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Your Name Department of Physics and Astronomy

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Presentation on theme: "Your Name Department of Physics and Astronomy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Type Your Title Here Feel free to use this document as template for your seminar.
Your Name Department of Physics and Astronomy Stephen F. Austin State University 11/13/2018

2 Introduction What is the history?
Who was involved in this area of physics? 11/13/2018

3 Introduction Where and when did the research take place? 11/13/2018

4 Introduction What techniques and equipment were used in this research?

5 Images Include some images of the equipment and scientist. 11/13/2018

6 Images Include some images of charts and graphs. 11/13/2018

7 Demonstration Try to find or develop and hands-on demonstration that you can use to help your audience understand you subject. 11/13/2018

8 Theory What is the theory behind the experiment?
Take your audience through a mathematical derivation in the next few slides. 11/13/2018

9 Equations What is the theory behind the experiment?
Copy and past the equation below several times and modify each using Microsoft Equation Editor. 11/13/2018

10 Equations 11/13/2018

11 Equations 11/13/2018

12 Equations 11/13/2018

13 Equations 11/13/2018

14 Equations 11/13/2018

15 Equations 11/13/2018

16 Progress List achievements and progress
Highlight those things that made progress possible 11/13/2018

17 Technology List technical problems that have been solved
List outstanding technical issues that need to be solved 11/13/2018

18 Summary or Conclusions
Summarize your talk at the end in a few sentences. Ask the audience if there are any questions. 11/13/2018

19 References List the titles of books or articles that you used for your research. List the addresses of any web pages that you used in your research. 11/13/2018

20 Helpful Hints Speak Loud and Clearly
Face your audience and move around some. Use a pointer or go to the projection screen. Paraphrase, do not always read directly from your slides. Information on the internet is not always correct. Take advantage of the “Resource Links”: 11/13/2018

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