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4 – 3 vs. Spread Offense.

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Presentation on theme: "4 – 3 vs. Spread Offense."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 – 3 vs. Spread Offense

2 Spread Offense: Designed to Make Defense Defend the entire width of Field. Designed to create space for their Athletes. Designed to Make Defense “Vanilla”.

3 Defend Spread with 4 – 3. 1. Break Down/Tendencies.
2. Stay with what your do best. 3. Smart, Aggressive Blitzes. 4. Force Offense to make long drives.

4 1. Tendencies. - If Run or Pass Team. B. Personal
A. Offensive Philosophy. - If Run or Pass Team. B. Personal - Find what they do with each Personal Groupings. - (# Backs, #TE) - (10, 11, 12, 20,21,22) C. Where are they Attacking.

5 Spread – Running Philosophy
1. Where Are they Attacking? 2. Get the Extra man in box - Line up and By Disguising. 3. Back Alignment. (Personal) 4. Best Run Blitzes.

6 Spread – Passing Teams Type of Throwing Game Find Favorite Patterns
Force Offense to Make the “HARD THROW” CONTROLL the Best Receiver MIX up coverages Pressure the QB Physical Jam all Vertical routes Gang Tackle Hit QB, Smartly

7 2. Do What you Do. Short Time to Prepare. K.I.S.S Principle
Tackle Every Day Practice Top Plays Quality is better than Quantity.

8 3. Smart Blitzes and Stunts
Can Not be Afraid to attack. Balance Blitzes. Play Zone Behind. Disguise

9 4. Force the Long Drive Spread Offenses usually want to score quick.
Makes the opposition play a 4 Quarter Game. 3 Pts are not a Bad Thing. Tackle, Tackle, Tackle.

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