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6.001 SICP Data abstractions
Abstractions and their variations Basic data abstractions Why data abstractions are useful 6.001 SICP
Procedural abstraction
Process of procedural abstraction Define formal parameters, capture process in body of procedure Give procedure a name Hide implementation details from user, who just invokes name to apply procedure procedure Output: type Input: type Details of contract for converting input to output 6.001 SICP
Procedural abstraction example: sqrt
To find an approximation of square root of x: Make a guess G Improve the guess by averaging G and x/g Keep improving the guess until it is good enough (define try (lambda (guess x) (if (good-enuf? guess x) guess (try (improve guess x) x)))) (define improve (lambda (guess x) (average guess (/ x guess)))) (define average (lambda (a b) (/ (+ a b) 2))) (define good-enuf? (lambda (guess x) (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))) (define sqrt (lambda (x) (try 1 x))) 6.001 SICP
The universe of procedures for sqrt
average try improve Good-enuf? sqrt 6.001 SICP
The universe of procedures for sqrt
average try improve Good-enuf? sqrt 6.001 SICP
sqrt - Block Structure (define (sqrt x) (define (good-enuf? guess)
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001)) (define (improve guess) (average guess (/ x guess))) (define (sqrt-iter guess) (if (good-enuf? guess) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess)))) (sqrt-iter 1.0)) good-enuf? improve sqrt x: number : number 6.001 SICP
Clean version of sqrt easy to add cbrt
(define (sqrt x) (fixed-point (average-damp (lambda (y) (/ x y))) 1)) Compare this to Heron’s algorithm from before – same process, but ideas intertwined with code (define (cbrt x) (lambda (y) (/ x (square y)))) 6.001 SICP
Summary of part 1 Procedural abstractions
Isolate details of process from its use Designer has choice of which ideas to isolate, in order to support general patterns of computation Good planning in how to collect procedures within higher order structures can make it easier to add new computations 6.001 SICP
Language Elements Primitives prim. data: numbers, strings, booleans
primitive procedures Means of Combination procedure application compound data (today) Means of Abstraction naming compound procedures block structure higher order procedures (more today) conventional interfaces – lists (today) data abstraction (next lecture) 6.001 SICP
Compound data Need a way of gluing data elements together into a unit that can be treated as a simple data element Need ways of getting the pieces back out Need a contract between the “glue” and the “unglue” Ideally want the result of this “gluing” to have the property of closure: “the result obtained by creating a compound data structure can itself be treated as a primitive object and thus be input to the creation of another compound object” 6.001 SICP
Pairs (cons cells) (cons <x-exp> <y-exp>) ==> <P> ;type: x, x Pair Where <x-exp> evaluates to a value <x-val>, and <y-exp> evaluates to a value <y-val> Returns a pair <P> whose car-part is <x-val> and whose cdr-part is <y-val> (car <P>) ==> <x-val> ;type: Pairtype of car part Returns the car-part of the pair <P> (cdr <P>) ==> <y-val> ;type: Pairtype of cdr part Returns the cdr-part of the pair <P> 6.001 SICP
Compound Data Treat a PAIR as a single unit:
Can pass a pair as argument Can return a pair as a value (define (make-point x y) (cons x y)) (define (point-x point) (car point)) (define (point-y point) (cdr point)) (define (make-seg pt1 pt2) (cons pt1 pt2)) (define (start-point seg) (car seg)) 5 4 3 2 1 (2, 3) point 6.001 SICP
Pair Abstraction Constructor ; cons: A,B -> A X B
; cons: A,B -> Pair<A,B> (cons <x> <y>) ==> <P> Accessors ; car: Pair<A,B> -> A (car <P>) ==> <x> ; cdr: Pair<A,B> -> B (cdr <P>) ==> <y> Predicate ; pair? anytype -> boolean (pair? <z>) ==> #t if <z> evaluates to a pair, else #f 6.001 SICP
Pair abstraction Note how there exists a contract between the constructor and the selectors: (car (cons <a> <b> )) <a> (cdr (cons <a> <b> )) <b> Note how pairs have the property of closure – we can use the result of a pair as an element of a new pair: (cons (cons 1 2) 3) 6.001 SICP
Conventional interfaces -- lists
A list is a data object that can hold an arbitrary number of ordered items. More formally, a list is a sequence of pairs with the following properties: Car-part of a pair in sequence – holds an item Cdr-part of a pair in sequence – holds a pointer to rest of list Empty-list nil – signals no more pairs, or end of list Note that lists are closed under operations of cons and cdr. 6.001 SICP
Conventional Interfaces - Lists
(cons <el1> <el2>) (list <el1> <el2> ... <eln>) Predicate ; null? anytype -> boolean (null? <z>) ==> #t if <z> evaluates to empty list <el1> <el2> <el1> <el2> <eln> … 6.001 SICP
… to be really careful For today we are going to create different constructors and selectors for a list (define first car) (define rest cdr) (define adjoin cons) Note how these abstractions inherit closure from the underlying abstractions! 6.001 SICP
Common Pattern #1: cons’ing up a list
(define (enumerate-interval from to) (if (> from to) nil (adjoin from (enumerate-interval (+ 1 from) to)))) (e-i 2 4) (if (> 2 4) nil (adjoin 2 (e-i (+ 1 2) 4))) (if #f nil (adjoin 2 (e-i 3 4))) (adjoin 2 (e-i 3 4)) (adjoin 2 (adjoin 3 (e-i 4 4))) (adjoin 2 (adjoin 3 (adjoin 4 (e-i 5 4)))) (adjoin 2 (adjoin 3 (adjoin 4 nil))) (adjoin 2 (adjoin )) (adjoin ) ==> (2 3 4) 4 3 4 2 3 4 6.001 SICP
Common Pattern #2: cdr’ing down a list
(define (list-ref lst n) (if (= n 0) (first lst) (list-ref (rest lst) (- n 1)))) (define (length lst) (if (null? lst) (+ 1 (length (rest lst))))) joe (list-ref joe 1) 2 3 4 6.001 SICP
Cdr’ing and Cons’ing Examples
(define (copy lst) (if (null? lst) nil ; base case (adjoin (first lst) ; recursion (copy (rest lst))))) (append (list 1 2) (list 3 4)) ==> ( ) Strategy: “copy” list1 onto front of list2. (define (append list1 list2) (cond ((null? list1) list2) ; base (else (adjoin (first list1) ; recursion (append (rest list1) list2))))) 6.001 SICP
Common Pattern #3: Transforming a List
(define (square-list lst) (if (null? lst) nil (adjoin (square (first lst)) (square-list (rest lst))))) (define (double-list lst) (adjoin (* 2 (first lst)) (double-list (rest lst))))) (define (map proc lst) (adjoin (proc (first lst)) (map proc (rest lst))))) (map square lst)) (map (lambda (x) (* 2 x)) lst)) 6.001 SICP
Common Pattern #4: Filtering a List
(define (filter pred lst) (cond ((null? lst) nil) ((pred (first lst)) (adjoin (first lst) (filter pred (rest lst)))) (else (filter pred (rest lst))))) 6.001 SICP
Common Pattern #5: Accumulating Results
(define (add-up lst) (if (null? lst) (+ (first lst) (add-up (rest lst))))) (define (mult-all lst) 1 (* (first lst) (mult-all (rest lst))))) (define (accumulate op init lst) init (op (first lst) (accumulate op init (rest lst))))) (accumulate + 0 lst)) 6.001 SICP
Your Turn (define (length lst) (if (null? lst)
(+ 1 (length (rest lst))))) (define (accumulate op init lst) init (op (first lst) (accumulate op init (rest lst))))) Rewrite length as an accumulation (define (length lst) (accumulate (lambda (item) 1) lst)) 6.001 SICP
Example of using structures and interfaces
(define make-point cons) (define point-x car) (define point-y cdr) Assume that a polygon is an ordered list of points To find the center of figure (define (centroid pts) (let ((total (length pts))) (make-point (/ (accumulate + 0 (map point-x pts)) total) (map point-y pts)) total)))) 6.001 SICP
Example of using structures and interfaces
Assume that a polygon is an ordered list of points To shift a figure (define (shift pt offset) (make-point (- (point-x pt) (point-x offset)) (- (point-y pt) (point-y offset)))) (define (shift-figure pts offset) (map (lambda (pt) (shift pt offset)) pts)) 6.001 SICP
Example of using structures and interfaces
Assume that a polygon is an ordered list of points To rotate about the center (define (rotate pt) (make-point (- (point-y pt)) (point-x pt))) (define (rotate-figure pts) (let ((center (centroid pts))) (shift-figure (map rotate (shift-figure pts center)) (- (point-x center)) (- (point-y center)))))) 6.001 SICP
Example of using structures and interfaces
Assume that a polygon is an ordered list of points To shift and clip (define (shift&clip pts offset) (filter (lambda (pt) (>= (point-x pt) 0)) (map (lambda (pt) (shift pt offset)) pts))) 6.001 SICP
Summary of part 2 Data structures are built on contract of constructors and accessors Data structures have associated procedures for manipulation – typically the recursive structure of the procedure mimics the recursive structure of the data object Building data structures Think about good organization for data Think about how procedures to manipulate structure will mimic organization of data Build and hide details of abstraction from use of abstraction, by relying on contract 6.001 SICP
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