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Making a Difference.

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1 Making a Difference

2 ‘A Message from Young British Muslims’- The Advocacy Academy
Campaign 1 A student, Amal, was fed up of seeing misleading headlines about Muslims in the press, so she decided to do something about it. She gathered together a group of friends and created a video calling on The Sun and The Daily Mail to meet with them to discuss their concerns. The video went viral and The Sun has since agreed to a meeting. ‘A Message from Young British Muslims’- The Advocacy Academy

3 Campaign 2 #ShareRamadan encourages Muslims to invite friends, neighbours and colleagues of different faiths to fast for a day and then invite their guests to their homes to break the fast. “A lot of people who are not from the Muslim faith really want to try it… the whole idea is to create a dialogue between different people from different backgrounds… It’s about breaking down barriers, preconceptions and learning about other religions and values.” Manchester Evening News

4 Campaign 3 “I’m Muslim, But I’m Not...” is a BuzzFeed video that addresses stereotypes about Muslims by showing a diverse range of young adult Muslims talking about different aspects of their identities. This video was published in 2015 on BuzzFeed and is part of a series of videos addressing stereotypes and identity, such as in the “I’m Asian, But I’m Not…” and the “I’m Latino, But I’m Not…” videos. ‘I’m Muslim But I’m Not…’- Buzzfeed Videos

5 Campaign 4 This is a campaign that was set up by the Victoria (Australia) Human Rights Commission to provide people with the tools to effectively ‘spray out hate’ online. The website provides a sample message in response to a hateful post, tips on how to combat hate and an Anti-Hate Kit to help young people to promote anti-hate at school or in the community.

6 Campaign 5 EqualiTeach worked in partnership with Muslim and non-Muslim young people from schools in Tower Hamlets, exploring how they can be Agents for Change in the fight against Islamophobia. Together the young people: • created awareness-raising films about Islamophobia • developed ways in which other young people in their schools could easily report hate crime and Islamophobic bullying and provide support for the targets of Islamophobia • delivered workshops and assemblies in local schools ‘Faith in Us’- EqualiTeach

7 • Which is your favourite campaign? Why?
• Which is your least favourite campaign? Why? • Is there anything you particularly liked about the campaigns? • Which campaigns do you think are the most successful in getting their message across?

8 Making a difference planning tool
The Issue | Tools | Support | Actions

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