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Aurora Composite Squadron

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1 Aurora Composite Squadron
13 Feb 2018

2 Aurora Composite Squadron
Core Values Integrity: …more than simple honesty. It embraces other attributes such as courage, responsibility, accountability, justice, openness, self-respect, and humility. … CAP members must practice the highest standards of self-discipline. Volunteer Service: …reflects the very essence of the organization—service to humanity. …this core value implies a commitment on the part of all CAP members to place the organization’s purposes first and foremost. Excellence: …to be the very best, and to consistently improve its humanitarian service to America. Respect: …treat each other with fairness and dignity, and work together as a team.

3 Aurora Composite Squadron
Agenda Safety Introductions Visitors New Members Expiring Memberships Organizational Items Senior Activities Model Airplane Emergency Services ???? Round Table

4 Aurora Composite Squadron
Introductions Visitors New Members Gichachi , Royson Wahome CADET 29 Jan 2018 MALE 30 Jan Jan 2019 (253) Address: 8325 SW MOHAWK ST APT 210 Tualatin, OR FBI Status: Date Of Birth: Oct-00

5 Aurora Composite Squadron
Expiring Memberships Cadet Within 30 days of expiration Heinsch, William Clayton, Douglas Within 60 days of expiration Proffitt, Zachary Heyns, Ischen Within 90 days of expiration Price, Zach Magsarili, Elijah Seniors Within 60 days of expiration Schrock, Michael Boyd, Joseph Taylor, Christopher Bates, Jodi Jellison, Nora Within 90 days of expiration Kyle, Theodore

6 Aurora Composite Squadron
Pre-Activity Risk Safety Briefing Use this form as a guide to the quick briefing before EVERY activity or event. This includes smaller activities like the mite run in PT, a clean-up detail in the barracks, or an obstacle course run ... any time cadets (or seniors) are going to be involved in an activity. If you follow this guide, you and the group will be conducting a quick risk assessment, and giving a briefing, at the same timel It will get everyone's mind on the risks they might face, while helping them concentrate on performing the task the right way. This briefing is required by CAPR this guide will make it easy DESCRIBE THE ACTIVITY: GIVE OVERVIEW OF THE CORRECT WAY TO PERFORM THE ACTIVITY: BRAINSTORM THE "HAZARDS" AND "RISKS" THE PARTICIPANTS MIGHT FACE: Ask participants to list the risks, or.. Ask the participants, "What can go wrong during this event?" LIST THE "RISK CONTROLS" YOU WILL PUT IN PLACE: Ask participants, "What will you do to prevent things from going wrong?" How will they prevent mishaps? REMIND EVERYONE THAT RISK MANAGEMENT CONTINUES THROUGHOUT THE EVENT. Se constantly on the lookout for new hazards or risks. Call "KNOCK IT (WHIP to stop anything that looks like it's an "unacceptable risk" REMIND THEM TO CONCENTRATE ON THE RIGHT WAY TO DO IT. Complete the event "... without getting hurt!"

7 Aurora Composite Squadron
Deputy Commander for Cadets Lt Col J Boyd Aerospace Education Officer Col T Kyle Testing Officer, Character Development Instructor, Leadership Officer, IT Officer Maj C Knox Activities Officer 2d Lt J L Bates Deputy Commander for Seniors, Personnel Officer, PAO Lt Col I Rosenberg Professional Development Officer Lt Col D Richards Transportation Officer 2d Lt P Mann Emergency Services Officer, Health Services Officer 2d Lt C M Verkest Communications Officer 2d Lt H D  Bates Aerospace Education Officer S/M G W Bales Supply Officer Lt Col J Boyd Squadron Commander Capt Marc Minato Cadet Commander C/Maj Proffitt Safety Officer Capt D Rosenberg Drug Demand Officer 1st Lt P Proffitt Administrative Officer 1st Lt P Proffitt Finance Officer 2d Lt H A Miller

8 Aurora Composite Squadron
Discussion Senior Activities Model Airplane Emergency Services Cadet SAREX ????

9 Aurora Composite Squadron
Round Table

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