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Lecture Eight Implementation & Control

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1 Lecture Eight Implementation & Control
Dr Joanna Pokorska

2 Reading Essential Recommended Lee & Carter: Chapter 16
Hollensen (2010): Chapter 19 Ronkainen, I.A. & I. Menezes, (1996) Implementing global marketing strategy: An interview with Whirlpool Corporation, International Marketing Review, 13(3) pp

3 Lecture objectives To understand different forms of implementation decisions that have to be made To discuss different types of organisational structures To examine the problems emerging when controlling international marketing operations

4 International Marketing Strategy
1. ANALYSIS 2. STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT 3. IMPLEMEN-TATION Internal analysis External analysis ... International marketing strategies Market entry strategies International product and service management International communications Pricing Distribution and logistics Organisational structure Control

5 Implementation Marketing implementation is the PROCESS that turns marketing plans into ACTION assignments and ensures that such assignments are EXECUTED in a manner that accomplishes the plan’s stated objectives

6 Consequences of Implementation
Planning Appropriate Inappropriate possible short-term success but ultimate failure SUCCESS Implementation Poor Excellent trouble or failure FAILURE

7 Implementation of Decisions
Responsibilities Timescales Budget Outcomes

8 Organisational Structure
The goal is to find a structure that: Enables the company to respond to relevant market environment differences Ensures the diffusion of corporate knowledge and experience throughout the entire system Organisations must balance: The value of centralised knowledge and control The need for individualised response to local markets

9 Organisational Structure cont’d
Adapted from Hollensen (2011)

10 Function – based structure

11 International Division Structure

12 Product - based structure

13 Product - based structure
CEO/ Board of directors Corporate staff Product A Product B Product C Product D R&D Production Marketing R&D Production Marketing R&D Production Marketing R&D Production Marketing

14 Geographical structure

15 Matrix Structure CEO/Board Product A Product B Product C Europe North
America Asia/Pacific

16 Matrix Structure

17 Control Marketing CONTROL includes all the steps that an organisation takes to MONITOR and ADJUST the marketing plan as it progresses, and involves analysing RESULTS to determine the SUCCESS of the marketing plan.

18 Planning and Control

19 Adjustment of Marketing Strategy
Change in marketing strategy Feedforward International marketing strategy Early symptoms Marketing impact Revised Marketing impact Feedback Source: Samli et al., 1993, p. 425 in Hollensen (2011)

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