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AASA December 1, 2012. One of the most important, cross-cutting social policy perspectives to emerge in recent years is an awareness that no single institution.

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Presentation on theme: "AASA December 1, 2012. One of the most important, cross-cutting social policy perspectives to emerge in recent years is an awareness that no single institution."— Presentation transcript:

1 AASA December 1, 2012

2 One of the most important, cross-cutting social policy perspectives to emerge in recent years is an awareness that no single institution can create all the conditions that young people need to flourish…. ( Melaville and Blank, 1993)

3 Gainesville City Schools was looking for a systematic way to accomplish the work with fewer people, fewer meetings, and more forward-thinking and proactive approaches.

4 New teacher and leader evaluations linked to performance goals challenge us to improve our observation, actionable feedback, and use of data reporting systems Common Core Standards implementation challenges us to improve classroom teaching, learning, and assessment Shrinking dollars challenges us to implement reform with fewer fiscal and human resources Emerging technologies to support reforms challenges us to provide infrastructure and human capital

5 Fragmentation of implementation resulting in work done for little return on improved student learning…. Expenditures of resources that resulted in little to support children while learning… Hurting our most fragile learners as we implement policy.

6 We believe that the collaborative actions of students, parents, community, and the school system are the determining factors in the success of our students. We believe that high expectations for EVERYONE drives success. We believe that continuous learning occurs best in a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment.

7 .

8 Gainesville, GA, is located 60 miles northeast of Atlanta; a mid-size urban district Title I School District – 80% poverty rate Charter School District- all schools are charter schools 54% Hispanic 22% African American 20% Caucasian 4% Asian and Multi-Ethnic/Racial 38% of students are English Language Learners 11% are Students with Disabilities 13% are identified as Gifted 7, 343 students 10% of students pay tuition to attend GCSS

9 Learning Supports Lead District Collaborative Based on the work of Howard Adelman, Ph. D. Linda Taylor, Ph. D. UCLA Center for Mental Health in Schools l

10 We have to face our reality; improving standards, assessments, and data alone are not enough to help our most fragile learners. All of the reforms will be meaningless if we are unable to address the barriers to learning and teaching and re-engage students.

11 We restructured our district and school leadership into three teams: instruction, management, and learning supports. We aligned our goals for each team with fewer goals; selecting those that matter most, for our district and school strategic improvement plans. We established a system of regular and layered work group meetings so that the information, professional learning, and collaborated efforts could be cascaded out to schools We included key community, business, and university partners on each team.

12 Instruction : Principals, Academic Coaches, Directors of Assessment, Curriculum and Instruction, teachers leading Instructional Technology, Media Specialists, Data Specialists, ESL and Special Education, university partners, community resources Learning Supports : Assistant Principals, Counselors, Parent Coordinators, Social Workers, Graduation Coaches, community United Way family and youth service agencies Management : Superintendent, Directors, Chamber of Commerce, Intergovernmental Agreement partners, Board of Education, Principals

13 An Instructional Component that provides guidance for best practices for effective instruction. 1 A Management Component that guides best practices for site management and administrative capacity. 2 A Comprehensive Learning Supports Component that guides the coalescing of resources to address barriers to student engagement in the classroom. 3 A Unified Approach to School Improvement Planning

14 Common Core Implementation Data Systems and Assessments Instructional Technology STEM / Inquiry Based Learning Early Learning Literacy Leader Keys: 1- Instructional Leadership 2- School Climate 3- Planning and Assessment 7- ProfessionalismTeacher Keys: 1-Professional Knowledge 2-Instructional Planning 3- Instructional Strategies 4- Differentiated Instruction 5- Assessment Strategies 6- Assessment Uses 7- Positive Learning Environment 8- Academically Challenging Environment 9- Professionalism 10- Communication Prevention and Healthy Development Transitions Classroom Based Approaches Family Engagement Community Involvement Leader Keys: 2- School Climate 7-Professionalism 8- Communication & Community Relations Teacher Keys: 3-Instructional Strategies 6-Assessment Uses 7-Positive Learning Environment 9-Professionalism 10-Communication Leader Keys: 2- School Climate 3- Planning and Assessment 4- Organizational Management 5- Human Resource Management 6-Teacher/Staff Evaluation 7- Professionalism Teacher Keys: 6- Assessment Uses 9- Professionalism 10- Communication Teacher Evaluation Leader Evaluation Teacher Induction P.K.Dixon Fieldhouse SPLOST Projects District 5 Year Strategic Plan Learning Supports Instruction Management

15 Continuum of Interventions

16 Continuum + Focus Areas = Comprehensive System of Learning Supports


18 Comprehensive Learning Supports System Connecting Resources Across: Connecting Resources Across: Feeder Pattern Feeder Pattern District DistrictCommunity-Wide

19 District and school level personnel examine the barriers to learning as identified in the data District, community, parents, and school level personnel map the resources available Eliminate redundancy and duplication; strategically abandon all ineffective work Identify areas for collaborating and leveraging funds

20 Director of Learning Supports serves on the Hall County Commission on Children and Families to share information and link resources. School district coordinates with six college-universities in Professional Development School collaborations to promote literacy initiatives Superintendent serves on the United Way Board of Directors. Superintendent serves on the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Economic Development Council, and Issues Committees. Intergovernmental agreements with City of Gainesville Park and Recreation and Hall County Schools ( neighboring districts) Grant collaborations with Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, Park and Recreation, Centerpoint Counseling and Mentorship Agency, City of Gainesville

21 A decrease in discipline referrals to tribunal hearings (91 in 2009 to 26 in 2012- 71% decrease) An increase in graduation rate (* 73% in 2009 to 85% in 2011) An increase in the number of students exceeding expectations on state criterion tests in every group and sub- group An increase in community and parent support as indicated on survey ratings and participation rates 96% Support of an Education Special Local Option Sales Tax in 2010 Support of a roll-up increase in millage rate in 2012 * Lever rate- converted to cohort rate for 2012

22 It aligns your schools and districts with the grant requirements as well as standards compliance of Community Schools and 21 st Century Learning Center grants. It servers as a Turn Around model in many states. It gives you an on-going system of gathering community and business feedback and establishes relationships of support. Grant linkages are always there: we write grants regularly using the frameworks in place. Professional learning resources are available on-line without added cost to the district.

23 Resources are on-line institutes and professional support through Scholastic and UCLA Center for Mental Health in Schools Platform for sharing ideas and resources provided through AASA and Scholastic Grass roots efforts- it is spreading through personal contact of school leaders who reach out to one another

24 Complete on-line learning modules for professional development Rebuilding for Learning Online Leadership Institute


26 Dr. Linda Taylor - UCLA Center for Mental Health in Schools Dr. Howard Adelman - UCLA Center for Mental Health in Schools Vera Turner - AASA Windy Lopez - Scholastic Rhonda Waltman Gainesville City Schools Dr. Merrianne Dyer- Superintendent Jarod Anderson- Director of Learning Supports Jamey Moore- Director of Curriculum and Instruction

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