization use it? We’ll start with a bit on databases…then move into a few things to look about in regards to analytics.

6 Where we’ll focus within the process Data-driven marketing!
B Where we’ll focus within the process Your organization Data-driven marketing! Marketing activity & results Marketing Database Analytics & Insights

7 “What is important to our organization?”
The “copycat” fundraising era is over, and it is imperative to articulate your unique position. The types of data collected and metrics that are important to your organizations are no longer the same even within the same verticals. Today’s leading organizations are leveraging their data to build new relationships, develop more dynamic segmentation strategies, and seeking new opportunities for growth. “What is important to our organization?” Something to keep in mind when working within a database and developing analytics. What is important to our organization?

8 Database Fundamentals
Imagine that your organization effectively used all relevant information to make smarter decisions for sustained growth

9 But First…How Things Have Changed…

10 Data and gift sources: The Old Model…or better yet, the “Good Ol’ Days”
Mobile Landing Pages Direct Mail TM Website Social Online Ads Video Donor We call this “the good ole days.” You know, when you had to walk to school, uphill both ways…in the snow But now things are a bit more complicated – Important to know when thinking about Databases and Analytics. Canvass Planned/Major Gifts Events Today, databases are more flexible to meet the evolving needs of organizations DRTV

11 With any marketing database, the goals are the same
These are the Goals, but how do we achieve them? Build Constituencies Improve Loyalty Increase Revenue Reduce Costs

12 What You Should Expect From a Database to Achieve those Goals?
It should be the one place where all the relevant data is housed. Enables you to follow consistent business rules across multiple channels (more on this later!) Has the capacity to grow as you grow. Captures necessary data based on program needs. Has good “standard” reporting in order to increase productivity by allowing you to leverage data for better decision making. These have to be considered…

13 Ask yourself, how should we be handling our data?
GiGo = Garbage in/ Garbage out… Ask yourself, how should we be handling our data? Collect what you only need to. Question how the data will be used. Discuss how will you get the data in…and just as important, how will you get it out? Am I being consistent with how data is being collected & stored? Is anything missing that will render the data less useful (or useless)? Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. The best tests are not based on bad data. Be purposeful.

14 Analytics The key to maximizing value and sustained growth is getting the right information to the right people at the right time

15 Data and Decision-making Expectations
74% How has access to useful data improved your ability to deepen your bond with your most valuable constituents over last year? 67% To what extent do you believe that access to smart data has helped improve your ability to innovate over last year? 61% To what extent do you believe that senior management expects you to make more data driven solutions over the next months? Are you prepared to do these? To what extent do you believe that leveraging data to gain a deeper understanding of your most important customers has allowed you to grow/find more? 78% Source: Fall 2013 MIT and SAS Institute Study

16 Big or Smart?

17 What are we trying to do with all this data?
into what levers you need to pull to grow – to make better decisions and create better business models. Insight… current tactics through innovative testing and/or segmentation. Improve… your reach to new audiences and deeper ties with current supporters. Increase… more effectively in order to manage risk, budgets, forecasts, communications. Invest… Insight = what are strengths to capitalize on? / Improvement = how do you create tests to beat control? Data for strategy & database for tracking / Increase = online data in merge purge / Invest = making investment decisions based on data…particularly LTV.

18 Value in Your Analytics - DDPP
4 types of data that need to utilized in strategic decision-making: Descriptive – What is happening now? Diagnostic – Why is it happening? Predictive – What is going to happen? Prescriptive – What should we do? Explain a bit…types of data. Talk about need for Multi-Year Planning…

19 Analytics – Many types Benchmarking – How do I compare to other organizations? Program/Campaign – Which campaign brought in the most new donors? Performance Indicator – What is driving increases or decreases in revenue? Investments Analytics – Which channel brings in the highest valued donor? Segmentation – What segments worked for our test? Communication Analytics – How do I best convert online leads? Channel Analytics – How do you leverage Online media for growth? Analytics are used to answer questions…and inform further decisions.

20 Some Measures of Success
Response Rates Average Gifts Net ROI Long Term Value Conversion Rates Upgrading/ Downgrading Basics Investment Level Metrics MYM Target Development Net LTV Engagement - Retargeting Community Impacts Pathway to Value Metrics Next Level (Everyone! Sign up for DM201!)

21 “Orgs Manage What They Measure”
Define what productivity means to you and your organization or your client Make sure the metrics are thought out and action oriented Capture benchmarks and set sustainable goals Ensure there are processes in place to get the data you need

22 Watch out! Unintended Analytical Biases – some may have an interest in a test working. Manage what you Measure – be sure actions are in tune with KPIs. Lack of Data or Experience hinders Insight – who is setting up and who is reviewing? Always be skeptical!

23 Julie Wilson Director of Strategic Planning

24 Appendix Don’t look at data for sake of looking at data.

25 File Health What is the health of my donor file?

26 File Health Understanding Key Performance Indicators
Revenue and donor counts are UP! Everything looks good.

27 Understanding Donor Segments
12m active donors New: Donors who made their first ever gift within the 12 months being reviewed Lapsed (Reinstated This Year): Donors who did not make a gift in the prior 12 months Reinstated Last Year: Donors who were previously 12m+ Lapsed and reactivated in the prior 12 months Consecutive Givers: Donors who have given in 2 or more consecutive 12 month periods, and are 3+ years on the file New Last Year: Donors who were New in the prior 12 months and are in their 2nd year on file Consecutive 2yrs Consecutive 3yrs Consecutive 4+yrs Reinstated from 13-24m Lapsed Reinstated from 25+m Lapsed Lapsed 13-24m Lapsed 25-36m Lapsed 37+m

28 File Health Understanding Donor Segments
But here, we can see that the growth is coming from NEW (and only new donors). In fact, the Consecutive Givers responders has shrunk.

29 File Health Understanding Donor Segments

30 File Health Understanding Donor Segments
Retention is fine (good)…the issue is that their pipeline to CG shrank.

31 Revenue Trends How is my past, present, and future revenue trending?

32 Revenue Trends Rolling 12months

33 Revenue Trends By Years on File

34 Revenue Trends By Program, or HPC, or Channel…and more

35 Revenue Trends …reporting comes in all shapes and sizes…

36 Campaign Reporting What metrics do I need beyond the basics?

37 Campaign Reporting Managing multiple metrics
Tiering and priorities based on organizational objectives

38 Investment Analytics Where should I be investing for sustained growth?

39 Channel Reporting Creating an investment model Cold Activist Cold

40 Program Investment Reporting
Creating an investment model

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