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Rock Cycle.

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1 Rock Cycle

2 What makes it a rock? Rocks are solid, yes! They are also…?
Crystalline made from minerals Inorganic Naturally occurring BBC Rocks & Minerals

3 Types of rocks

4 What is the rock cycle? Rock cycle: the continuous changing and remaking of rock caused by interactions with water, air, land, and living things

5 Igneous rocks fire form/full of ign = __________ ous = __________
rocks formed by cooling magma or lava Cooled magma = intrusive (think inside) Cooled lava = extrusive (think exit) Name two main places where igneous rock forms… Volcanoes Ridges/rifts BBC Igneous Rocks

6 Characteristics of igneous rocks
Texture – has to do with cooling time Long cooling time = big crystals (coarse) Short cooling time = small crystals (fine) Where would you expect cooling time to be longer…above surface or below surface? Igneous Rocks

7 Characteristics used to classify igneous rocks
texture glassy } extrusive fine

8 Obsidian has a glassy texture

9 Fine-grained igneous texture

10 Characteristics used to classify igneous rocks
texture coarse } intrusive very coarse

11 Course-grained igneous texture

12 Characteristics of igneous rocks (continued)
Composition – what it’s made of (minerals) Judged by the amounts of light/dark materials Felsic = light colored, lots of silica, quartz, feldspar Mafic = dark colored, lots of iron, magnesium

13 Basalt

14 Granite

15 Classification of igneous rocks


17 Sedimentary Rocks to settle a place for Under water!
rocks formed by (1) weathering and erosion, then (2) compaction and cementation In what type of environments do most of these rocks form? Under water! BBC Sedimentary Rocks

18 Sedimentary rock formation
Rocks are exposed to weathering and eroding -- slow wearing away of rock from wind, rain, ice Particles move to lower areas where they settle out into layers (deposition) Sediments are then compacted and cemented (lithification) Sedimentary Rocks

19 Sedimentary Rock Formation

20 Sedimentary Rocks • Compaction is a process that squeezes, or compacts, sediments. • Cementation takes place when dissolved minerals are deposited in the tiny spaces among the sediments.

21 3 Types of Sedimentary Rock
Clastic – composed of weathered bits of rocks and minerals Classified by particle size Ex: Shale, Sandstone, Conglomerate, Grand Canyon, the Wave in Arizona

22 Shale with Plant Fossils
Shale is formed from clay

23 Sandstone Sandstone is formed from sand

24 Conglomerate Conglomerate is formed from pebbles and other large particles

25 The Wave, Page, AZ

26 Grand Canyon, Arizona

27 Ayers Rock / Uluru, Australia

28 3 Types of Sedimentary Rock
Chemical – Formed when minerals dissolve out of water Ex: rock salt, limestone (in caves)

29 Limestone, Carlsbad Caverns, NM
Stalactites Stalagmites

30 3 types of sedimentary rock
Organic – formed by fossils or organic matter within the rock layers Ex: coal, oil shale, some limestone (shells,)

31 Fossiliferous Limestone
Formed from animal shells

32 Anthracite Coal Formed from ancient swamp plants

33 Classification of Sedimentary Rocks


35 Metamorphic Rocks to change form
Rocks changed by great heat and pressure in the crust and upper mantle NOT hot enough to melt the rock (which would make it igneous) Rock it comes from is called “parent rock” Parent rock Metamorphic rock

36 Agents of Metamorphism
Metamorphic Rocks Agents of Metamorphism Heat – provides the energy to drive chemical changes Pressure – causes a more compact rock with greater density Can cause unique folding and deformity

37 Where do metamorphic rocks form?
BBC Metamorphic Rocks Form at plate collisions Form when magma contacts existing rock Form at great depths

38 2 types of metamorphic rock
Foliated – looks banded or layered the folds show the direction pressure was applied Nonfoliated – does not look banded or layered Amphibolite Gneiss

39 Slate shows distinct layers
Texting in the Old Days….

40 Mica is also foliated

41 Marble — a nonfoliated metamorphic rock

42 Classification of Metamorphic Rocks

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