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Design Thinking for Science Communication

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1 Design Thinking for Science Communication


3 21st century skills from dialogue to inclusive learning
Technology Society Theory of SC Practice of SC Technology Society Theory of SC Practice of SC


5 C-Lab: inclusive technology
P P T P communication design for innovation

6 C-Lab: a learning centre
Research Practice education experimentation tooling/training TRL 1-2 TRL 2-6 TRL 6-9 There’s no successful innovation without communication

7 a



10 Innovation for… Science Communication Practice
As an inclusive part of S&T development Adaptive expertise for rapid changing worlds (Robust Adaptive Planning) Communication Design for Innovation Tools & Processes B2B-perspective (a large part of science & technology communication as we ‘normally’ see it, starts within and between organisations) Science Communication Research Bridging theory and practice through design: methodology Social complexity (i.e. RRI) and science communication Adaptive expertise Science & Technology & Engineering Interdisciplinarity / Transdisciplinarity Complexity from a social dynamic point of view As a critique to S&T development 21st century skills from BSc - PhD Society Technology that fits and challenges society in a comprehensive way

11 And… Innovation in science education practice
Primary education (Wetenschapsknooppunt) Secondary education (Betasteunpunt/ENGAGE) University education (Centre for Engineering Education) How to implement innovations in educational systems concerning science and technology education?

12 Thanks. Maarten van der Sanden m. c. a. vandersanden@tudelft
Thanks! Maarten van der Sanden

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