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Robot Love Compare and Contrast The Bedford Reader Ch. 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Robot Love Compare and Contrast The Bedford Reader Ch. 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robot Love Compare and Contrast The Bedford Reader Ch. 7

2 In a painting and a photo
Turn to page 223. Read the blue box, look at the pictures and answer the questions. Be ready to share out

3 The Method With Compare/Contrast you can show why you prefer one thing to another Careful and detailed CC can be extremely convincing It demonstrates that you know your subject thoroughly

4 The Purpose 1. Showing each side by side does not necessarily find one better than the other 2. Sometimes it has the purpose of choosing between two things

5 The Process Choose subjects that can be easily compared
When identifying shared and dissimilar features limit the number In a short paper select a single basis of comparison ie. how day care centers are like and unlike each other in Russia and the US.

6 Organization 1. Subject by subject 1. Jake 2. Jed Training
Technical dexterity Playing Style 2. Jed Playing style

7 Organization 2. Point by point 1.Choice of Material 2. Training
Jed: bluegrass Jake: jazz 2. Training Jed: studied under Earl Jake: studied under Bella

8 Paragraph Coherence Turn to pages Write 3 points you learned from the “Focus” box.

9 Practice Turn to page 232. Look at the poster.
Design a poster with compares and contrasts a story and a movie you know about or have heard of.

10 Finally Flip through pages 233-277
Decide which article most interests you Find someone else in the class who wants to read the same article Read and answer: Q on Meaning, Writing Strategy and Language Do Suggestions for Writing: Critical Writing

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