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Introduction to CGI and ajax

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1 Introduction to CGI and ajax
SCMP Special Topic: Software Development Spring 2018 James Skon

2 Web Applications Client/Server applications Client: browser
Server: web server Client submits request Server processes client’s request Server responds Client process and display server’s response

3 Server‐Side Applications
Processing is done at the server Server responds with HTML code Client only renders HTML code Example: CGI (PHP,, Perl, CodeFusion)

4 Client‐Side Applications
Processing is done at the client Server sends code to be executed on client Examples: JavaScript, CSS, Java applets, Flash

5 Hybrid Applications Not pure client side or server side
Most web applications combine both Server side for data processing Client side for interactive user interface

6 Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
Standard interface between external applications and web servers Web server execute CGI program in real time set some environment variables execute program (fork, exec) redirect sdtin to program, stdout to browser

7 Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

8 CGI Environment Variables
REQUEST_METHOD GET: data is sent as part of URL POST: data sent in stdin QUERY_STRING list of variable names and their values CONTENT_LENGTH length of data in bytes (for POST method)

9 Request Method: GET

10 URL Encoding Variables are separated by “&”
Alphanumeric characters not encoded Most non‐alphanumeric encoded as %XX XX is the hex ASCII value of character Space: encoded as “+” e.g. data = “Kenyon CS!” form.cgi?data=Salam+Alykom%21 “=” is encoded as “%3D” “+” is encoded as “%2B”

11 Request Method: POST POST /cgi‐bin/post1.cgi HTTP/1.1
Data (query string) is sent to stdin Data is encoded using same URL encoding CONTENT_LENGTH set to byte length of data

12 US Census Names AJAX Demo
Apache name_stats_ajax.html Skon_namefectajax.cgi

13 Web Request <hr> Last name to look up data for:
<input name="name" type="text" id=name maxlength=30></td> <p> <input type="button" onclick="javascript: getresponse ()" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </p>

14 Web Request function getresponse () {
var ts = getCheckedValue(document.radioResultsSelect.type_select); var name = document.getElementById('name').value; if (name.length < 1) return;"GET", "/cgi-bin/skon_namefetchajax.cgi?" + "&type_select=" + ts + "&name=" + name ,true); XMLHttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (XMLHttp.readyState == 4) { var table = nameTable(XMLHttp.responseText); document.getElementById('response_area').innerHTML=table; } XMLHttp.send(null);

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