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Intended Usage Estimation of various performance indices, e.g.,

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1 Queueing-Theoretic Models for “Push” and “Pull”/CONWIP-based Production Lines

2 Intended Usage Estimation of various performance indices, e.g.,
expected lead times and accumulated WIP in case of “Push” systems; expected lead times and throughput in case of “Pull” systems. Design aids: identifying pertinent and cost-effective configurations that can attain target performance values. Providers of analytical insight regarding the dynamics of the considered systems and of diagnostic capability

3 Plan of Work Modeling of “push”-based flow lines as series of G/G/m queues operated at a certain throughput rate. Modeling of CONWIP-based lines as closed queueing networks. Modeling of the impact of preemptive and non-preemptive disturbances by revising the applied processing times. A design example Analyzing the impact of batching and blocking effects A systematic comparison of “push” and CONWIP-based systems according to the derived formal models A production planning framework for repetitive manufacturing environments controlled by CONWIP flow lines

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