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Finish Apostrophes - into notebook Discussion / writing: our values

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1 Finish Apostrophes - into notebook Discussion / writing: our values
Weds. 2/1 English 8 SLIDES ARE POSTED ON THE WEBSITE Today: Finish Apostrophes - into notebook Discussion / writing: our values We read: The Jungle Book What human values? QUIZ TOMORROW: VOCABULARY Homework:Title and author DUE THURS.

2 Our values. What if…? You pick up a $50 dollar bill off of the ground in the parking lot outside Chester’s Thriftway. What are your choices and what do you do? It’s 10 degrees above zero, 4:00 in the afternoon (getting dark), and you’re driving a pickup south through Picture Gorge, alone, headed home to John Day. At the intersection of Highway 26 and 19 is an elderly hitchhiker headed the same direction. What are your choices and what do you do? Just trying to get your attention, a “friend” tells another “friend” that you kissed somebody really popular - but you didn’t. What are your choices and what do you do? Choose one of these scenarios and write a paragraph about it. (3-5 sentences, due today.)

3 Done? Get out “Apostrophes” and work on it.

4 Jungle Book vocabulary
Adoption: to bring into a family a child without parents Anthropomorphize: talk about a thing or animal as if it were human Wolf: (singular); wolves, (plural) Plot: (literary), what happens in a story, in order Values: (morality), how to live right; good behavior v. bad behavior Suspense: (literary); using doubt, tension, anxiety to hook readers’ interest Conflict: (literary); when characters in a story meet challenge or opportunity Choice: (lit.); characters’ responses to conflict Protagonist: (lit.); the hero of the story Antagonist: (lit.); the villain of the story

5 Stock up with fresh supplies:
new notebook, if necessary; new paper portfolio; Pen or pencil everyday Buy flashcards, high-lighters. Expect binder checks. Save all mechanics worksheets; save quizzes and tests.

6 Who knows any beast fables?
The Hare and the Tortoise…? The Ant and the Grasshopper...? The Lion and the Mouse...? So… what human values are these stories really about? Today we start a very famous beast fable about a boy adopted by wolves in India.

7 1/31/17 Anthropomorphize (say it: an-thro-po-mor-phize)
When you talk about a thing or animal as if it were human, you are anthropomorphizing it. In fact, we’d better start a new vocabulary page: Open your notebooks to new page, head it: Jungle Book vocabulary Adoption: to bring into a family a child without parents Anthropomorphize: talk about a thing or animal as if it were human Wolf: (singular); wolves, (plural) Plot: (literary), what happens in a story, in order Values: (morality), how to live right; good behavior v. bad behavior Today we start a very famous beast fable about a boy adopted by wolves in India.

8 Google asia, display map, zoom into India

9 Satpura National Park - central India

10 Indian Grey Wolf


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