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Independent Reading? What’s Up With That????

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Reading? What’s Up With That????"— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Reading? What’s Up With That????
Ideas to help start the year in SSR

2 What do we get to read? magazines novels textbooks even!
Pretty much anything including: magazines novels textbooks even!

3 Where do we get the reading material from?
Home The LMC Friends This room’s library Wherever !!!

4 How often will we read?

5 Everyday!  There will be days when we work on reading strategies or have activities that assist with reading

6 You already know “Reading Strategies”…
Predict Visualize Connect Question Clarify Synthesize

7 But we should REALLY think of it THIS WAY…

8 Reading is Thinking

9 Therefore, let’s call them… THINKING STRATEGIES

10 How do I pick reading materials?
Front and back cover/inside jacket It’s another book in a series Interesting title Like the author Great illustrations Recommendation from another person

11 More ways to select reading…
Liked the movie Genres we like (mystery, detective, horror, realistic fiction, sci-fi, romance, fantasy…) Read some of the middle New/popular book Heard it read aloud Read it before and enjoyed it

12 What if I don’t like the book?

13 Is it okay to just…….

14 Yes, here’s why you might…
Too easy Too difficult Boring – or not going anywhere Too long before action begins Disappointing sequel Expected something different from this author Don’t like the characters

15 Too…..sad, scary, confusing
Didn’t like the Point of View Found a different book Print is too hard to read Vocabulary is waaaayyy too difficult Too similar to another book

16 How do I know if the book is “right for me” or not? Use…
The Goldilocks Rule

17 Still another way to see if the book is “just right”…
The Five Finger Test

18 OK, so now what? Now that we have the right reading materials in hand, what next?

19 What should be going on in the classroom?
Some suggested* guidelines include: Always be reading or writing about your reading – not doing homework, per se. Work silently to enable everyone to do the best thinking. Use a soft voice when conferring with a teacher *Fountas and Pinnell

20 A very helpful tool: The Reading Journal It’s been around for
ages, but it works! Write about what you’ve read.

21 Use the journal for letter writing.
Journal Letter Example The letter suggests things to share regarding your reading. We’ll decide together how frequently the letters need to be written.

22 While reading….Use Sticky Notes
Jot down your thoughts while reading. Use the notes - during our discussions - as ideas for the letter

23 Use a Reading Interview
We will have conferences throughout the year to discuss WHAT you’re reading as well as HOW that reading’s going

24 Keep Track! Use checklists I’ll give to keep a record of :
what you’ve read whether you liked it and why what type of reading it is (genre) topics you want to read more about

25 With these tools, let’s head
down the path to interesting, fun, and new places!

26 Credits Fountas, Irene C., and Gay Sue Pinnell. Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 Teaching Comprehension, Genre, and Content Literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2001.

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