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CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems

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Presentation on theme: "CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems
Real-Time Networks – LAN Basic concepts CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)

2 Channel model - Shared medium (Bus, Ring)
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node n …………. Shared Bus What is the difference between Task Scheduling & Medium Access Control (MAC) in LAN? What is the difference between Packet Scheduling in WAN and MAC in LAN? CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)

3 CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)
Messages (Packets) Periodic messages (streams) Aperiodic messages Dynamically arriving periodic messages CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)

4 Bus scheduling vs. Processor scheduling
Task Preemption Tasks can be preempted, but packets cannot be Granularity of priority levels Task scheduling: potentially an arbitrary number of priority levels Packet scheduling: fixed number of priority levels  priority inversion Buffering problems Unique to packet scheduling Shortening packet deadline (changing the priority) based on buffer availability CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)

5 Real-Time MAC protocols
Access arbitration process Decides when a particular node should transmit This impacts the throughput, channel access delay, deadline, and fairness characteristics Transmission control process Decides for how long a particular node continue to transmit Static: the channel holding time is predetermined Dynamic: holding time is determined at run-time This impacts the throughput, deadline, and fairness characteristics CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)

6 CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)
RT-MAC design issues Predictability Timing correctness Protocol overhead Channel utilization Fairness Stability during transient overloads CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)

7 End-to-end message delay
Sender: Application layer: processing and queuing delays MAC layer: queuing delay Channel access time Transmission delay Propagation delay Receiver: Application layer: queuing and processing delays CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)

8 CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)
Real-Time guarantees Static guarantees Periodic messages (streams) Dynamic guarantees Aperiodic messages, Aperiodic streams Hybrid of static and dynamic guarantees Best effort CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)

9 Inadequacies of traditional LAN protocols
802.3 (CSMA/CD) 802.4 (token bus) 802.5 (token ring) (Wi-Fi) CprE 458/558: Real-Time Systems (G. Manimaran)

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