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Sandra Miruka | November 29, 2016

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1 Sandra Miruka | November 29, 2016
Illegal Immigration Sandra Miruka | November 29, 2016

2 I. Background Insight By the 19th century many immigration laws had been passed, some for the sole purpose of creating a more effective, safer naturalization ~ The act of January 29, 1795 (2 to 5 Years) ~ Immigration act of 1891(Quotas) ~ The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (2 (Turning Point)

3 II. Economic Insight and Misconceptions
11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S “Illegal” Immigrants come from all over the world, not just from Mexico and the Middle East Misconception “As long as illegal immigrants are being hired and integrated into American economy; it continually will have a negative impact on our economic growth as a nation” ~ Money they do make doesn't go back into the U.S. economy (US dollar goes farther)

4 II. Economic Insight and Misconceptions
BUT…. ~ For each job an immigrant fills, an additional job is created ~ Undocumented immigrants help boost American economy, i.e those in agriculture/ farming ~ Many would attend school (in order to obtain a better, well paying job)

5 II. Economic Insight and Misconceptions
BUT…. ~ For each job an immigrant fills, an additional job is created ~ Undocumented immigrants help boost American economy, i.e those in agriculture/ farming ~ Many would attend school (in order to obtain a better, well paying job) So… in this instance Economic growth can be measured by the purchases of homes, the climbs in the economic ladder or the purchases of consumer goods

6 II. Economic Insight and Misconceptions
Misconception Immigrants Take our Jobs!! immigrants are doing the jobs that Americans do not want to do

7 II. Economic Insight and Misconceptions
Immigrants Take our Jobs!! immigrants are doing the jobs that Americans do not want to do BUT… it is more of a matter of efficiency Immigrants do jobs that wouldn’t exist if the immigrants weren’t there to do them (Construction/ Painting / landscaping / ) They tend to be either high-skilled or low-skilled vs. middle of the skill better suited for jobs that would be more efficiently completed due to their higher level skill set compared to Americans; jobs in the fields such as farming, agriculture or in home care. (atmosphere in which they are accustomed to)

8 III. Societal Insight and Misconceptions
Illegal Immigrants are a crime threat (Trump)

9 III. Societal Insight and Misconceptions
Illegal Immigrants are a crime threat (Trump) FALSE they have little to gain and much to lose by breaking the law most illegal immigrants migrate into the United States for the educational and economic opportunities the nation has to offer

10 III. Societal Insight and Misconceptions
Illegal Immigrants are a crime threat (Trump) FALSE they have little to gain and much to lose by breaking the law most illegal immigrants migrate into the United States for the educational and economic opportunities the nation has to offer illegal immigrants coming across the border bring diseases such as “HIV, measles…tuberculosis False “There is no outbreak or bump in disease attributable to immigrants…there is no evidence whatsoever that this is so.” (Caplan)

11 I. What can happen? What can we do as Leaders
Think differently! America has prospered on immigrant soil for ages Be willing to help each other, be open to talk Undocumented vs. Illegal Reflection the only difference between the typical “hard-working American” and the typical “illegal immigrant” is simply one has citizenship and the other does not they are still as hard working and law abiding compared to those who legally do benefit the American economy and society Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

12 Works Cited Bolger, Eilleen. "Naturalization Process in U.S.: Early History - Social Welfare History Project." Social Welfare History Project. N.p., 26 Feb Web. 01 Nov Boyd, Kevin. "Percentage of Americans Now on Welfare Paints a Disturbing Picture of the State Of Our Economy." Economy In Crisis. America's Economic Report, 9 Sept Web. 29 Oct Bump, Philip. "Surprise, Donald Trump Was Wrong about Immigrants and Crime." Washington Post, n.d. Web. 4 Oct Jacobson, Louis, Arthur Caplan, CDC, and Thomas Fekete. "Are Illegal Immigrants Bringing 'tremendous' Disease across the Border, as Trump Says? Unlikely." PolitiFact. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov Camarota, Stevev A. "Unskilled Workers Lose Out to Immigrants." New York Times, 6 Jan Web. 3 Nov Garis, Roy."Historical Timeline - Illegal Immigration Solutions" ProConorg Headlines. Data Bank, n.d. Web. 23 Apr Givern, Mary Ann. "Welfare Fraud Is Nothing Compared to Pentagon Waste and Abuse." National Catholic Reporter. N.p., 1 Apr Web. 6 Sept Greene Gunther ."Historical Timeline - Illegal Immigration Solutions" ProConorg Headlines. Data Bank, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2015 Hirby, J. "How Does Illegal Immigration Hurt The Economy?" The Law Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov Jacobson, David (September 5, 1997). Rights Across Borders: Immigration and the Decline of Citizenship. Johns Hopkins University Press. p Meissner, Doris. "5 Myths about Immigration." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 02 May Web. 23 Apr Social Security Administration. "10 Myths about Immigration." Tolerence. Teaching Tolerance, Spring Web. 8 Oct

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