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Reaction and Revolution

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1 Reaction and Revolution 1810-1860
Chapter 12; Section 2 Reaction and Revolution

2 Congress of Vienna After the defeat of Napoleon, European rulers moved to restore the old order. Powers such as Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia met at the Congress of Vienna to arrange a final peace settlement. The leader of the Congress was the Austrian foreign minister, Prince Metternich. He claimed that he followed the principle of legitimacy.

3 Congress of Vienna For the most part this was ignored, but some things were accomplished during the meeting: Rearranged territories in Europe The powers at Vienna did not want any one country to dominate Europe Attempted to balance military and political forces.

4 Conservative Order Based on tradition and social stability.
Supported organized religion Hated revolution and declined any form of representative governments. Believed in Principle of Intervention. Some powers met periodically to maintain peace in Europe. Became known as the Concert of Europe.

5 Liberalism Based on the Enlightenment philosophies and being free from government restraint. Protection of civil liberties Believed a written document should protect peoples’ rights. Ex. Bill of Rights Religious Toleration Peaceful opposition to the government. Wanted a constitutional monarchy. However, they only wanted men with property to vote.

6 Nationalism It was a second force for change.
Arose out of people’s awareness of being part of a community with common traditions, language, and customs. People should have their allegiance to the nation, not to different regions. Believed each nationality should have its own governments.

7 The Crimean War Result of a struggle between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Russia wanted the Balkans due to the Dardanelles and the Med. Sea. When the Russians invaded Ottoman territory, the Ottoman Empire, Great Britian, and France declared war on Russia. Russia lost and signed the Treaty of Paris. This destroyed the Concert of Europe

8 Italian Unification Austria controlled most of the Italian peninsula.
Piedmont took the leadership role for the Italian states. Victor Emmanuel II named Cavour as Prime Minister Economic expansion Large army Allied with France Provoked Austria Result of the Conflict: France gained Nice and Savoy Piedmont gained Lombardy Other states began to revolt. Garibaldi Red Shirts Took over Sicily and Naples He turned over his victories to Piedmont Austro Prussian War gave them control of Venetia and Rome

9 German Unification King William I appointed Bismarck to the position of Prime Minister. Practical, not theory or ethics “Blood and Iron” policy Collected taxes and strengthened army He led to three Prussian victories War with Denmark War with Austria Franco-Prussian War (1870) French army and Napoleon III captured (1871) Peace treaty signed giving Prussia over one billion dollars and Alsace and Lorraine. In 1871, William I was named the kaiser of the Second German Reich

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