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Manufacturing Statistics in Turkey

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1 Manufacturing Statistics in Turkey
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Manufacturing Statistics in Turkey

2 In General * A centralized system.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE In General * A centralized system. * Turkish Statistical Institute (Turkstat) is responsible for manufacturing statistics. * Annual manufacturing statistics has been produced from 1927 to 2001. * By 2002, has been named as “Structural Business Statistics” and covered all market activities. * The statistical unit is enterprise.

Classification * Economic Activities in the European Community, Rev. 1.1 (NACE Rev. 1.1) for annual work. * 62 Divisions * 224 Groups * 514 Classes * Comparable with ISIC at division level. * ISIC for short-term statistics.

4 * Being published in 24 months.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Publication * Being published in 24 months. * First a preliminary bulletin. Then a book including details. * It is aimed to publish in 18 months. * 2002 data is available at division level. * 2003 and 2004 data is available at class level.

5 * Business censuses. (last for reference year 2002)
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Data Sources * Business censuses. (last for reference year 2002) * Annual surveys. * Short-term surveys.

6 * 281.034 local units in Section D, Manufacturing. (2004)
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Size of Sector * local units in Section D, Manufacturing. (2004) * Manufacturing enterprises produced billion TL (Nearly 45 billion USD) value added by factor cost. (2004) * Contribution of Manufacturing to GDP by 2006 is 21,1%.

7 Short-Term Statistics
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Short-Term Statistics * Indicators, base year, frequency: * 1997 based monthly production index. * 1997 based quarterly indices of production employees, the hours worked in production, the earnings per hours worked in production and per employee. * Coverage: All ISIC divisions except 37. * Constructing 2005 based new indices using NACE rev. 1.1, planned to deliver by 2008.

8 SNA Usage Status * Still using 1968 SNA.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE SNA Usage Status * Still using 1968 SNA. * Going on process in order to upgrade the national accounts system from 1968 SNA to 1993 SNA by the base year 1998. * By this process Turkish national accounts system will be compliant with 1993 SNA in terms of current accounts including production, income and consumption. * Capital and financial accounts are planned to be produced in 5 years.

SNA Update Issues * Since not using 1993 SNA at the moment there is no priority about revision within 1993 SNA. * After the conversion from 1968 to 1993 SNA, estimation of total value added of multinational and multiregional companies may have priority.

Informal Sector * There is not any dedicated survey in order to measure informal sector. * In order to incorporate unobserved economy to system of national accounts, household labor survey results are used.

11 Thanks for your attention.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Thanks for your attention.

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