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Daily Routine.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Routine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Routine

2 1. DATE Daily Routine What day is today?
DAYS OF THE WEEK DATE MONTHS SEASONS winter January July st 1 21 Monday spring February August nd Tuesday 2 22 summer March September Wednesday rd autumn 3 23 April October Thursday May November th Friday 4 5 6 June December Saturday 10 11 Sunday What day is today? Today is Wednesday 5th November 2014, Autumn What day was yesterday? Yesterday was… What day will be tomorrow? Tomorrow will be… Link


4 3. TIME Daily Routine What time is it? It’s five past one.
What time was it 5 minutes ago? It was 1 o’clock. What time will it be in ten minutes? It will be a quarter past 1.

5 4. WEATHER What’s the weather like today? Today is…
Daily Routine 4. WEATHER What’s the weather like today? Today is… Do you remember what was the weather like yesterday? Yesterday was… What will the weather be like tomorrow? I think/guess that tomorrow will be… Tomorrow may/might/could be… sunny partially cloudy cloudy rainy snowy stormy foggy

6 4. WEATHER Daily Routine What’s the weather like in…?
Today is windy in Leon. What was the weather like in Barcelona yesterday? Yesterday was rainy in Barcelona. What will the weather be like in Seville? It will be snowy in Seville.

7 4. WEATHER Daily Routine What’s the weather like in…?
Today is windy in Oxford. What was the weather like in London yesterday? Yesterday, was rainny in London. What will the weather be like in Newcastle? It will be snowy in NCL.

8 5. EMOTIONS - How are you? Daily Routine - I’m fine thank you. I’m…
- I’m fine thank you, but I’m a little… Sad Lonely Hurt Sorry Disappointed Angry Cross Annoyed Furious Hungry Thirsty Dizzy Sick Headache Stomach ache Sore throat Happy Glad Excited Enthusiastic Thankful/ grateful Cheerful Peaceful Bored Sleepy

9 4. OUR PERSONALITY - What’s your favourite…? Why? Daily Routine colour
Musical instrument Hobby number Computer game Subject season Kind of music Languaje Food/drink TV program Day of the week animal Movie / Book Game

10 Cool class! Enjoy it! You are the best!

11 Do your best and trust yourself!

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