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Intervention evidence gathering Julie Arnot ScotPHN Researcher

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1 Intervention evidence gathering Julie Arnot ScotPHN Researcher

2 ‘Evidence’ Extensive international evidence base (journal articles, reviews) - for some forms of violence prevention, less so for others Heavy focus on U.S. based interventions: Findings transferable to Scottish / U.K. context? Interventions might report positive changes in self-reported behaviour in the short-term: Do they always translate into longer-term violence prevention?

3 Scottish evidence Who is delivering interventions, where, to whom?
Disparate range of orgs Local & national level, various sectors Breadth of violence types Limited articles / reports Pockets of published evidence: GBV on H.E. campuses, Medics Against Violence, Community Initiative to Reduce Violence, Mentors in Violence, sex work, gang violence……..

4 ScotPHN evidence gathering
in lieu of ‘evidence’ ScotPHN identified c.60 Scottish interventions 2014* Update: developed short online q/naire Nov 2017 For completion / dissemination by: Strategy group of public sector partners 3rd sector (GBV/DV) / 3rd sector membership orgs Scottish Directors of Public Health Scottish Health Promotion Managers Community Planning Partnerships Several safety / violence related networks / partnerships. *See: Philip Conaglen & Annette Gallimore (2014) Violence prevention: a public health priority.

5 Q’s & Response Questionnaire asked:
Primary, secondary, tertiary prevention? Targeting what & who? Setting? Evaluated? Response rate? Unknown no. received questionnaire 73 responses, overlap 2014, local offshoots of national programmes Good spread of interventions: Domestic abuse, sexual violence, non-sexual violence Scotland, Glasgow, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, Edinburgh, S Lanarkshire, Highland Home / doorstep, schools, street, city centre Representative spread of organisations? Who’s missing? Growing bank of ‘evidence’ about interventions with brief info / contacts

6 Combine 2014 & 2017: c.100+ interventions (defunct?), 67+ evaluated:
Gender based violence: 24  Domestic abuse: 23 Youths: 18, Gangs: 3   School based: 17 NTE / alcohol licensing / town centre / festive: 12 Ex-offenders / offenders: 13 Child abuse / corporal punishment: 6 Hate crime: 5 Anti-social behaviour: 4 Robberies / serious crime: 4 Alcohol / drugs: 4 Sex work: 3 Suicide / self-harm: 3 Knife violence: 2 Trafficking: 1 At risk adults: 2 MAPPA Unit: 1 FGM / Honor based violence: 1 Doorstep crime: 1 Oral / Maxillofacial: 1 Assault injury surveillance: 1 Social Norms: 1 H.E. medical/ dental student training: 1

7 How many interventions aimed at primary prevention?
Crude estimate: 85 Q: quick, brief info on intervention, contact details: Thank you (your time is appreciated).

8 Workshop 1 Discussion topic:
What actions in your area of work are currently, successfully preventing or reducing violence? Setting? Targeting what & who? Impact? Can it be extended to other locales / domains? 40 mins. table discussion 20 mins. in plenary for each table to briefly summarise discussions.

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