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Mercredi le 15 mai.

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1 Mercredi le 15 mai


3 May 13-17th week Mon 5/13 Normal bells Tues. 5/14 1st, 2nd, 5th, 3rd
Wed.-5/15 4th, 3rd, 5th, 2nd Thurs 5/16 7th, 6th, 5th, 1st Fri. 5/17 F 1 Moi PP in before midnight for 105. Study, take quiz on verbs: AVOIR/VENIR/ALLER** (review slide) Practice song F 1 Oral grade La vie en rose.doc Over E words-quiz Moi for 100 by 7:30 a.m. NO FRENCH 1’s F 1 Moi for 90 by 7:30 F 1 LONG CLASSES Moi for 80 by 7:30 a.m. Classwork: H/W: STUDY SONG! F 1 Moi for a.m C/W: Due Video: Paris Bor. Words “E” quiz Monday! Bor. Words “F” due Monday also! Song: Mon for 105 F 2 R Warmup: “Reflexive verbs”- Notes pg. 292, 293, 296 Games due Fri. for 105/Games due Mon. 5/20 for 100! See next slide: Review unit 5 words per. 1 Finish book DVD 3, 4 No H/W Per. 1 only LONG CLASS Reflexives Count of MC Per. 4 only-LONG CLASS Reflexive notes part 2/review 2. Count of Monte Cristo Per. 1 only 1. Finish count of Monte Cristo 2. Games due for 105-Mon. 100, Tues. 90 etc. Next Thurs. Quiz unit 5 F 2 PreAP Reflexives-Notes pg. 292, 293, 296 green Review: Oral practice in text Games due Fri for 105, Mon. for 100. See * H/W-Wed: L words due Notes: Finish reflexives See PP Oral practice H/W: Bor. Words “L” Notes: imperfect “L” due for 100 Oral/audio practice Practice imperfect tense –in text “L” due for 90 “L” due for 80 Games due for 105 Mon-100, Tues. 90 etc. Finish Count of Monte Cristo. Thurs: Quiz unit 5 F 3 5 phrases tech 105 before Sun. midnight. By class today: 100. Must be in by 7:30 tomorrow for 90! Warmup: NOTES: 230, 231, 240 Work on: SONGS in groups french_3_song_project.docx Quiz unit 5-Maura ** If time: DVD from text Tech project-90 Review new words Review new phrases Finish up songs F 3 LONG CLASS Tech project 80 Song project-105 Practice songs, Practice phrases Tech project 70 Song project 100 NO CLASS Tech project 60 Song project 90 Quiz units 3,4,5 Monday! Can use notes! Tues/Wed: Oral grade as rest create skits. T/F-skit Then songs/paint/DVD!

4 F 2 VERB GAME REMINDERS: 1. MUST BE ALL IN FRENCH, NO ENGLISH ANYWHERE ON BOARD, CARDS, (except for directions, which are French/English) No politics, sarcasm & keep it Klein Clean! 2. Board- large tag board, neat, creative, works with rest of items 3. Instructions: In French & English (Roulez le dé, avancez un pas…Roll the dice, advance a step…). Neatly done (typed) & correct! 4. Pieces-Tokens/Dice/Spinner/other-4 min. tokens and items must work with game! 5. 40 Verbs-20 ER, IR, RE & 20 IRREG/Reflex. F 2 R: MUST HAVE 3 tenses: Present, passe compose & futur proche. French 2 PreAP: Must also include imperfect tense.(4 tenses) They must SAY the conjugation aloud to advance/win.

5 1st---F 2 R 4th period 7:30-9:41 1. 7:30-8:30-DUE: Reflexive notes part 1 (292, 293, 296) 2. NEW: Reflexive notes part 2 (303, 304, 305) ALL GREEN! 3. See powerpoint on reflexives! C:\Users\dmccage\Desktop\A Easy Reflexive Verbs PPT journee typique.ppt 4. Finish Chapters DVD 5. If time: Oral practice in text THEN: 8:30-9:41 Count of Monte Cristo! NO H/W BOARD GAMES: Fri. 105!

6 2nd---F 3-3rd 9:47-11:58 Une présentation- 2. Les chansons-travaillez! 105% aujourd’hui (Dans LMS à dimanche à minuit 105% ) LUNDI-100%, MARDI-90%, MERCREDI-80%, JEUDI-70% 3. Les projets (5 phrases) 80% aujourd’hui! Demain-70%, vendredi-60%!!!!

7 5th --F 2 PreAP---12:04-1:28 Borrowed words “L” due for 100 today!
Notes: imperfect tense 338, 339, 340, 341 LUNCH Review of Reflexives: C:\Users\dmccage\Desktop\F 2 F 3 new_reflex_pp NEW REFLEXIVES C.ppt 5. New PP of Reflexives: C:\Users\dmccage\Desktop\Les verbes reflechis DEPP.pptx 6. If time, Finish DVD unit 5 H/W: Board games Fri: 105, Mon. 100

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