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Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

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1 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

2 Computer Organization
4 Computer Organization Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

3 Operating System and Computer Organization
Organization of Conventional Computers The ALU The Control Unit The Memory Unit I/O Devices Interrupts Multiprocessors and Parallel Computers Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

4 Stored Program Computers and Electronic Devices
Pattern Jacquard Loom Variable Program Stored Program Device Fixed Electronic Device Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

5 Program Specification
Source int a, b, c, d; . . . a = b + c; d = a - 100; ; Code for a = b + c load R3,b load R4,c add R3,R4 store R3,a ; Code for d = a - 100 load R4,=100 subtract R3,R4 store R3,d Assembly Language Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

6 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Machine Language Assembly Language ; Code for a = b + c load R3,b load R4,c add R3,R4 store R3,a ; Code for d = a - 100 load R4,=100 subtract R3,R4 store R3,d …1 …0 …0 …1 …0 …1 Machine Language Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

7 The von Neumann Architecture
Central Processing Unit (CPU) Arithmetical Logical Unit (ALU) Control Unit (CU) Address Bus Data Bus Device Primary Memory Unit (Executable Memory) Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

8 Conventional Computer Organization
Programs and data are brought into the machine from the external; world using I/O devices. Some of the devices are storage devices. These are used to store info for an indefinite period of time. When the program and data are ready to be used, they are copied into the main memory Once the program has been loaded in main memory, the CPU execute the program instruction by instruction All units are connected using a bus: address bus data bus control circuit to arbitrate access to the bus and control bus operations other wires are used to various other purposes (e.g. interrupt signals) All Von Neumann computers have a CPU, with an ALU and a control unit, a primary memory, and a set of I/O devices. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

9 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
The ALU load R3,b load R4,c add R3,R4 store R3,a Right Operand Left Operand R1 R2 . . . Rn Functional Unit Status Registers Result To/from Primary Memory Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

10 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Control Unit load R3,b load R4,c add R3,R4 store R3,a …1 …0 …0 …1 Fetch Unit Decode Unit Execute Unit PC IR Control Unit 3046 3050 3054 3058 3050 load R4, c Primary Memory Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

11 Control Unit Operation
Fetch phase: Instruction retrieved from memory Execute phase: ALU op, memory data reference, I/O, etc. PC = <machine start address>; IR = memory[PC]; haltFlag = CLEAR; while(haltFlag not SET) { execute(IR); PC = PC + sizeof(INSTRUCT); IR = memory[PC]; // fetch phase }; Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

12 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Memory Unit Main (Primary) Memory holds both program and data while they are being executed by CPU. The main memory interface consists of the registers: MAR, MDR, CMD. Unit of information accessed depends on the width of memory and width of data bus. Max. addressing space depends on width of address bus. One request at a time. CPU and I/O devices may contend for memory access. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

13 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Primary Memory Unit 1234 1. Load MAR with address MAR 1 2 98765 3. Data will then appear in the MDR MDR Command read 2. Load Command with “read” 1234 98765 Read Op: n-1 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

14 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
I/O devices Each I/O device consists of a device controller and the physical device itself. Devices: - storage devices: for permanent storage (e.g. disk, tape) - communication devices: to transfer data from the computer to another machine (e.g. keyboard, a terminal display, or a serial port to a modem or a network). Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

15 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
I/O Devices (cont.) Device controller: hardware that connects the device to the computer. continuously monitors and controls the operation of the device. provides an interface to the computer. The device communicates with the computer via a communication point called a port. Since several devices need to be connected to a computer, they are connected trough the bus. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

16 The Device-Controller-Software Relationship
Abstract I/O Machine Device manager Program to manage device controller Supervisor mode software Application Program Software in the CPU Device Controller Device Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

17 Device Controller Interface
busy done idle finished working (undefined) . . . busy done Error code . . . Command Status Data 0 Data 1 Logic Data n-1 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

18 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
I/O Devices (cont.) How does the computer communicate with an I/O device? device controller has a set of registers: Command reg., Status reg., Data regs., Address regs, etc. Status reg.: tells the computer the status of device: idle, busy, non functional, etc. A process can request an operation from device by placing a command in device’s Command reg. Data regs. Are used to exchange data Address regs: used to indicate address of source/destination Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

19 Performing a Write Operation
while(deviceNo.busy || deviceNo.done) <waiting>;[0] = <value to write> deviceNo.command = WRITE; while(deviceNo.busy) <waiting>; deviceNo.done = FALSE; Devices much slower than CPU CPU waits while device operates Would like to multiplex CPU to a different process while I/O is in process Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

20 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Polling I/O // Start the device While((busy == 1) || (done == 1)) wait(); // Device I/O complete done = 0; Software busy done while((busy == 0) && (done == 1)) wait(); // Do the I/O operation busy = 1; Hardware Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

21 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
CPU-I/O Overlap Ready Processes CPU Device Ready Processes I/O Operation CPU Device Ready Processes Uses CPU CPU Device Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

22 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
I/O Devices (cont.) How does the computer operate on device controller registers? How does it identify each device? 1. Instruction set of the CPU may have special instructions to operate on I/O devices. E.g. Input DeviceN, DeviceRegisterN, Rn Output Rn, DeviceN, DeviceRegisterN etc. 2. Memory Mapped I/O Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

23 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Memory Mapped I/O A set of memory addresses are reserved for I/O devices. E.g: 0000 to 3FF in Intel 8086 each device is assigned a sub-set of memory addresses. A memory address is assigned to each register of each device controller regular CPU instructions are used to interact with device controller. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

24 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Addressing Devices Primary Memory Primary Memory Memory Addresses Device 0 Memory Addresses Device 0 Device 1 Device 1 Device Addresses Device n-1 Device n-1 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

25 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
I/O Devices (cont.) How does the CPU know when a device controller has completed the requested operation? 1. Polling: CPU continually check status register of device controller 2. Interrupt driven I/O: device controller sends a signal to CPU through the bus. bus must support interrupts CPU must include an interrupt flag CPU instruction set must include instructions to test and set/clear interrupt flag. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

26 Determining When I/O is Complete
CPU Interrupt Pending Device Device Device CPU incorporates an “interrupt pending” flag When device.done  TRUE, interrupt pending flag is set Hardware “tells” OS that the interrupt occurred Interrupt handler part of the OS makes process ready to run Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

27 Control Unit with Interrupt (Hardware)
PC = <machine start address>; IR = memory[PC]; haltFlag = CLEAR; while(haltFlag not SET) { execute(IR); PC = PC + sizeof(INSTRUCT); if(InterruptRequest) { /* Interrupt the current process */ /* Save the current PC in address 0 */ memory[0] = PC; /* Branch indirect through address 1 */ PC = memory[1]; }; memory[1] contains the address of the interrupt handler Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

28 Interrupt Handler (Software)
saveProcessorState(); for(i=0; i<NumberOfDevices; i++) if(device[i].done) goto deviceHandler(i); /* something wrong if we get to here … */ deviceHandler(int i) { finishOperation(); returnToScheduler(); } Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

29 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
A Race Condition saveProcessorState() { for(i=0; i<NumberOfRegisters; i++) memory[K+i] = R[i]; for(i=0; i<NumberOfStatusRegisters; i++) memory[K+NumberOfRegisters+i] = StatusRegister[i]; } PC = <machine start address>; IR = memory[PC]; haltFlag = CLEAR; while(haltFlag not SET) { execute(IR); PC = PC + sizeof(INSTRUCT); if(InterruptRequest && InterruptEnabled) { disableInterupts(); memory[0] = PC; PC = memory[1]; }; Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

30 Revisiting the trap Instruction (Hardware)
executeTrap(argument) { setMode(supervisor); switch(argument) { case 1: PC = memory[1001]; // Trap handler 1 case 2: PC = memory[1002]; // Trap handler 2 . . . case n: PC = memory[1000+n];// Trap handler n }; The trap instruction dispatches a trap handler routine atomically Trap handler performs desired processing “A trap is a software interrupt” Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

31 The Trap Instruction Operation
Mode S 1 Branch Table 2 trap 3 Trusted Code User Supervisor Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

32 Direct Memory Access (DMA)
With direct I/O: The CPU is used to move data between a device controller and memory. The device driver copies the data from the device controller's data registers to main memory. Note: The device driver runs on the CPU Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

33 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Direct I/O Example: An application reads a block from disk Application asks the OS which asks the device manager which asks the device driver which asks the device controller to read a block of data from disk into memory disk address, memory address, and size of block device controller reads block from disk into its internal buffer. when done, device controller causes an interrupt. after a context switch, device driver transfers data from controller's buffer into memory one byte/word at a time by executing a loop. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

34 Direct Memory Access (DMA)
For high speed I/O devices, CPU spends a lot of its time transferring data between I/O devices and memory Direct Memory Access (DMA): a method used to avoid holding the CPU when transferring large amounts of data. When a read is issued to a device controller that uses DMA, Device driver gives device controller (1) source disk address, (2) destination memory address, and (3) number of bytes/words in block. Device controller reads block from disk into its internal buffer. Device controller transfers block one byte/word at a time to main memory. When transfer is complete, controller raises an interrupt. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

35 Direct Memory Access (cont.)
DMA controllers improve performance by increasing overlap between CPU and I/O operations A DMA controller needs to have: additional registers to hold memory address and size of bock logic circuitry to be able to access memory and perform the transfer CPU and DMA controllers compete for system bus and for access to main memory. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

36 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Direct Memory Access Primary Memory Primary Memory CPU CPU Controller Controller Device Device Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

37 Intel System Initialization
RAM Boot Prog ROM Loader Power Up Boot Device POST OS BIOS CMOS Hardware Process Data Flow Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

38 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
How does it all start? When the computer is started, the control unit branches to a fixed memory location; e.g. initial PC value hardwired. The fixed location is a ROM address that contains a small bootstrap loader. The bootstrap loader may be comprehensive enough to load the nucleus of the OS; Otherwise, it loads a loader program that does so. Once bootstrap phase is done, any program can be run by loading it in memory and loading its initial address in the PC (fetch-decode-exec algorithm) Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

39 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Bootstrapping Bootstrap loader (“boot sector”) 1 Fetch Unit Decode Unit Execute Unit PC IR BIOS loader 0x 0x Primary Memory Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

40 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Bootstrapping Bootstrap loader (“boot sector”) 1 0x 2 BIOS loader 0x Fetch Unit Decode Unit Execute Unit PC IR 0x Loader Primary Memory Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

41 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Bootstrapping Bootstrap loader (“boot sector”) 1 0x 2 BIOS loader 0x Fetch Unit Decode Unit Execute Unit PC IR 0x Loader 3 0x000A000 OS Primary Memory Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

42 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Bootstrapping Bootstrap loader (“boot sector”) 1 0x 2 BIOS loader 0x 0x Fetch Unit Loader 3 PC 000A000 0x000A000 Decode Unit OS IR Primary Memory Execute Unit 4. Initialize hardware 5. Create user environment 6. … Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

43 A Bootstrap Loader Program
FIXED_LOC: // Bootstrap loader entry point load R1, =0 load R2, =LENGTH_OF_TARGET // The next instruction is really more like // a procedure call than a machine instruction // It copies a block from FIXED_DISK_ADDRESS // to BUFFER_ADDRESS read BOOT_DISK, BUFFER_ADDRESS loop: load R3, [BUFFER_ADDRESS, R1] store R3, [FIXED_DEST, R1] incr R1 bleq R1, R2, loop br FIXED_DEST Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

44 A Pipelined Function Unit
Operand 1 Function Unit Result Operand 2 (a) Monolithic Unit Operand 1 Result Operand 2 (b) Pipelined Unit Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

45 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Pipelining For example, addition can be split up into: Fetch the operands from memory Compare exponents shift one operand add Normalize the result store result in memory Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

46 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Pipeline Space-Time Diagram Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4 5.7

47 Pipelining execution of codes
float x[100], y[100], z[100]; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) z[i] = x[i] + y[i]; Vectorization: (Fortran 90) z(1:100) = x(1:100) + y(1:100) Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

48 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Virtue and drawbacks Well understood, codes are easy to write Drawbacks: Need to keep the pipeline full - don’t work well for irregular structures or branches don’t scale well - upmost speedup is limited by the number of units Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

49 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
A SIMD Machine ALU Control Unit (a) Conventional Architecture ALU Control Unit ALU ALU ALU (b) SIMD Architecture Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

50 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
SIMD systems A single CPU devoted exclusively to control a large collection of subordinate ALUs In each instruction cycle: instruction is broadcast to all ALUs each ALU either executes the instruction or is idle Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

51 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
An example for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) if (y[i] != 0.0) z[i] = x[i]/y[i]; else z[i] = x[i]; Time Step 1. Test local_y != 0.0. Time Step 2. A. If local_y was nonzero, z[i] = x[i]/y[i]. B. If local_y was zero, do nothing. Time Step 3. A. If local_y was non zero, do nothing. B. local_y was zero, z[i] = x[i]. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

52 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
Pros and cons Many processes will remain idle if there are many conditional branches easy to program scale well SIMD machine examples Connection machines (Thinking Machines): CM-1, CM-2 MP-2 (Maspar) Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

53 Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4
A MIMD Machine Tightly-coupled Loosely-coupled P1 Pn P1 Pn M1 Mk Network M1 Mk Network Multi-processor System Multi-computer System Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Chapter 4

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