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Power Scenario, Renewable Energy and General Manager (SOLAR)

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1 Power Scenario, Renewable Energy and General Manager (SOLAR)
Government Policies. Presented by Er. Kishor Shinde General Manager (SOLAR) SuryaCon, Pune Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA)

2 About MEDA MEDA is Registered as a Society under Societies Registration Act, 1860 (In 1985) and Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 (In 1987). To Promote and Develop New and Renewable Sources of Energy and Technologies(State Nodal Agency) To Promote and Implement Energy Conservation. (State Designated Agency under the guidance of BEE) 2 2

3 National Objective Sustainable Economic Growth by Energy Security.
Minimize Dependency on Fossil Fuels. Reduce Carbon Emissions. Develop Alternative Energy Sources that are Clean, Reliable and Sustainable. Access of Energy to All.

4 State Objective GoM in line with the Policy of Central Government has adopted the policy of achieving its share in the National Target of Renewable Up to 10 % of the Conventional Energy in the State will be with Renewable Energy and Accordingly Declared Policies from Time to Time.

5 Achievement As per recommendation of 13th finance commission Maharashtra State received Rs. 961 crores for best achievement in Renewable Energy capacity addition during to National Award for Outstanding performance in the promotion of Renewable Energy during 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2014 National Award as the Best State Designated Agency for Energy conservation activities for the years , and National Awards for Excellence in the field of Renewable Energy in various 12 categories from AREAS. National Excellence Award 2016 for Rooftop Solar Power Projects in the Innovations in Solar Energy Category National Excellence Award for highest number of CST installations in the State of Maharashtra- 2016


7 Indian Power Scenario(31.10.2017)
Installed Capacity and Peak Demand 1.362 GW ( ), per capita-16units GW ( ) per capita 1075 units ( ) Peak Demand (As on ) : GW Total Installed Capacity (As on ) Sector MW % of Total State Sector 102,998 31 % Central Sector 081,102 24 % Private Sector 147,017 45 % Total 331,117 7

8 Indian Power Scenario(31.10.2017)
Installed capacity from Various Source Total : GW. Thermal : GW % Nuclear : GW % Hydro : GW % RE : GW % 8

9 Why RE ? Do We Know? 1 kWh of Electricity Generated at Thermal Power Station Emits 3015 Kcal of waste heat 1Kg of CO2 0.6 Kg of NO2 0.09 Kg of CO 0.007 Kg of SO2 and Generates Kg of fly ash. 9 9

10 National RE Target by 2022 Establishment of Renewable Energy Projects of 175 GW capacity by 2022, which includes 100 GW of Solar power. 40 GW through Decentralized Rooftop Projects, 40 GW through Utility Scale Solar Plants, and 20 GW through Ultra Mega Solar Parks 60 GW of Wind 10 GW of Bio-Mass 5 GW of Small Hydro.

11 National RE Achievement- 2017
Achievement : Total :60157 MW Wind : MW % Bio power : MW % Small Hydro : MW % Solar Power Projects : MW %


13 Maharashtra Power Scenario(30.06.2017)
Maharashtra Installed Power Scenario Total Installed Capacity : MW State (Maha Genco) : MW- 33 % Private : MW- 50 % Central Sector : 7422 MW – 17 %

14 Sector-Wise Power Energy Utilization Scenario In Maharashtra

15 Maharashtra RE Target by 2022
For Maharashtra Capacity addition of 14,400 MW (14.4 GW) of RE projects – to ensure ambitious share in the ambitious National target of 175 GW. Renewable Energy Policy – 2015 dated Government Policies.(Overall Target as per RE 2015 Policy ) Wind : 5000 MW. Bagasse : 1000 MW. Small Hydro : 400 MW. Biomass-Based : 300 MW. Industrial Waste : 200 MW. Solar Power Projects :7500 MW (MahaGenco = 2500 MW)

16 Maharashtra State RE Achievement- 2017
Achievement as on Wind : MW. Bagasse : MW. Small Hydro : MW. Biomass-Based : MW. Industrial Waste : MW. Solar Power Projects : MW. Total : MW

17 Solar Power Project National Solar Mission

18 National Solar Mission
Launched in 11-Jan-2010. Target : 20GW(GCT) + 2 GW. (Off Grid). Approved Up scaled in 2015 Target : 100 GW by 2022. Year Wise cumulative target (100 GWp). Year Yearly Solar Target (GW) Cumulative Solar target (GW) 5 12 17 15 32 16 48 65 17.5 82.5 100

19 RoofTop Solar (40 GW) Subsidy scheme Incentive scheme AD Scheme

20 Methodology for Implementation of GCRT Solar Projects in the State of Maharashtra
General Guidelines. Benchmark Cost by MNRE is 75000/- per KWp. Recent Revision ( ): 1 to 10 KW : 70000/- per KWp 10 to 100 KW :65000/- per KWp and > 100 KW 60000/- per KWp. Benchmark Cost for Maharashtra is Rs 61000/- per KWp, CFA is 30 % of Benchmark cost or Project cost which ever is minimum. CFA scheme is not applicable for Govt. Buildings, Govt. Institution/ Govt. Organizations including PSU’s . Applicable for system from 1 KWp to 500 KWp only.

21 Sector Wise/ Category Wise Eligibility for CFA
Residential All type of Residential Buildings Social Sector Schools, Health Institutions including Medical college & Hospitals, Universities, Educational institutions etc. [including those registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and the Indian Trust Act 1882.] Institutional Sector Community centres, Welfare Homes, Old Age Homes, Orphanages, Common Service Centres, Common Workshops for Artisans or Craftsman, facilities for use of Community. Trusts/NGOs/Voluntary Organizations/Training Institutions, any other Establishments for Common Public use etc. [including those registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and the Indian Trust Act 1882]

22 Achievement vis-à-vis target allocation
Incentive based scheme for Govt. buildings, Govt. institutions/Govt. Organizations including PSUs. (Revised on ) 03/88/ /GCRT Sr. No. Achievement vis-à-vis target allocation Incentive 01 80% and above within the sanction period 16,250 per kW 02 Below 80% and upto 50% within the sanction period 9,750 per KW 03 Below 50% and above 40% (Including 40 %) within the sanction period 6,500 per kW 04 Below 40% within the sanction period NIL

23 Net Metering Policy and Its Regulation for the State of Maharashtra

24 Net metering for Roof-Top Solar Photo Voltaic Systems) Regulations, 2015
General Guidelines: MERC Notified (Net Metering Policy for Roof top Solar PV System) Regulation 2015 on 10th Sept 2015 for New/Existing Consumer for their own captive Use. Net metering eligible for all LT/HT consumer with system from 1 KWp to 1 MWp. Solar System are owned and operated by the consumer itself or by third party leasing such system to the consumer.

25 Net metering for Roof-Top Solar Photo Voltaic Systems) Regulations, 2015
The cumulative capacity of all Roof top Solar system under Net metering arrangements connected to the particular Distribution Transformer shall not exceed 40 % of its rated capacity. The solar installation beyond 40 % of DTC rated capacity may be allowed on consideration of detail load study of particular DTC. The variation in capacity of Solar PV system shall be allowed within a range of 5 %

26 Energy Billing

27 Components of MSEDCL Bill(2017-18)
Demand Charges (category wise). Energy Charges (category wise). Wheeling Charges (voltage wise). FAC. Electricity Duty (category wise). Tax on sale – 9.04 paisa/kWh. DPC %. Interest 60 to 90 days 12%, Above days 15% and Above 180 days 18%. Interest on arrears of interest.

28 MSEDCL Tariff Year 2017-18 Residential-
Demand Charges-Rs.60 /month,1-Ph & 170 for 3-ph (Inclusive of wheeling charges Rs 1.21 /KWh) 1-100 : Rs 4.21 : Rs 7.94 : Rs 10.91, : Rs & Above 1000 : Rs 13.69 + ED : R- 16%, C- 21%,Cinema- 19%, CPP- 120 paise per unit & Industrial %+ Tax on sale- 8 paise per unit+FAC

29 MSEDCL Tariff - 2016-17 HT Category-22kV and 11kV:- HT- Industry:-
Continuous / Non continuous, Express / Non express:- Rs.7.95(7.92) per kWh (Including, wheeling charges Rs per kWh), Demand charges Rs.235 per kVA per month. Seasonal Industry: Rs.8.65 per kWh (Including, wheeling charges Rs0.82 per kWh),

30 MSEDCL Tariff HT IX Public Services: Govt Educational Institutes, Hospitals. Express /Non Express: Rs.7.92(7.88) /kWh (Including, wheeling charges Rs 0.82 /kWh), Demand charges Rs.235(220) /kVA per month. Public Services Others (Including Ports):- Rs.9.82 per kWh (Including, wheeling charges Rs0.82 per kWh) Demand charges Rs.235 per kVA per month.

31 MSEDCL Tariff - Commercial
Slab Year Units 0-100 3.20 7.30 4.00 >200 5.60 10.53 >20 &<50kw - 11.19 >50kw 13.76

32 Innovative Scheme Planned by Government of Maharashtra

33 Chief Minister Solar Agriculture Feeder Scheme
Agriculture Sector Consumes 30 % of the Total Power Consumption in the Maharashtra State. Policy published for Agriculture Feeder as “Chief Minister Solar Agriculture Feeder Scheme” on 14th June 2017. Concept to Energize Agriculture Pumps from Solar Energy Feeder to help Farmer to avail power during the day time. Curtail Burden of Energy Charges on Cross Subsidizing Consumers.

34 Chief Minister Solar Agriculture Feeder Scheme
Two Demonstration sites Proposed for the project by MahaGenco in Co-ordination with MEDA and MSEDCL. Village RaleganSidhi , Dist : Ahmednagar. Village Kolambi, Dist : Yawatmal. Price offered in reverse bidding For Ralegansiddhi is Rs. 2.94/KWH Price offered in reverse bidding For Kolambi is Rs. 2.97/KWH

35 Chief Minister Solar Agriculture Feeder Scheme
MAHAGENCO : Mahagenco will develop the land and infrastructure. Mahagenco will sign tripartite PPA with the SPD and MSEDCL for 25 years. MSEDCL : MSEDCL will provide Evacuation Facility. MEDA: MEDA will register the project and provide VGF for the infrastructure. SOLAR PROJECT DEVELOPER (SPD) : SPD will develop the project including O&M for the period of 25 years.

36 Drinking Water Pump for Rural Area
Off Grid Solar Pump for Drinking water in Rural Area. Pump Capacity of 3 and 5 HP. 100 % Fund by the Government. Beneficiary to be Finalized by CEO Target of 2 Crs each District in the First Phase Scheme will be Implemented and Executed by MEDA

37 General Manager (Solar)
Er. Kishor Shinde General Manager (Solar) Cell : Thank You

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