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Vocabulary Workshop Unit 8 Level D.

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1 Vocabulary Workshop Unit 8 Level D

2 Assurance (n.) a pledge; freedom from doubt, self-confidence
Synonyms: promise, sureness, poise, self-possession Antonyms: uncertainty, doubt, insecurity

3 Asylum (n.) an institution for the care of children, elderly people, etc.; a place of safety. Synonyms: sanatorium, sanctuary, refuge

4 Console (v.) to comfort; (n.) the keyboard of an organ; a control panel for an electrical or mechanical device Synonyms: (v.) solace, alleviate Antonyms: (v.) distress, aggravate, bother, vex, torment

5 Dilate (v.)to make or become larger; to expand upon
Synonyms: enlarge, expand, swell, prolong Antonyms: contract, compress, constrict

6 Dross (n.) refuse, waste products
Synonyms: trash, detritus, dregs, scum

7 Dwindle (v.) to lessen, diminish
Synonyms: decrease, shrink, fade, peter out. Antonyms: increase, enlarge, swell, proliferate

8 Flippant (adj.) lacking in seriousness, disrespectful, saucy
Synonyms: frivolous, impudent, impertinent, insolent Antonyms: serious, respectful, deferential, obsequious

9 Immunity (n.)resistance to disease; freedom from some charge or obligation Synonyms: exemption, impunity Antonyms: vulnerability, susceptibility, exposure

10 Institute (v.)to establish, set; (n.) an organization for the promotion of learning. Synonyms : (v.) found, bring about; (n)academy Antonyms: (v.) terminate; discontinue, demolish, raze

11 Liability (n.) a debt; something disadvantageous
Synonyms: handicap, difficulty, impediment, drawback Antonyms: advantage, asset

12 Preposterous (adj.) ridiculous, senseless
Synonyms: nonsensical, absurd, incredible Antonyms: sensible, reasonable, realistic, plausible

13 Pugnacious (adj.) quarrelsome, fond of fighting
Synonyms: combative, belligerent Antonyms: peace-loving, friendly, amicable, congenial

14 Rabid (adj.) furious, violently intense, unreasonably extreme, mad; infected with rabies Synonyms: zealous, raving ,infuriated, berserk Antonyms: moderate, blasé, indifferent

15 Realm (n.) a kingdom, a region or field of study
Synonyms: domain, duchy, bailiwick, jurisdiction

16 Rejuvenate (v.) To make young again; to make a new life
Synonyms: revitalize, renew Antonyms: wear out, exhaust, enervate, debilitate

17 Remunerate (v.) to reward, pay, reimburse
Synonyms: satisfy, profit, benefit

18 Sparse (adj.) meager, scant, scattered
Synonyms: thin, scanty, few and far between Antonyms: shoddy second-rate, sham

19 Sterling (adj.) genuine, excellent; made of standard fineness
Synonyms: first-rate, outstanding, worthy, pure Antonyms: mediocre, shoddy, second-rate, sham

20 Venture (n.) risky or daring undertaking; (v.) to expose to danger to dare Synonyms: (n.) gamble; (v.) try, chance, undertake Antonyms: (v.) withdraw, retire, shrink from, shy away

21 Warp (v.)to twist out of shape; (n.) an abnormality
Synonyms: (v.) bend, distort, misshape; (n.) irregularity Antonyms: (v.) straighten, unbend, rectify

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