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How do you become who you are?

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Presentation on theme: "How do you become who you are?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you become who you are?

2 The Influence of Heredity and Environment

3 Nature-Heredity psychologists believe that even though we share the DNA of our parents, our personalities and behaviour are not completely dependent on genetics

4 Nurture-Environment psychologists believe that family, peers, and socioeconomic status all play a part in our personalities and behaviours

5 The Edith Experiment A researcher designed an experiment to prove that the right environment could create a genius. He used his daughter Edith as the subject. He played classical music to her and showed her flash card from infancy. At 5 she could read the Encyclopedia Britannica and by 18 she had a PhD.

6 Twin Studies Monozygotic twins – identical; born from the same egg
Dizygotic twins – fraternal; born from two eggs Twins raised apart are often found to have similar personalities and interests even if they have never met. Psychologists believe that this is evidence of the genetic component of personality and behaviour. You tube: Twins – It is all in the Genes (5 mins)

7 IQ Testing Average IQ is Superior intelligence is above An IQ below 70 indicates a developmental disability. The majority of people (68%) have an IQ between 85 and 115. People do inherit some of their biological parent’s intelligence, but the environment (quality of home life, schooling, family size, availability of education) does influence one’s IQ score. Example: Romanian orphans Children in large institutions, even though they had all of their needs for food and shelter met, averaged an IQ of 65 Children placed in small institutions or foster care had an average IQ of 100

8 Personality

9 Introversion About 20% of the population is considered to be introverted. Introverts find it draining to be around people. They may not like talking on the phone because they have speak directly to another person. They may prefer or social networking. Introverts think before acting and they develop their ideas privately. We are a society that values extroverts (“people person”) who expect people to be as outgoing as they are so life can be challenging to introverts.

10 Highly Sensitive People (HSP):
15-20% of the population, 70% are introverts needs minimal auditory stimuli (music, TV.) often extremely sensitive to other people’s moods don’t enjoy public events, but do enjoy small gatherings of friends

11 Shyness: not the same as introversion
shy people are anxious around others begins in infancy when children are exposed to something unfamiliar and then react by crying and thrashing around if the child is overprotected by the parents, shy tendencies grow, if they are encouraged to be outgoing, shyness decrease.

12 Perfectionism

13 Perfectionism Setting high standards for yourself is healthy and does not mean you are a perfectionist. Perfectionists set goals or standards that are unreachable and then become depressed when they fail. Many see mistakes as a chance for growth, but perfectionists see mistakes as a sign that they are unworthy. Perfectionists don’t enjoy the ride, they see only the final destination.

14 Perfectionism in Children:
usually develops from parental responses to mistakes or events children develop perfectionism more often if their parents are perfectionists Perfectionism in Young Athletes: often due to a fear of failure usually a response to the demands of parents and sometimes coaches

15 Changing Perfectionist Attitudes:
Remember that everyone fails sometimes; it’s normal to experience success and failure. Get rid of statements that cause anxiety (“It’s all my fault.” “People will hate me if I make a mistake.”) by challenging them. Use hardships as opportunities to learn and to change. Take things one step at a time; don’t think about the size of a project, just do it bit by bit.

16 Birth Order You Tube video: ABC News video: Birth Order (7 mins)


18 Your Turn… Complete: Birth Order Assignment

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