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Introduction to Basic Electricity

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Basic Electricity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Basic Electricity
by Thomas Holt Russell SEMtech Director

2 Electricity is Natural
Electricity is a natural phenomenon that occurs throughout nature and takes many different forms. For this presentation, we’ll focus on current electricity.

3 Electricity is the Key to our modern world
Our World Electricity is the Key to our modern world

4 Electricity Makes it Work
Almost Everything we use runs on electricity. It powers all of our electronic gadgets!

5 Electricity is the flow of electric charge! Flow of Electrons!

6 What the heck is an electron?
A negatively charged subatomic particle.

7 An Electronic Circuit is a complete course of conductors through which current can travel

8 Electrical Circuit We’ve learned to harness electricity and make it useful to us. Take note: electrons flow from negative to positive.

9 1. Voltage Source, 2. Load, 3. Conductive Path
Three Basic Elements 1. Voltage Source, 2. Load, 3. Conductive Path

10 Electricity is the Flow of Electrons
Voltage is the push of electrons and is measured in volts (Water Pressure) Current is the quantity of electrons moving through and conductor island measured in amperes (Flow Rate) Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electrons and is measured in ohms (Pipe Size)

11 Basic Elements Explained
Voltage Source - causes the current to flow - such as a battery Load - consumes (eats) power; it represents the work done by the circuit. Conductive Path - provides the route which current flows

12 Must Be a Closed Loop The conductive route begins at the voltage source (battery), travels through the load (lightbulb, motor), and then returns to the voltage source. This path forms a loop from the negative side of the voltage source, to the positive side of the voltage source.

13 Electrical Circuits Voltage Source = Battery Load = Motor (or light)
Conductive Path = Wire

14 Some Elements of a Circuit
Resister - Used to reduce the flow of current (Dim a light) Switch - Opens and closes a circuit. Could be a press switch or a slide switch

15 Light Emitting Diode (LED)
…is a two lead semiconductor light source releases energy in the form of photons when suitable voltage is applied

16 Photoresistor A light controlled variable resister. The resistance decreases with increasing outside light, and decreases with low light source. Also called photocell

17 The End: Introduction to Basic Electricity
by Thomas Holt Russell

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