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Vision 20/20: Checks and Balances

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Presentation on theme: "Vision 20/20: Checks and Balances"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision 20/20: Checks and Balances
The Data Driven Decision Making Process in Mathematics Michelle White, Executive Director Maria Teresa Diaz-Gonzalez, Instructional Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Mathematics

2 Focus Points Predicted Proficiency District Report
Predicted Proficiency School Report Intervention Screener Report Topic Assessment Results Essential Data Reports from G2D

3 Teacher Characteristics Student Characteristics
Classroom Assessment and Reflection The teacher and student collaboratively gather information and reflect on learning through a systematic process that informs instruction. Teacher Characteristics Uses multiple methods to systematically gather data about student understanding and ability Uses student work/data, observations of instruction, assignments and interactions with colleagues to reflect on and improve teaching practice Revises instructional strategies based upon student achievement data Uncovers students’ prior understanding of the concepts to be addressed and addresses students’ misconceptions Provides regular and timely feedback to students and parents that moves learners forward Allows students to use feedback to improve their work before a grade is assigned Facilitates students in self- and peer-assessment Reflects on instruction and makes adjustments as student learning occurs Student Characteristics Recognizes what proficient work looks like and determines steps necessary for improving his/her work Monitors progress toward reaching learning targets Develops and/or uses scoring guides periodically to assess his/her own work or that of peers Uses teacher and peer feedback to improve his/her work Reflects on work and makes adjustments as learning occurs

4 Power BI~ Centralized Data Support

5 How They All Connect. . . MAFS Grade-Level Standards Topic Assessment
Grade-Level Concepts i-Ready RtI Levels Adaptive Grade-Level Content FSA Grade-Level Reporting Categories

6 Predicted Proficiency Report

7 Part I

8 Predicted Proficiency School Report
Click HERE  Predicted Proficiency School Report Remember- this report is not to make conclusions about instruction since it is not comparing same groups of students, but rather to see the status towards the school performance between the previous year and the current school year. Part II

9 Predicted Proficiency Report
Discuss: When reviewing the Predicted Proficiency Report, How does the data assist you in monitoring student progress (e.g., decisions on interventions, reflective dialogue with teachers)? Why is the margin of error important? Predicted Proficiency Report Monitoring Student progress ANS: able to identify approximately what percent of students are likely to achieve levels 3-5 (school grade- MATH ACHIEVEMENT) and at each Achievement Level. Also, to identify the grade level to target for interventions. The margin of error is important to understand the range of the predicted proficiency (i.e. to better understand the high and low extremes)

10 Intervention Screener Report

11 School Summary Intervention Screener Report
Part IV School Summary Intervention Screener Report K-8 slide



14 AP1 to AP2 Intervention Screener Comparison Chart
Part IV AP1 to AP2 Intervention Screener Comparison Chart K-8 slide


16 Analyzing the Intervention Screener Report
DISCUSSION: When reviewing the Intervention Screener Report, you notice the following percent point changes: Scenario A: For Tier 1, the percent of change is negative for grade 4. Scenario B: For Tier 2, the percent of change is positive for grade 3. Scenario C: For Tier 3, the percent of change is positive for grade 5. What are your immediate thoughts to be able to make conclusions and set goals? Analyzing the Intervention Screener Report How do these reports help monitor the effectiveness of instruction, remediation, and/or intervention?

17 Analyzing the Intervention Screener Report
ACTIVITY: When reviewing the Intervention Screener Report for your school, what percentage point changes do you notice? Discuss at your tables: How do you use these reports to monitor the effectiveness of instruction and intervention/remediation? What does your school data tell you? What are your next steps? Analyzing the Intervention Screener Report How do these reports help monitor the effectiveness of instruction, remediation, and/or intervention?

18 Computer-Based Testing
Paper-Based Computer-Based Testing Topic Assessments Pacing Guide

19 Topic Assessments

20 Topic Assessments: District Average Percent Correct

21 Topic Assessments: District Average Percent Correct

22 Topic Assessments: District Average Percent Correct



25 Analyzing Topic Assessment Data
ACTIVITY: In PowerBI, examine the Topic Assessment data for your school, selecting one grade level at a time. Identify the Topic(s) that students struggled with the most as well as the strongest. Use the Content At-A-Glance documents to identify the Reporting Categories taught in those Topics. Use the Test Design Summary document to identify how this Reporting Category is weighted (% of Test). Guiding Questions: Can your teachers identify those standards on which students are most/least successful? How do you know? Can your teachers explain the data in terms of decisions made in grouping students for remediation/intervention? How do you know? What are some next steps if the answer is NO to one or both of the above questions? Analyzing Topic Assessment Data Tere and Raquel, remember to change and to a / on the first line

26 Topic Assessments Essential Data Reports from G2D for DI and Remediation

27 Types of Data Reports on G2D
Distractor Analysis Item Analysis Standard Analysis At Risk Report

28 if you changed it last year
G2D Website Briefing ID #: 20377 Topic Assessment Schedules G2D Topic Assessment Administration Instructions Computer Based Tests will be available for Topic Assessments after January 30, 2017 Employee # MiamiDade2015* Or Your Own Password if you changed it last year

29 Use Drop-Down menu to select exam
G2D Reports Go to Reporting Tab and select assessment and type of report to view. Expand Use Drop-Down menu to select exam and select Search Click on % to view report types

30 Grade 3-Topic 7 Assessments Data

31 Grade 3-Topic 7 Data Item Analysis

32 Grade 4-Topic Assessments Data

33 Grade 4-Topic 7 Assessments Data

34 Grade 5-Topic 6 Assessments Data

35 Grade 5-Topic 6 Data Item Analysis


37 Elementary Mathematics
Key Resources in Review


39 © 2015, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.


41 Mathematics Test Design Summary




45 District Elementary Mathematics Grade-Level Pacing Guide
MAFS District Elementary Mathematics Grade-Level Pacing Guide

46 Item Specs

47 Lesson Plan Template Sample
5E Go Math! Lesson Plan Template Sample

48 Assessment Options and Tools for Data Driven Instruction





53 VOLUNTARY Comprehensive Assessment
Coming Soon. . .

54 Content-At-A-Glance Elementary Mathematics


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