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PD – 2018.01.25.

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1 PD –

2 My objective To think critically together about what to do when the text book lesson is not suitable for our students NOT To make you a lesson you can use with your students SO CHANGE/ADAPT THESE SLIDES IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM WITH YOUR STUDENTS

3 English VIII : Unit 7 : Page 97
What do I know about the Vikings?

4 If you don’t know much about a topic, youtube has some great, short clips that you can watch to get some background knowledge BEFORE you teach your students. Here are TWO about Vikings. They are made for native speakers, so it’s good listening practice for YOU. Go to youtube and search : The Vikings – In a nutshell Vikings -10 Fun Interesting Facts

5 Warm-up idea What do you think it is? It might be …………….

6 Pre-Reading Vocabulary 1.
a ship goods sack paddles a sail barrel

7 clothes = clothing = garment(s)
jewelry = jewellery

8 weapons bow shields arrows sword ax = axe spear dagger

9 Pre-Reading Vocabulary 2.
A century is one hundred years. Goods are things that people buy and sell. A deck the part of a ship that people stand on. A grave is a place to put a dead body. A farmer is someone who grows food. A builder is someone who builds something. A craftsman is someone who makes crafts. A trader is someone who buys and sells goods.

To discover means to find something for the first time To row means to make a ship move using paddles To navigate means to find the way To explore means to travel to a new place To bury means to put something under the ground

11 to row - сэлүүрдэх to discover – нээх, олж мэдэх, илрүүлэх to navigate – гатлах, туулах, замаа олох to explore - судлах to bury – оршуулах, булах to invade – халдан/цөмрөн орох

12 Post-Reading Vocabulary Exercise 2
Post-Reading Vocabulary Exercise 2. Match the words with the correct meanings : e k d j g b h i a f c a century a deck a farmer a builder a craftsman a trader goods to explore to discover to navigate to row a. to find something for the first time b. someone who buys and sells goods c. to make a ship move using a paddle d. someone who grows food e. one hundred years f. to find the way g. someone who makes crafts h. things that people buy and sell i. to travel to a new place j. someone who builds something k. the part of a ship that people stand on LATER – AFTER ALL THE WORDS HAVE BEEN TAUGHT – MAYBE THE FOLLOWING LESSON?

13 English VIII : Unit 7 : Page 97

14 In pairs : Make ONE Yes/No and ONE Wh question
Vikings lived in the 8-11th centuries in Scandinavian lands. They were farmers, shipbuilders, craftsmen and traders. Historical documents show that Vikings were good at navigating the sea. They explored new lands and discovered Iceland and Greenland. Their culture was very rich and interesting. Different sources of information tell about Viking history, and everyone can learn a lot about them. For example, Vikings were buried with all the things they might need in the afterlife. Grave goods might include beer and food, clothing, jewelry, weapons and even animals. The Vikings were also good at building ships which usually were 15 meters long. There was a lot of room below deck, where Vikings used to keep goods to sell and food and drink for several weeks. The water was kept in wooden barrels or sacks made of animal skin. When there was little or no wind, the ship was rowed with 4 meter long paddles.


16 In pairs : Make ONE Yes/No and ONE Wh question
In pairs, write ONE Yes, ONE No, and ONE Doesn’t Say : In pairs : Make ONE Yes/No and ONE Wh question Vikings lived in the 8-11th centuries in Scandinavian lands. They were farmers, shipbuilders, craftsmen and traders. Historical documents show that Vikings were good at navigating the sea. They explored new lands and discovered Iceland and Greenland. Their culture was very rich and interesting. Different sources of information tell about Viking history, and everyone can learn a lot about them. For example, Vikings were buried with all the things they might need in the afterlife. Grave goods might include beer and food, clothing, jewelry, weapons and even animals. The Vikings were also good at building ships which usually were 15 meters long. There was a lot of room below deck, where Vikings used to keep goods to sell and food and drink for several weeks. The water was kept in wooden barrels or sacks made of animal skin. When there was little or no wind, the ship was rowed with 4 meter long paddles.


modal verbs shall should will would can could may might must BASE FORM VERB = BARE INFINITIVE

might be might go might play could row could discover could explore might to be might goes might playing

20 It might be a necklace. could be It might be a bracelet.

21 These might be Viking swords.
could be


23 Maybe INSTEAD of this – see exercise on following slide
I might ____________ the art museum here. I don’t know. / I haven’t decided yet. Today we have an exhibition. There could _________ a lot of people here. Let’s take a leaflet. It might _____________ more information about this landmark. A: How many places will we see? B: We might ___________ a lot of historical places, such as Pyramids, ancient villages and an open-air museum. A: Is there an antique shop near here? B : I’m not sure. There might __________ one on the corner. Maybe INSTEAD of this – see exercise on following slide

24 be spear be paddles dress be be sack be goods
This might ______ a _________. These might _______ __________. It might _________ a ___________. That could ___________ a ___________. Those could ________ _____________. be spear be paddles dress be be sack be goods

25 The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre
The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre. This is a museum which shows archeological discoveries from ancient times. The exhibitions show Viking clothes, jewellery, crafts, goods and much more. A small model illustrates the life of a Viking and shows his relationship to his gods. Beautiful paintings also illustrate Viking culture by showing pictures of their myths. In the auditorium there are illustrations and presentations about Viking mythology. In a separate exhibition building, you can find Viking weapons. Weapons include swords, daggers, spears, axes, bows and arrows. Viking arrows were specially designed for every task, from killing men, to catching fish. These arrows were made of a shaft and an arrowhead. You can also try on some Viking protective garments.

26 The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre
The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre. This is a museum which shows archeological discoveries from ancient times. The exhibitions show Viking clothes, jewellery, crafts, goods and much more. A small model illustrates the life of a Viking and shows his relationship to his gods. Beautiful paintings also illustrate Viking culture by showing pictures of their myths. In the auditorium there are illustrations and presentations about Viking mythology. In a separate exhibition building, you can find Viking weapons. Weapons include swords, daggers, spears, axes, bows and arrows. Viking arrows were specially designed for every task, from killing men, to catching fish. These arrows were made of a shaft and an arrowhead. You can also try on some Viking protective garments.

27 This lantern is made of oil and glass.
Arrows are made of wood and metal. The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre. This is a museum which shows archeological discoveries from ancient times. The exhibitions show Viking clothes, jewellery, crafts, goods and much more. A small model illustrates the life of a Viking and shows his relationship to his gods. Beautiful paintings also illustrate Viking culture by showing pictures of their myths. In the auditorium there are illustrations and presentations about Viking mythology. In a separate exhibition building, you can find Viking weapons. Weapons include swords, daggers, spears, axes, bows and arrows. Viking arrows were specially designed for every task, from killing men, to catching fish. These arrows were made of a shaft and an arrowhead. You can also try on some Viking protective garments.

28 The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre
The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre. This is a museum which shows archeological discoveries from ancient times. The exhibitions show Viking clothes, jewellery, crafts, goods and much more. A small model illustrates the life of a Viking and shows his relationship to his gods. Beautiful paintings also illustrate Viking culture by showing pictures of their myths. In the auditorium there are illustrations and presentations about Viking mythology. In a separate exhibition building, you can find Viking weapons. Weapons include swords, daggers, spears, axes, bows and arrows. Viking arrows were specially designed for every task, from killing men, to catching fish. These arrows were made of a shaft and an arrowhead. You can also try on some Viking protective garments.

29 The chest is made of wood.
The necklace is made of gold. The helmet is made of iron. The pot is made of copper.

30 The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre
The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre. This is a museum which shows archeological discoveries from ancient times. The exhibitions show Viking clothes, jewellery, crafts, goods and much more. A small model illustrates the life of a Viking and shows his relationship to his gods. Beautiful paintings also illustrate Viking culture by showing pictures of their myths. In the auditorium there are illustrations and presentations about Viking mythology. In a separate exhibition building, you can find Viking weapons. Weapons include swords, daggers, spears, axes, bows and arrows. Viking arrows were specially designed for every task, from killing men, to catching fish. These arrows were made of a shaft and an arrowhead. You can also try on some Viking protective garments.

31 Student A : What might this be? What could this be?
What do you think this might/could be?

32 The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre
The Vikings of the past come to life in the Rosala Viking Centre. This is a museum which shows archeological discoveries from ancient times. The exhibitions show Viking clothes, jewellery, crafts, goods and much more. A small model illustrates the life of a Viking and shows his relationship to his gods. Beautiful paintings also illustrate Viking culture by showing pictures of their myths. In the auditorium there are illustrations and presentations about Viking mythology. In a separate exhibition building, you can find Viking weapons. Weapons include swords, daggers, spears, axes, bows and arrows. Viking arrows were specially designed for every task, from killing men, to catching fish. These arrows were made of a shaft and an arrowhead. You can also try on some Viking protective garments.

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