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The Epic Unit The Odyssey

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Presentation on theme: "The Epic Unit The Odyssey"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Epic Unit The Odyssey
By Homer

2 Epic Hero


4 Archetype



7 Hero/Heroine

8 Tragic Hero Tragic Flaw


10 What is the role of the gods in epic tales?

11 What are the 7 characteristics of most myths?

12 What are the 7 characteristics of epic poems?

13 What are the 5 qualities of epic narration?

14 The Odyssey: Glossary of Proper Names
Aeolus: the king of the winds Alcinous: king of Phaeacia Athena: the Greek goddess of wisdom Calypso: a spirit who kept Odysseus on her island for seven years Charybdis: a monster living next so Scylla who destroys ships by sucking them into a whirlpool Circe: a witch who could change men into pigs/animals Cyclops: a one-eyed giant Polyphemus: a cyclops and son of Poseidon Hermes: the Greek god who is the messenger of the gods Lotus Eaters: inhabitants of a land visited by Odysseus and his crew

15 The Odyssey: Glossary of Proper Names
Odysseus: king of the island of Ithaca and a Greek leader in the Trojan War Olympus: the Greek mountain that is the home of the gods. Penelope: queen of Ithaca and wife of Odysseus Phaeacia: a beautiful island kingdom on which Odysseus is stranded Poseidon: the Greek god of the sea Scylla: a monster with six heads who eats sailors Sirens: female creatures that lure sailors to death by their beautiful singing Telemachus: the son of Odysseus and Penelope Zeus: the leader of the Greek gods

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