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Welcome to Forensic Science

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Forensic Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Forensic Science

2 Student Information Card
Last name, First name 1. address 2. Cell Phone # (include carrier too) 3. Can you receive text messages on your phone? If so, what is your text messaging address? 4. Siblings’ names and ages 5. Favorite hobbies or activities 6. Favorite movie 7. Three (3) words that describe you 8. Pet peeve(s) – what really “bugs” you? 9. What are you hoping to learn in Forensic Science?

3 All About Me Mrs. Chris Chou (like “puppy chow”)
Cell: (At&t) Kids: Debbie (10), Lydia (8) Favorite hobbies: traveling, reading, gardening Favorite movie: Anne of Green Gables 3 words to describe me: hardworking, corny, musical (piano & guitar) Pet peeve: Students who talk when I am teaching! What I hope to do this semester: Help students learn how science can be useful to solve crimes!


5 What is Forensic Science?
Warm-Up Activity Pick up a black spiral-bound notebook from the side table. Label your name on the front cover. On the first page, write down this question and answer it in a paragraph answer (with compete sentences!): What is Forensic Science?

6 Lab Write-Ups Title of Lab Date Description: explain lab briefly
Data/Observations Questions (given to you, or asked by you) Conclusion (1-3 paragraphs)

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