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Cynllunio a Monitro Gwaith Planning and Monitoring Work

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1 Cynllunio a Monitro Gwaith Planning and Monitoring Work

2 Yr hyn y gallwch ei ddisgwyl o’r uned: What you can expect from this unit:
Deall sut i weithio o fewn y canllawiau sefydliadol er mwyn cyflawni amcanion y tîm Deall sut i gynllunio a dyrannu gwaith Deall sut i fonitro gwaith tîm Understand how to work within the organisational guidelines in order to achieve team goals Understand how to plan and allocate work Understand how to monitor team’s work

Whilst planning and allocating work, refer to one organisational policy which is relevant to the work team: (* pg 8, quest 1) Wrth gynllunio a dyrannu gwaith, nodwch un polisi sefydliadol sy’n berthnasol i waith tîm: (* tud 8, cwest 1) Mission etc Should paint the broad picture Why the org is there Sets the org’s culture Gives the broad purpose over the long term Aims/Goals Time frame is medium term: What can we achieve… and its priorities Why have goals (benefits) – function of goals Mullins, L J. Management and Organisational Behaviour. Prentice Hall.(7th ed 2005) p146 They give standards of performance and focus attention on the activities of the organisation and the direction of the efforts of the staff They act as a basis for planning and management control related to the activities of the organisation They provide guidelines for decision-making and justification for action taken - by reducing uncertainty in decision making and defence against criticism They influence the structure of the organisation and help determine the nature of technology employed. The way an organisation is structured will affect what it will attempt to achieve They help develop commitment of individuals and groups to the activities of the organisation. They focus attention on purposeful behaviour and provide a basis for motivation and reward systems They indicate what an organisation is really like They serve as a basis for the evaluation of change and organisation development They are the basis for objectives and policies of the organisation Objectives Operational (0 to 12 months ahead): the ‘how’ SMART! What objectives do you need to meet that are incompatible with other objectives you need to meet? (conflicting objs) Policies (COED) a general plan of action Black - HR Blue - Red - Green - etc Procedures Methods for carrying out a plan (or a way of conducting business)

4 ☺ (tud 8, cwest 1/pg 8, quest 1) State one organisational policy which is relevant to the team: Customer care Health and safety Green policy Language policy . . . Nodwch un polisi sefydliadol sy’n berthnasol i waith tîm: Gofal cwsmer Iechyd a diogelwch Polisi werdd Polisi iaith . . .

5 Cynllunio gwaith y tîm Planning the team’s work
Dangosyddion Perffomiad – pam gosod targedau? ☺(tud 8, cwest 2) Wrth feddwl am dargedau/amcanion, cofiwch – C A M P U S Performance Indicators – why have targets? ☺(pg 8, quest 2) Remember when setting targets/objectives, remember - S M A R T Performance Indicators – why have targets? Targets give the team a focus – they will understand what they are expected to do and targets will be on a shorter time frame than objectives. Examples of your PIs … Get a clear brief – including the background The person giving you the job – ask them for ‘SMART’ information, or, use the wwwhww questions Give a clear brief – be SMART – to the team and get feedback to check understanding Ask them questions Get them to restate using their own words Give them notes with the keypoints on – or a gapped handout for them to part fill in Check for ‘listening’ body language They demo? Why may they fail to understand? They were not listening They could not understand your language/explanation (training???) They misinterpreted what you said

6 Cynllunio gwaith y tîm Planning the team’s work
Cynllunio’n effeithiol: * (tud 9, cwest 3) Pwrpas Cefndir Nôd ac amcanion Cywain gwybodaeth ac ymgynghori Adnoddau: Cyllid, Personel Rhywstrau: Absenoldeb, Sgiliau, Cost Creu cynllun Sicrhau bod pawb yn deall Gweithredu, monitro ac addasu os rhaid Y CYLCH CYNLLINIO Effective planning: * (pg 9, quest 3) Purpose Background Goal(s) and objectives Gather information and consult Resources: Budget, Personnel Constraints: Absenteeism, Skills, Cost Create plan Ensure everyone understands Implement, monitor and adapt if necessary THE PLANNING CYCLE Why planning is essential for effective team working So the task is completed in the right order To minimise wasted time or time spent optimising resources To minimise costs To ensure the equipment is needed and available and working To minimise disruption to others To maintain and improve internal and external customer care To ensure safety requirements are met To satisfy the objective and contribute to organisational goals As a Team Leader, you need to plan the team’s work so you need to know: What the targets and standards are The order in which to carry out the tasks Identify the resources needed Cost implications Planned leave eg holiday, appointments, study, mat/pat leave etc Unplanned leave eg sickness, bereavement etc Contingency time eg for emergencies the resources you should consider are … Skills/knowledge/experience, availability vs what’s needed, flexibility, time, equipment, consumables, procedures, protective wear, facilities eg cleaning, laundry, estate maintenance (parts, materials, stock, vehicles, tools), location?

7 Y Cylch Cynllunio – Planning Cycle
Fel nifer o bethau eraill, dylai cynllunio fod yn broses barhaus: Like many other things, planning should be a continuous process: Canolbwyntio ar amcanion Concentrate on the objectives Cywain gwybodaeth ac ymgynghori Gather information and consult Addasu Adapt Monitro a Gweithredu Monitor and Implement Cylchredeg i’r rhai sydd angen gwybod a sicrhau eu bod yn deall Circulate to those who need to know and ensure that others understand Penderfynu ar gam gweithredu a chreu cynllun Decide on the action and create a plan It can be hard to do: It may be hard work if you are not used to doing it (forcing your way through unfamiliar territory takes time and effort – think jungle!) It may make you feel uncomfortable (you are dealing with ‘unknowns’ of which you do not know the outcomes; you are dealing with risk) You may feel you have no time (think about the alternative – your time is better spent planning and getting more jobs right than fire-fighting and getting everyone stressed out and angry with costly wastage) Can also be seen as: (you are to visit a distant Trust/supplier) Identify the goal (to arrive at 11 am in alert/relaxed state of mind) Clarify the present position (200 miles away with loads of work to do, £100 available to pay for it) Consider the range of strategies that you could use to achieve the goal (Start early and drive up; drive up the night before and stay over; fly; early morning train and work whilst travelling) Select most appropriate strategy (train – can work on the way; plane and overnight stay are too expensive; driving is too exhausting) Break strategy down into smaller steps Gweithredu Implement

8 Cynllunio gwaith y tîm Planning the team’s work
Cyn rhoi dasg i aelod o’r tîm, beth ddylech chi ei ystyried? ☺(tud 9, cwest 4) Angen disgrifio’r canlynol gydag engrhaifft: Nôd y tîm Y cyllid Llinell amser Cymysgfa o sgiliau (matrics sgiliau?): pwy sy’n gwneud tasgau sbesifig? Adnoddau Aelodau’r tîm: rota, gwaith ‘shift’, absenoldeb – gwyliau, salwch What should be considered when allocating tasks? ☺(pg 9, quest 4) Need to describe the following by using an example: Team’s objective Budget Time line Skill mix (skills’ matrix?): who is doing specific tasks? Resources Team members : rota, shift work, absence – holidays, illness Before giving a team member a task, what should you consider? Their skills, training, experience, knowledge, availability (rotas and shifts), flexibility, confidence, enthusiasm, safety awareness Skill-mix Have a team with a whole range of skills so: the team is flexible, can cover a range of tasks – keeps variety and interest/motivation levels up Can train each other to multi-skill Can undertake a complete process (value added for customer and employee) even if it involves a number of staff within the team Ensure the right skill mix in the team by: Finding out what skills are already available within the team (team SWOT?) Record it onto skills matrix Coach/train team members and then they can coach/train each other Rotas, shifts and wall planners etc (electronic rostering?)

9 CYNLLUNIO GWAITH Y TÎM / PLANNING THE TEAM’S WORK ☺ (tud 10, cwest 5/pg 810 quest 5)
Cael briff eglur – gan gynnwys y cefndir Rhoi briff eglur i’r tîm a a chael adborth i wneud yn siŵr eu bod wedi deall Ffyrdd y gall arweinydd wirio bod aelodau’r tîm wedi deall: Gofyn cwestiynau Annog cwestiynau o’r aelodau Edrych ar iaith gorff Aelodau yn cymryd nodiadau Get a clear brief – including the background Give a clear brief to the team and get feedback to check understanding Ways that TL can check members’ understanding: Ask questions Encourage questions from members Look at body language Members taking notes

10 ☺ (tud 10, cwest 6/pg 10, quest 6) Diffiniad o ansawdd?
Ffyrdd i fonitro gwaith y tÎm: Samplo gwaith Arolwg/awdit ansawdd Holiadur/adborth cwsmer Cofnod cynhyrchu Siart Gannt Definition of quality? Ways to monitor work: Sample work Quality Audit Customer feedback/questionnaire Progress report Gannt Chart

11 ☺ (tud 11, cwest 7/pg 11, quest 7) Ffyrdd i wella perfformiad gwael:
Hyfforddiant ychwanegol Newid cyfrifoldeb aelod/au Newid swydd aelod/au Newid aelodaeth y tîm Newid maint y tîm Ways to improve poor performance: Additional training Change responsibility of member/s Change member’s job Change team members Change size of team

12 Cwsmeriaid / Customers
5 ‘hawl’ i gwsmeriaid/defnyddwyr Pwy yw eich cwsmeriaid? Sut ydych chi’n gwybod eu bod yn fodlon gyda’ch ansawdd? The 5 ‘rights’ of customers/users Who are your customers? How do you know they are satisfied with you quality? The 5 ‘rights’ of customers/users The right product or service Of the right quality At the right time In the right place At the right price When an organisation provides products or services that meet all 5 rights it can say it is being fully effective in its objectives in satisfying its customers Who are your customers? (team, other colleagues, public, outside agencies?) How do you know your customers are satisfied with your quality? Then what? - End – TV advert to video!

Cynnyrch/Ansawdd/Canfyddiad Pris Lleoliad Hyrwyddiad Ar amser Product/Quality/ Perception Price Place Promotion On time

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