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Marketing Report September 2015

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1 Marketing Report September 2015

2 Introduction The following data is gathered from inquiry calls/visits, contact forms, applications, and SSRS reports. Recruitment activities, purchased media, website traffic, and other promotional and marketing efforts help drive students to our website and other points of contact. Information is used to track what kinds of advertising prompts action for various audiences.

3 Traditional Admissions Recruitment Events
In September, the traditional admissions team, along with the Ag Division, Student Affairs and other support areas, held Ag Fest in conjunction with the annual Fall Fest concert. Over 1,000 high school FFA and 4-H students visited the campus. Admissions reps are now traveling the states of NC, SC, VA, MD, DE, FL and others to meet high school seniors as they attend college fairs in their home counties. The home team, in the meantime, is getting ready for Campus Visitation on Nov. 11, 2015.

4 1st Time Contacts to Traditional Admissions: Sep 2015
There were 1,045 unique students who contacted traditional admissions in September; the majority of them were undecided in their academic interest. Most traditional contacts learned about UMO via various sources, with Cappex and Ag Fest topping the list.

5 How Trad Admissions Prospects Contacted UMO: Sep 2015
Traditional admissions prospects used a variety of modes of contact; information cards received at college fairs accounted for 230 inquiries and 206 came via applications. ACT and SAT test scores, athletic questionnaires, and private visits also helped prospects tell us about their interest.

6 Curriculum Interest of Trad Applicants: Sep 2015
There were 227 applications received in trad admissions in September Most applicants are undecided at this point; however, biology, criminal justice, agriculture, teacher education, and business programs were popular among the students who indicated a specific major.

7 Applicant Profile for Trad Admissions: Sep 2015
Of the 227 traditional applications for September, 2015, there were 71 males and 156 females 165 are from NC 53 are from out of state 9 are internationals 31 are in early college, 33 expect to transfer from another college to UMO, and 163 appear to be high school seniors who will be new freshmen in 2016.

8 Applications to UMO: Sep 2015
During the month of September, 491 applications were received to all UMO locations. The chart below demonstrates the location of application interest.

9 Nontraditional Recruitment Activities

10 1st Time Nontrad Contacts
There were 350 first time contacts to the nontrad programs in September, with HCM, ECE and MBA being the top programs of interest.

11 Top Information Sources for Nontraditional Prospects: Evening College
Evening College prospects found information about UMO via Hobson’s Nontrad, word of mouth, radio, tv and other sources in September We track multiple sources, so the graph below depicts all sources mentioned. There were 46 applications to Evening College in September.

12 Source Information and applications for Jacksonville: September 2015
Jacksonville prospects got their info about UMO via Hobson’s nontrad messages and billboards primarily. During the same time period, there were 29 applications received.

13 Source Info and Applications to Online Programs: September 2015
Prospects contacting the online programs for the first time cited word of mouth, radio, tv, and other sources of information. There were 87 applications in September.

14 Source Info for 1st Time Contacts to New Bern: September 2015
First time contacts to the New Bern location found their info about UMO via radio, word of mouth, TV, billboard, and college fairs. Twenty-one (21) applications were received in September.

15 Source Info for 1st Time Contacts to RTP: September 2015
RTP prospects found their info about UMO via Hobson’s nontrad messages, TV, word of mouth, and other sources. During the same month, 26 applications were received.

16 Source Info and Unique Applications to SJ Location: September 2015
Info Sources for SJ Most SJ prospects received their info about UMO via the base education office; however, radio, tv, and magazine ads were also mentioned. Unique Applications There were 11 unique applications to the SJ location in September 2015.

17 Sources of Info for 1st Time Contacts to Washington: September 2015
The Washington location prospects mentioned Hobson’s nontrad, word of mouth, billboards, college fairs, and other sources of info about UMO. There were 28 applications received during the month of August.

18 Info Sources of 1st Time Contacts to Wilmington: September 2015
Prospects contacting the Wilmington location got their information about UMO via Hobson’s nontrad messages, tv and radio ads, and word of mouth. There were 16 applications to the location in August.

19 800 UMO Phone Calls In September 2015, there were 158 phone calls received at all the location phone numbers. There were 116 unique callers. For the first quarter of the fiscal year (July through September), there were 481 calls from 344 unique callers.

20 Web Analytics Traffic to the website is driven by various search engines, with Google continuing to push the most visitors to us. Visitors also come to via Bing ,Yahoo, and others. There were over 60,000 visits to the site during September, with the average visit lasting over 2 minutes. About 1/3 of the traffic were first time visitors.

21 Cappex Outreach to Traditional Students
The Cappex campaign, which is an outreach online program that messages traditional students, reached out to over 166,770 prospects in September. There were 449 students who expressed an interest in UMO as a result of these messages. The campaigns now running include biological and physical sciences, business, music/arts and visual communications, as well as a campaign for our primary eastern region states (NC, SC, VA, MD, DEL, DC, FL, PA).

22 Hobson’s Nontrad Marketing Program
Hobson’s Nontrad messages have been very successful in generating inquiries for the locations. The graph below depicts the results of this online marketing program. The September results show 149 inquiries.

23 Conclusions 1.

24 Thanks Thanks to Jennifer Merritt, Georgette Prichard, Ken Davis and UMO admissions representatives for their help in compiling the information for this report.

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