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ASPIRE BoF TNC Future of NRENs Panel

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1 ASPIRE BoF TNC2012 23.5.2012 Future of NRENs Panel
Christoph Witzig, SWITCH

2 Panel Future of NRENs Membership: 3 Questionnaires M.Nowlan (chair)
D.Foster (CERN), V.Reijs (HEANET), A.Rotkop (IUCC), K.Wierenga (CISCO), D.Wilson (HEANET), C.Witzig (SWITCH) 3 Questionnaires NREN managers NREN clients Individual interviews TNC2012: ASPIRE BoF

3 NREN Questionnaire ¾ of NRENs, that answered the questionnaire, have a strategy – normally not publicly available Connectivity as common strategic service, followed by collaborative middleware services. Cloud as key future service National environment key for NREN “all NRENs are local” Connectivity alone may not be sufficient to guarantee NREN sustainability  importance of strategy execution NRENs firmly embedded and trusted in community  key competitive advantage TNC2012: ASPIRE BoF

4 NRENs and Internet Industry
Industry no longer perceives NRENs as cutting-edge customers Long innovation cycle for core infrastructure (4-6 years) Past: interest for field trials – now a customer with special needs TNC2012: ASPIRE BoF

5 Future Strategies / High Level Recommendations
National environment as key advantage for NRENs  bigger differentiation between individual NRENs (Only) Connectivity and some middleware services offered at European level ? Partnership with pan-European scientific projects Economies of scale for services at European level High level recommendations NRENs need to become more cohesive and act with a single voice NRENs should re-consider funding model for sustainability Adaptation of strategic business planning and service delivery due to harsher economic environment A Terena R&E User Compendium is needed TNC2012: ASPIRE BoF

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