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Introduction to Chemical Process Design

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1 Introduction to Chemical Process Design

2 Types of Process Diagrams
The most effective way of communicating information about a chemical process is through the use of process diagrams Block Flow Process Diagram Block Flow Plant Diagram (For Large/Complex Plant) Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Develop corresponding Flow & Equipment Table Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)

3 Block Flow Process Diagram

4 The Block Flow Plant Diagram

5 Example of a Process Flow Diagram

6 Example of a Process & Instrumentation Diagram

7 Generic Structure of Process Flow Diagrams

8 Generic Structure of Process Flow Diagrams

9 Conventions and Format Recommended for Laying out a Block Flow Process Diagram

10 Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Characteristics

11 Information Provided by the PFD
Process Topology Location and interaction between streams & equipment Stream Information Represented by lines and identified by a number Operating conditions included (e.g. T, P, flow rates) Two stream types: Process streams & Utility streams Table Summary Provided in support of PFD Equipment Information Represented symbolically by icons and identified by a number Table Summary provided in support of PFD to provide necessary information to estimate costs

12 PFD Stream Information Provided

13 PFD Equipment Conventions

14 Convention for Identifying Streams

15 Example of Stream Table for PFD

16 Equipment Summary Table

17 Equipment Summary Table

18 Equipment Summary Table

19 CHE 4181/4182 PFD Requirements All Equipment Labels should follow the XX-YZZ convention outlined in Table 1.2 The PFD should have labels at the top indicating equipment labels and description as shown in Figure 1.5 The utility streams should be labeled appropriately on the PFD No instrumentation or controls should be included on PFD The PFD should be presented in landscape format and be large enough to clearly read Stream and Equipment tables similar to those presented in Tables 1.5 and 1.7 should accompany the PFD in separate pages

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