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A Talk for AFC Summer Course, USU Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Dingyü Xue, Professor, D Phil Northeastern University, P R China

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Presentation on theme: "A Talk for AFC Summer Course, USU Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Dingyü Xue, Professor, D Phil Northeastern University, P R China"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Talk for AFC Summer Course, USU Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control
Dingyü Xue, Professor, D Phil Northeastern University, P R China

2 Outline of the Talk Why numerical issues be addressed
Early talks of Professor Li, theoretical Question: if a system is given in a complicated form, how can we model/analyze/design (MAD) it? Motivations of the talk: MAD loop Linear Fractional-Order Systems A FOTF (transfer function) Toolbox Motivations of FOTF Toolbox Mathematical form and parameters Designing a MATLAB FOTF object Inter-connections of FOTF blocks 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

3 continued Analysis of Linear Fractional-Order Systems
Mittag-Leffler functions Analytical solutions to FO differential equations Grünwald-Letnikov approximations Stability and time-, frequency-domain analysis Block-Diagram Based Simulation of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Systems Approximations to fractional-order differentiator A Simulink block How to construct block diagrams for FOC 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

4 continued Design of Controllers A IO PID controller design tool, a GUI
Optimal control, objective functions Optimal control solutions OCD program, a general GUI PID optimizer, a PID design GUI Optimal fractional-order controller design Mixed integer programming and applications A case study 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

5 1 Motivations of the Talk
A Systematic View MAD Process, the loop of modelling, analysis and design for fractional-order systems No details in math, more on MATLAB solutions For Linear Systems Design a FOTF based toolbox Enable analysis of the system For Nonlinear FO Systems Simulation analysis, general methods Optimum Design of Controllers 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

6 Motivations of a Toolbox
Control System Toolbox, MATLAB Simple way to denote transfer functions G=tf(1,[ ]) Easy for connections *, +, feedback() Easy to analysis bode(G) step(feedback(G,1)) Similar thing should be done to FO systems 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

7 2. Linear Fractional-Order Transfer Functions
Linear Fractional-Order Differential Equations Fractional-Order Transfer Functions Building a FOTF Object in MATLAB Interconnections of FOTF Blocks Overload functions for FOTF Applications by examples Simplifications of FOTF Blocks 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

8 2.1 Linear Fractional-Order Transfer Function Models
Fractional-order differential equations Laplace transform, zero initials, GL definitions Mathematical form 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

9 2.2 Creating an Object in MATLAB
Procedures Create folder Establish essential *.m files fotf.m display.m Proposed syntaxes for the creation of object fotf Design other files --- overload functions mplus.m, mtimes.m, feedback.m bode.m, step.m and others 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

10 Fotf.m Lile Listing fotf.m file
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

11 display.m file listings
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

12 An Example A give fractional-order plant model
Enter the coefficients/orders first, then call the fotf function to construct a FOTF model MATLAB code 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

13 2.3 Interconnections of FOTF Blocks
Typical connections 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

14 Overload Functions Redefining * Algorithms MATLAB implementation
Math form Terms Combine the polynomials MATLAB implementation 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

15 A common function unique.m
Listings 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

16 Redefining + operators
Algorithms (parallel) Math form Terms Implementations 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

17 Redefining feedback() function
Algorithm for feedback connections Math form Collecting terms 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

18 A Illustrative Example
Consider a typical feedback control system Unity negative feedback Plant Controller Find the closed-loop overall system model 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

19 2.4 Simplifications of FOTF Blocks
For connections uminus, inv, simple, mpower (limited use) Example FO-PID With the overload functions, complicated modelling of FOTF system is possible 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

20 3. Analysis of Linear Fractional-Order Systems
Mittag-Leffler Functions and Applications Analytical Solutions to Commensurate-Order Systems Grünwald-Letnikov Definitions and Applications Definitions and Computations A closed-form Solutions of FO differential equations Stability Analysis of FO Systems Frequency-Domain Analysis Time-Domain Analysis 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

21 3.1 Mittag-Leffler Functions and Applications
Definitions of Mittag-Leffler Functions One-parameter ML function An extension to exponential function a=1 Special Examples 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

22 Mittag-Leffler Functions in Two Parameters
Definition A special case of ML with one parameter Integer-order derivative 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

23 MATLAB Implementations
Syntax Math form Code Problems with the code: if the terms are too many, xn for large x may not be converge 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

24 Examples of Mittag-Leffler Functions
Draw respectively Show that Fail for large x, try Podlubny’s mlf.m function, however no derivatives found 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

25 Analytical Solutions to Linear Fractional-Order Differential Equations
Linear Differential Equation u(t) is a step function The general form of the analytical solution is quite complicated, compared with integer-order differential equations 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

26 Mittag-Leffler’s Algorithm Based Step Response Analysis
Formula, complicated 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

27 Simplified Three-Term System
When the model is Analytical solutions of step response where MATLAB implementation 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

28 MATLAB Code Call internally ml_fun.m
Limitation: applies only to three-term systems 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

29 An Illustrative Example
A three-term system The parameters Solutions Analytical Solution 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

30 3.2 Analytical Solutions to Commensurate-Order Systems with Laplace Transforms
Useful Laplace Transforms Suitable for impulse signals Suitable for step signals 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

31 Commensurate-Order Systems
General form of a commensurate-order system Let Partial Fraction Expansions can be used 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

32 Impulse Responses Relevent Laplace Transform One has
Analytical Solutions 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

33 Step Response Relevant Laplace Transform One has Analytical Solutions
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

34 An Illustrative Example
System model Commensurate-order conversion Partial fraction expansion 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

35 MATLAB functions for ML function
Impulse response Step response MATLAB functions for ML function My ml_fun.m: extremely fast but sometimes fails Podlubny’s mlf.m: slow but works well 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

36 Draw Responses Impulse Response Step Response (ml_fun fails for )
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

37 3.3 Grünwald-Letnikov’s Definition of Fractional-Order Differentiation
where Equivalent to Riemann-Liouville definition Caputo definition may not be suitable 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

38 Syntax MATLAB code Limitations Samples of y must be known
Cannot be used inside a system Validation of results, with different h’s 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

39 Closed-Form Solutions to Fractional-Order Differential Equations
Consider the equation below first Closed-form solution 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

40 Consider the whole equation
Closed-form solutions Evaluate the right hand side first Use the previous closed-form solution Advantage over previous method Applicable to non-commensurate-order systems Limitations: cannot be used inside a system 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

41 3.4 Stability Analysis Only applicable to commensurate-order systems
Characteristic equation, for Impulse response Stability assessment 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

42 Also works for non-commensurate-orders
Approximate order setting, by 0.01 A MATLAB function 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

43 An Example A FOTF model Approximate commensurate-order model
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

44 3.5 Frequency-Domain Analysis
Evaluation of fractional-order transfer functions Substituting directly into Write an overload function folder 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

45 Other functions Syntaxes are the same with bode of LTIs
Other overload functions, folder Nyquist plots Nichols plots 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

46 Frequency-Domain Analysis
Example Plant model Draw Bode diagram 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

47 3.6 Time-Domain Analysis Based on 3.3, Overload function lsim.m
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

48 Other Overload Functions
Step response Impulse Response Example 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

49 Example: A Complicated System
Fractional-order ODE Transfer function MATLAB code 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

50 4 Simulation Analysis of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Systems
Approximating FO Differentiator Oustaloup filter Modified filter Optimal Rational Approximations Design of a FO Differentiator Block Block Diagram-Based System Modelling in Simulink, with Examples Validation of Simulation Results 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

51 4.1 Filter Approximations to Fractional-Order Differentiators
Why filters Essential block Previous simulation algorithms methods not suitable for signals inside a system Filters Continuous filters Carlson, Matsuda, Oustaloup, modified Oustaloup Discrete Filters, IIR FIR, not discussed here 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

52 Oustaloup’s Filter Target, to fit a fractional-order differentiator
Straight lines Gain, slope 20g Phase, constant pg/2 Not possible to fit in entire range Region of interest Oustaloup’s algorithm 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

53 A Modified Filter Why modifying Modified filter
Cannot fit well in the selected range Fitting quality needs improvement Modified filter Normally Fit more accurately in the whole interval of interest Higher order, limitations 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

54 MATLAB code Oustaloup’s filter Modified filter
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

55 Comparisons of the Filters
An example, 0.5th order derivative Bode diagram comparisons 0.5th-order derivative for 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

56 Comparisons of a FOTF System model Comparisons of the two filters
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

57 4.2 Optimal Rational Approximations
An example High-order integer-order model obtained 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

58 An Sub-Optimal Model Reduction Algorithm
Reduced-order model Criterion MATLAB function opt_app() 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

59 An Example Original model Reduced-order model
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

60 Reduction Results Different order combinations
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

61 Frequency Response Fitting by Integer-Order Models
Frequency response fitting functions, invfreqs and invfreqz, can be used to get IO-models Continuous filter Discrete filter Get the transfer function 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

62 A counter-example An open-loop model Frequency response fitting
Optimal reduction 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

63 4.3 Design of a Simulink block
Why a Simulink block No global algorithm for fractional-order system, or a FO plant inside a system Block-diagram based simulation is feasible Design of a block 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

64 4.4 Block-Diagram Based Simulation with Examples
Linear system simulation Let Converted model Simulink model c10mfod1.mdl 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

65 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

66 A nonlinear system System model Solve
Construct a Simulink block diagram c10mfo2.mdl Validation of simulation results 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

67 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University
11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

68 4.5 Validating Simulation Results
Changing parameters and see whether consistent results can be obtained Changing Parameters Simulation control parameters RelTol Algorithms Filter parameters Frequency range Order N 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

69 5 Design of IO/FO Controllers
A PID controller design tool, a GUI Optimal control, objective functions Optimal control solutions OCD program, a general GUI PID optimizer, a PID design GUI Optimal fractional-order controller design Mixed integer programming and applications A case study 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

70 5.1 A PID Controller Design Interface
Model type FOPDT Other Models, by approximation Time-domain Frequency-domain Sub-optimal approximation Hundreds of tuning rules implemented Easy to use graphical user interface (GUI) Test plant 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

71 5.2 Optimal Control: Optimum Criterion Selection
In control literatures LQ Good math formula, closed-form solution No direct relationship with responses Optimality artificial: Q, R, S selection? error minimization , too conservative 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

72 What is the “best” or reasonable criterion?
Other criteria The fastest time: bang-bang control The smallest cost criterion Other error-based criteria ITAE IAE Finite-time ITAE What is the “best” or reasonable criterion? 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

73 Which is the Most Suitable?
Comparison: , ITAE and finite-time ITAE For , the following test model is used plant Objective: design an optimum PID controller Not suitable for LQ design Optimization key point: how to describe the objective function for criterion? 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

74 Finding the optimum controller
Pure unconstrained numerical optimization Optimal PID controller Closed-loop response Control signal 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

75 Simulation Results Analysis
Advantages of controller Closed-form solution can be obtained Disadvantages Treat the error at any time equally, which results in the oscillation in the output Control signal is extremely large at the very beginning, causes damages in the hardware Conclusion: Not a good choice, and cannot handle nonlinearities 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

76 ITAE and Finite-time ITAE
Pure ITAE based controller cannot be designed And it may neglect the details at initial time Finite-time ITAE controller design Simulation must be used to evaluate FT-ITAE Simulink model: c5moptpid.mdl Design an objective function 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

77 Design a FT-ITAE-PID Controller
Running optimization procedure The controller Closed-loop response The control signal, saturation can also be used Finite-time tf selection 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

78 Comparisons among the Criteria
ISE cannot accept saturation elements Why ISE is not as good as FT-ITAE? ISE treat the error at any time equally ITAE puts heavy weights on t. For large t, the optimization forces the error tend to zero much faster. Why in literatures, ISE or is widely used? Can easily be solve via norms The performance is sacrificed With MATLAB, one should consider FT-ITAE 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

79 Constrained Optimal Controller Design with MATLAB
If it is required that s≤3% traditional algorithms cannot be used Constrained optimization solver can be used A plant Simulink model c5mopta.mdl Find an optimal controller 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

80 Objective function (unconstrained)
Design an controller Constraint function Design 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

81 5.3 OCD --- an Optimal Controller Designer Interface
Run OCD interface under MATLAB The user has to draw the Simulink model first, with unoptimized parameters No need to write programs Powerful and useful An demo of OCD Plant model: c7mopt1.mdl Finite-time 30, Actuator saturation 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

82 5.4 An Integer-Order PID Controller Designer: PID_Optimizer
Can be used to design PID-type controller for linear/nonlinear plant model Allow different criteria Enter tf model or draw plant model Allow actuator saturation Allow overshoot constraints Use different optimization such as normal optimization and PSO, GA etc 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

83 5.5 Optimum Fractional-Order PID Controller Design
For plant , with search, nothing better found than IO PID controller Different combination of parameters tried, for (1,0.2),(1,2), no better FO PID found Few other plants should be used to test whether consistent results be obtained For complicated control problems, fractional-order controller may behave better 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

84 5.6 Optimal Fractional-Order PID Controller Design using Mixed Integer Programming Approach
Why/How Mixed Integer Programming? With a step of 0.01 for l and m, too much mesh grids to be used, say 10,000 optimizations needed Let Then x4,x5 are integers Branch and bound algorithm can be used for mixed integer programming, e.g., bnb20 function 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

85 A Case Study: Servo Mechanism
Problem model Requirements Actuator saturation: Tricky one: 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

86 Mathematical Model State variables State space model
The output equation 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

87 The results in ACC’06 paper
Best IO-PID best FO-PID Seems not global optimal controllers found 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

88 Robustness comparisons
For load changes +50% changes % changes 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

89 Robustness for nonlinearities and parameters
Coulomb friction Dead zone nonlinearity +50% in kq -50% in kq 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

90 Question: Is There Exist a Plant where PIlDm is Superior to PID Controller?
Topics: Optimum Finite-time ITAE criterion Models tested, however IO-PID performs better than FO-PID controllers FOPDT: for T=1, L=0.2, 1, 2 Servo Mechanism Fractional-order plant 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

91 Concluding Remarks A mini-toolbox is designed for FOTF object
Connections *, +, feedback Stability analysis Frequency-domain analysis, bode, nyquist, nichols Time-domain analysis, step, lsim Filter approximation to FO differentiators Oustaloup’s filter and the modified version Model order reduction A Simulink block for complicated systems Optimal design of FO controller is explored 11/13/2018Tuesday, , 23:33:28 A Talk at CSOIS, Utah State University Numerical Issues on Fractional-Order Control Systems

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