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RELA Nov. 3-7, 2014 Informative Text- Cause & Effect.

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Presentation on theme: "RELA Nov. 3-7, 2014 Informative Text- Cause & Effect."— Presentation transcript:

1 RELA Nov. 3-7, 2014 Informative Text- Cause & Effect

2 Monday- November 3, 2014 I can…understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Activities DOL #4 Graded Papers KNOWSYS #7- Quiz KNOWSYS #8 Practice HOT Question: Use 2 new vocabulary words in an original sentence (at least 10 words long). KNOWSYS #8 Packet & Quiz Friday

3 Tuesday- November 4, 2014 I can… take accurate and complete notes using the Cornell Notes format in my ISN. Activities DOL #4 Graded Papers Expository Notes- C Notes HOT Question: How can C Notes help you learn? KNOWSYS #8 Packet & Quiz Friday

4 Ssh…. Silent Study Hall

5 Wednesday- November 5, 2014 I can… make complex inferences about expository texts, supported with text evidence. HOT Question: Draw a diagram that shows how we make inferences. Activities DOL #4 Notes Quiz- are your notes complete? Expository Text- Cause & Effect Partner Reading SOAPSTone Big 5- Inferences & Connections KNOWSYS #8 Packet & Quiz Friday


7 Thursday- November 6, 2014 I can… make complex inferences about expository texts, supported with text evidence. HOT Question: What organizational strategy did the writer use here? What rhetorical tactics did he/she use? Activities DOL #4 KNOWSYS #7 Expository Text- Cause & Effect Partner Reading SOAPSTone Big 5- Inferences & Connections KNOWSYS #8 Packet & Quiz Friday

8 Ssh…. Silent Study Hall

9 D E A R Drop Everything And Read

10 Friday- November 7, 2014 I can… understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. HOT Question: Based on your rhetorical analysis, what is the author’s message in this piece? Activities DOL #4 KNOWSYS # Introduce Research Project: “What is my dream?” KNOWSYS #8 Packet & Quiz TODAY

11 G A M E Grab A Mental Entertainment

12 Recess? I Can statements Binder No behavior logs

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